Sunday, May 23, 2010

Killing Them Slowly

"Killing them Slowly."

Many females have this disease and it's called Settling
and they're dying slowly on the inside from it.
Rather than having someone who completes
them they settle for the imperfect fit.
The mindset of got to have a man is insane
because his penis and his insensitivity is all you get.
There are many who are hurting badly from them
settling for less and many are dealing with regret.
Women are emotional creatures and they need
someone who can process and feed them emotionally.
They really need someone who is able to listen with
their hearts and speak to their hearts spiritually.
The truth is it's not about sex it's about an
emotional attachment they would like to feel.
Someone they can Love and trust someone who
will be there for them someone so real.
Many women are dying daily inside they're
hurting seriously from the mistakes they've made.
They're still having sleepless nights and fits of crying
the horror they experienced takes time to fade.
It's not the easiest thing for a woman to give her
heart but to be betrayed could destroy her completely.
From someone who only saw the place below her
waist who set out to hurt her intentionally.
It's not weak to be sensitive and caring it's a strength
to show your emotions and to return true Love.
When you Love and feel Loved in return there's
no greater feeling or high that you'll ever know of.
Too many are existing instead of living with a male
when they really need to have a man in their life.
Free Samples giving the Milk away for free being
irresponsible with your body won't make you a wife.
Behind their continued mistakes many females are
so messed up and bitter as Sweet and Sours used to be.
They are mean and filled with so many spirits that
they're not only dying but being destroyed internally.
Lack of true Love is killing them slowly and settling
should be a sin because it's the worst thing you can do.
Love heals and brings happiness in your life you don't
need a male who is void of Love to plant his seeds in you.

title by, Meisha Fisher
shelly david wright, poet

Evening Cruise

"Evening Cruise."

We wait until the sun is about to set in the
cool of the day to take an evening cruise.
We always pack a blanket in the wagon and
a basket filled with goodies that each of us choose.
We find a place that's near the river or the lake
so we can relax and catch a breeze.
We have a board game in the back and we pull
out the White Zinfandel and cheese.
As we relax and listen to some soft music we
reflect on how blessed we are to have someone.
Someone who is a gift from heaven a Lover and
a friend, a companion to have some fun.
We make time to release the stresses of the day
by wine and romance and the company of two.
We're always holding one another because we
know hugs are medicine and a miracle they do.
Evening cruise after the heat of the day and we
ride with the windows down and sunroof opened too.
The sounds of the romantic CD's I've recorded
and holding the hand as I drive the one I pursue.
I pursue the sweetness of the nectar like kisses and
the honey dipped lips that I Love to taste.
With each kiss it gets better and one moment on
your lips I cherish and a moment I never waste.
Evening cruise as we drive through the park over
to the back where we can spread our blanket out.
We will lay there and snuggle up because we're
attached emotionally without a doubt.
I enjoy the simple times we share on these evening
cruises where we enjoy our lake or river view.
We have our pillows and lay back on them and
watch the clouds in a sky that's a pretty blue.
Just the simple things mean the most to many
people spending time is more important than money.
People have things and are so miserable not having
someone they can Love or trust really isn't funny.
Take an evening cruise and enjoy the time together
keep folding chairs an ice chest or a basket in the car also.
Remember romance is something you continually work
at and the rewards from your labor will show.

shelly david wright, poet

It Only Hurts When You Care

"It Only Hurts When You Care."

We have so many people who are hurting going
through drama like this world has never seen before.
It seems the more you do the more you're not appreciated
and for you there's always a complaint in store.
Too many people have gotten with those who aren't
sensitive neither do they care to be.
The only feeling they have is lust and anger they
can't express Love or sensitivity.
There are choices and some males and females alike
look at the package but never knowing what's inside.
Many times our choices are all bad for us because
when we look we can't see the demons they hide.
It only hurts when you care for someone because when
they know you care they'll take advantage of you.
When they know you are all in to them these devils
will mess around and all manner of dirt they'll do.
It only hurts when you care and many sleepless
nights occurred when their eyes were full of tears.
Many have had to deal with broken hearts and
for their healing to come it really took years.
Right now trust is the main issue and today many
are settling or thinking they can change them.
You see only Yah can change a person you need
to realize this and go in prayer to Him.
In fact go to Him in your prayer place and let go and
let Him change the things in your life that need change.
He is the one who knows what's best in your life He
can come in and rearrange.
It only hurts when you care and worry never changed a
thing except the color of your hair and your health too.
Some times we are our own worst enemy because we
put ourselves in the places and hell we go through.
Be it trouble in the home or on the job wherever
it only affects you when you care from the heart.
This is a tool of shatan and he will use the weakness
of your caring to tear your world completely apart.
It only hurts when you care and you care about people they
will hurt you because it's nothing for them to let you down.
Beware the ones who say they Love you are the worst
of all the wicked I have found.

shelly david wright, poet

The Sounds of Love

"The Sounds of Love."

