Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Perfect Treasure

"The Perfect Treasure."

I'm in search for the perfect treasure that
is worth more than their weight in pure gold.
The value is more than the world's largest diamond
and the most rarest ruby a treasure to behold.
The perfect treasure has to be one you would cherish
and one you'll never want to share with anyone.
This treasure is all that I've ever wanted and it
is more brilliant to me than the light of the Sun.
I'm in search of the perfect treasure and Scripture
says He that finds a wife has found a good thing.
Because into the heart of her husband when she has
the spirit of Yah only happiness and joy she will bring.
The search is taking me into deep prayer and learning not
to settle because shatan will send a piece of glass your way.
It will look like a diamond and will seem to be one until
it is tested and it breaks apart to reveal itself one day.
I say it's the perfect treasure because all things from
Yah are perfect and you must be worthy to receive.
You must be a treasure yourself to be the perfect pair
you shouldn't want anyone less than you I believe.
Love is the truest form to test your treasure and you
will know if it's there by the things they will do.
Because your happiness and not their own
your desire and your heart they will pursue.
We are in a time of great deception where too many
don't want Love but would be satisfied screwing.
When you're of that mindset satisfaction won't be
because you're in shatan and trouble will be brewing.
He'll send you what may look like what you want because
his daughters are many in different shapes and sizes also.
But you must be one of his to get one of his Yah doesn't
allow His own to get mixed up in that way you had better know.
Yah has nothing to do with whoring or adultery I can see
a slip as in David's case but a lifestyle of whoring No!
You had better learn there's a cost associated with
everything that you do what you reap you shall sow.
The perfect treasure is one chosen by the Most High one of
His whom He has set apart from the world we live in.
One who knows that their life is to bring honor to their
Father and to whore around will bring Him dishonor because it's sin.

shelly david wright, poet

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