Sunday, May 23, 2010

Evening Cruise

"Evening Cruise."

We wait until the sun is about to set in the
cool of the day to take an evening cruise.
We always pack a blanket in the wagon and
a basket filled with goodies that each of us choose.
We find a place that's near the river or the lake
so we can relax and catch a breeze.
We have a board game in the back and we pull
out the White Zinfandel and cheese.
As we relax and listen to some soft music we
reflect on how blessed we are to have someone.
Someone who is a gift from heaven a Lover and
a friend, a companion to have some fun.
We make time to release the stresses of the day
by wine and romance and the company of two.
We're always holding one another because we
know hugs are medicine and a miracle they do.
Evening cruise after the heat of the day and we
ride with the windows down and sunroof opened too.
The sounds of the romantic CD's I've recorded
and holding the hand as I drive the one I pursue.
I pursue the sweetness of the nectar like kisses and
the honey dipped lips that I Love to taste.
With each kiss it gets better and one moment on
your lips I cherish and a moment I never waste.
Evening cruise as we drive through the park over
to the back where we can spread our blanket out.
We will lay there and snuggle up because we're
attached emotionally without a doubt.
I enjoy the simple times we share on these evening
cruises where we enjoy our lake or river view.
We have our pillows and lay back on them and
watch the clouds in a sky that's a pretty blue.
Just the simple things mean the most to many
people spending time is more important than money.
People have things and are so miserable not having
someone they can Love or trust really isn't funny.
Take an evening cruise and enjoy the time together
keep folding chairs an ice chest or a basket in the car also.
Remember romance is something you continually work
at and the rewards from your labor will show.

shelly david wright, poet

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