There are no sweeter sounds than the sounds of
Love as we moan and groan into unspeakable pleasure.
From skin to skin and heart to heart with lips
that meet in a deep passionate kiss beyond all measure.
The sounds of Love from the moisture or the sweat
our bodies will produce a sweet melody.
The sounds that we will hear as we enjoy the moments
are the most precious of all in intimacy.
The sounds of Love the heart beats and the breaths
we take as our bodies produce more sweat.
Working together with the goal of pleasing the other
and to the ultimate ending that we'll never forget.
The sounds of Love and that of Lovemaking that
we'd rather hear than any other sound.
These are the sweetest sounds ever known to the ears
when two are in Love, intensely their hearts pound.
The sounds of Love starts with words that will
introduce the two into a realm of sheer delight.
Two who will pamper and please each other not
just for Lovemaking but practice this every night.
True Love isn't just felt in the bedroom but every
room in and out of the house, Love to your spouse you show.
There isn't a time when they don't need to hear you say
that you Love them in actions and deed let them know.
The sounds of Love can be heard in the music
I enjoy music that arouses the way of true romance.
It's not about extravagance but the simple things it's
about making her feel Loved that will get her out her pants.
The sounds of Love are what my ears long to hear they're
the sounds she'll make when you caress her soft skin.
She'll release sounds not just from her being aroused but when
she Loves you it will be from her heart within.
When you Love you will hear the sounds of Love not taking
a moment for granted but enjoying each and every one.
When you Love you are hearing the sounds of pleasure
you're giving and receiving it's Lovemaking that's done.
The sounds of Love are those heard from the beginning to
the end until you reach your destination and you breathe heavily.
These are the sounds that come from two bodies that expressed
a Love that they feel both physically and emotionally.

shelly david wright, poet

Rainy Day Romance

"Rainy Day Romance."

It's raining hard outside and the wind is blowing
then there's thunder and lightening too.
All of a sudden the lights go out so lighting a candle
to illuminate the room is what we do.
Every moment with you is a romantic one and
with the lights out this is the time to play.
We can get in bed or just get the wine and relax
tonight as the storm is passing through we shall lay.
Mama said we should be quiet during the storm
and she used to cover all the mirrors also.
But what we'll cover is ourselves between the
sheets and let all our passions during the storm show.
It's a rainy day and it's time for romance we're
enjoying the storms that are passing through.
Hugging and kissing and feeling you all over as the
thunder makes you jump I'm there for you.
You squeeze me tighter as the lightening flashes
and I'm liking this storm very much tonight.
I'm enjoying cuddling with my honey and not
only her hugging me but also holding me so tight.
Boom goes the thunder again after the flash
and I pour her another glass to sip on.
Pretty soon the wine has done it's job and she is
relaxed and her fear of the storm is gone.
As the thunder is rolling through the skies we're
rolling between the sheets as it pours down.
In this storm that has put out the lights, in the bed
with my wife romance has come around.
Rainy day romance is what we're enjoying as the
rains pour and the thunder roars we're at peace.
We're lying in each other's arms as the storm has
blown over resting there after our release.
Tonight the storm came through and blew out the
lights and my honey and I had enjoyed some romance.
Whenever the time arises I say seize the moment
whenever the mood hits go ahead and jump at the chance.
Whether it's Sunny or rainy, day or night the time is
always right when the two are in Love and willing.
You can share a kiss and some sweet words and make the
time together so fulfilling.

shelly david wright, poet

It's Not About Age but Maturity

"It's Not About Age But Maturity."

It's really not about age but maturity
because there's many immature people around.
Age doesn't necessarily mean wisdom because
there are many aged foolish people I've found.
Shaul said when he was a child he did childish
things but many of the aged still do childish things today.
They're still chasing after the things they did when
they were young and playing the games they used to play.
It's not about age but maturity and in a relationship this
is where you'll find how immature many are for real.
They're irresponsible and so self centered it's all about
their needs and wants and they don't care how you feel.
We have more than enough single parents who were
immature and got with someone with the same frame of mind.
Sex isn't a game that you play it's about being responsible
but two immature people together you'll always find.
Then they bring children into the mix then you have
children with children and drama like never before.
Then you have those who are just Coochie Crack
addicted who are always looking for anyone for more.
It's not about the age of a person that makes them
mature age only makes them older and that's all.
You still have those with their Social Security checks
and their Viagra trying to make the Booty call.
In fact AIDS is increasing among the aged and drug
use like Crack they're getting hooked on that too.
Their immaturity has an adverse affect on their lives
where they're doing the same things their children do.
I know some times I feel like 55 going on 15 but I'm more
responsible now and through my poetry this I show.
Many aren't mature yet they're well up in age but there
are those who are young who are very mature I know.
Maturity is important but spiritual maturity is most
important because Yah has so much that He must teach.
It is only the mature mind and heart that are submissive
to Him it's the spiritually mature He sends out to reach.
It's not about age but maturity age is a number that
increases but it doesn't increase you to have maturity.
There will always be young fools turning into old fools
as long as shatan has control of them spiritually.

shelly david wright,poet

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wine and Rose Petals

"Wine and Rose Petals."

