Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sometimes it's Not a Break up

"Sometimes it's Not a Break up."

For you who may have broken up with someone
sometimes it's not a break up but making room for the right one.
You see every experience should be a learning one and when
you're losing someone in your life this is what's being done.
When you come into the knowledge of who you are and
whose you are Yah will make some changes in your life.
If you are single and living with someone Yah is going
to change all that He wants you to be a wife.
Yah created marriage and shatan copied it and gave
many marriages to his own like game of House.
The only commitment you have when you play is that
you must not be committed to getting a spouse.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but you're moving on
to better things and this time it's Yah's choice.
He's bringing you into the fulfillment of the one He's
chosen you still hear shatan but you listen to Yah's voice.
Whoring was never the way Yah meant for us to live but
when we give into the spirit and the flesh it's the way we go.
It's time we came into the knowledge of what we're to do
before Yah and before marriage we need to say No!
Sure this is easier said than done but when you listen
and obey your flesh you're obeying shatan as well.
You're rejecting the way of Yah to please your flesh thinking
you're enjoying yourself but shatan is setting you up to fail.
Relationships fail everyday because without Yah and Love
it has no foundation that will keep it strong.
You cannot believe you can make anything right when you
know that it started out wrong.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but a break free of the
horrors many ignore to make something work that's not meant to.
A variety of abuses take place in these relationships once
they've invaded your privacy and sexually had you.
Sure it feels good and many think they're bonding but
consider the spirits associated with the act that you do.
Not only are you sharing bodily fluids of everyone they've
had but unseen spirits are taking possession too.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but your life is being saved
from the hell that the sorry person is bringing you through.
This break up is another learning experience where you
have another experience to share with your dream come true.

shelly david wright, poet

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