Sunday, May 9, 2010

Out of Yah's Heart

"Out of Yah's Heart."

The windows of Heaven opened up and out
of Yah's own heart He sent me a Gift from above.
He heard my cries in my loneliness and answered
my prayers with a part of Himself to Love.
Out of His heart He created someone very special
and gave her His spirit and Love for me too.
A miracle entered my life when we met and now
you are everything that has meaning, I Love you.
My heart was down because of those I had met
before you, they weren't mine or meant for me.
Sure they were sent but not from the one I serve
what we had was empty and surely wasn't meant to be.
In this life there are a lot of lessons to learn and
when you listen with your heart you will learn.
There are many impostors who use the word Love
but from the fruits they bear they have no concern.
Lust at one time ruled in my life before my awakening
it was all about my needs and desires.
I was lost as many are today who'll say anything and
everything to get their way, at one time we all were liars.
But now I know there is a difference and the years of
celibacy have taught me it's a heart to heart thing.
No longer am I obsessed with the physical but the
emotional because there's only hurt that sex will bring.
It's meaningless without Love and devotion it's nothing
without commitment and being right with the Most High.
Marriage is what He gave us to share our emotions in
to express through our bodies true feelings we can't deny.
Yah opened His heart and gave me a part of Himself
and when you came I began to live and experience life.
A life where the two became one in the spirit and the
two will be one in the flesh when you become my wife.
How Beautiful it is when you are kept to wait on the
one you've prayed for and hoped would come.
To see the blessing that He has prepared you for and to
know it's not shatan this time who she's coming from.
Many now have been praying and some have settled
but settling for less than you deserve is so wrong.
If you are a child of the Most High you should never
settle for something that you know won't last very long.

shelly david wright, poet

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