The bath water is running I have the oil lamp
burning with a Lavender scent in the air.
The wine is chilling in a bucket of ice and I'm
placing rose petals on a trail and everywhere.
Tonight is a special night as they all are since we
were introduced by Yah and I fell in Love with you.
Romance is our recipe for happiness so all things
that lead us to intimate moments we do.
From the heart we leave each other Love notes
and imply what we will do erotically.
Our lives are a gift to each other and we spend
our every moment pleasing each other passionately.
The kisses that are our morning breakfast treat
and the hugs that send us on to our day.
With calls and texts that express the Love we
feel and we show it in our actions without delay.
We celebrate the blessing we've found in each
other and praise our Father continually.
Because when we look into each other's eyes it
is a true miracle of the Father's Love we see.
Tonight we'll have Salmon and a salad with
spinach as a vegetable and each other for dessert.
Your lips will be coated in chocolate and the
taste will be enjoyed as my tongue I insert.
Wine and Rose petals music by Luther as Papa
is doing Mellow Moments again back at night.
Here we are in the tub standing bathing you as
you bathe me with a kiss or two holding you tight.
Romance starts in the mind and it's a mindset as
well as a spirit that you must nurture constantly.
Saying the sweetest words with sensitivity or words
that are written with drawn hearts of poetry.
Wine and Rose petals and Neo is singing the candles
are our only light that we will need.
Tonight we will use our lips our arms and all of our
body parts because our passions we're here to feed.
As we enter the bedroom there are more rose petals
on the bed as you lay down on your stomach for me.
The wine bottle is empty and we're in the perfect
position for a full night of Love and intimacy.

shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Holding You with All My Heart

"Holding You with All My Heart."

In my arms there is a treasure that I will cherish
with all of my heart because you're everything to me.
When you're in my arms I have a piece of Heaven
that I can hold with my arms and my heart endlessly.
Holding you not just hugging you because your softness
feels good to me it's a softness that touches me so.
When you're holding someone skin to skin it is sensuous
when their skin is baby soft holding someone you can't let go.
The softness of your skin and the fragrance you're
wearing you really make me feel good to hold you.
In my arms is my treasure from heaven my Gift from
the Father my heart's delight and dream come true.
Holding someone is truly intimate it's a sensitive
thing that many don't truly ever get to feel.
When you're holding someone physically you're
holding them emotionally and spiritually to be real.
It's a heart to heart thing when you Love someone
holding and being held is a great feeling too.
You don't always have to Make Love to enjoy the moment
when you're in Love you're happy with everything you do.
The holding the kissing is a part of the richness of Love
before penetration but penetrating a heart should be first.
And holding someone as if they were the most precious
thing you ever touched can quench an emotional thirst.
When I hold you I'm holding you with all of my heart
be it in the shower or in the park behind a tree.
When you hold someone they're a treasure a gift of Love
someone you can give your heart to entirely.
Holding you with all of my heart and Loving with
all of my heart because what's in my arms is a Gem.
There are a lot of smiling faces out here but what I've
been blessed with exceeds all of them.
When you hold someone it's deeper than just a hug but
we need hugs as a show of affection and as medicine also.
We all need the feeling of being cared about and wanted
when you're sensitive this you really need to know.
Let me hold you with all of my heart in these arms
that have never held someone so precious in my life.
What I'm holding in my arms is the Masterpiece creation
that Yah first held before He made you my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

Sour Grapes

"Sour Grapes."

When you're in the Super market you'll see the
grapes in the fruit section and they're beautiful to the eye.
You won't know until you taste them if they're
sweet not until you give them a try.
I've purchased grapes that weren't sweet but they
were very sour to the taste.
When you get a bag of these you really feel that for
the money you spent it was a waste.
Sour grapes are like the people who are very
attractive on the outside but many are bitter within.
For whatever reason they are so messed up emotionally
and the frowns many where it's like smiling is a sin.
We as a people have some of the most attractive
women that this planet has ever seen.
But when you approach them or even look their way
they come off as being so mean.
Sour grapes beautiful packaging but the contents
are less than you would desire.
When you see the attitudes / spirits that possess them
you know it is only the outside that you can admire.
Sour grapes with those sour spirits filled with
the hurt that they received from the past.
Hurt behind something that was allowed to happen
and they can't see the blessing that it didn't last.
We are in a time where there is an abundance
of everything yet the people have nothing without Love.
Things are just things they're stuff you can have it
all and be truly bankrupt without Joy from above.
People are more unhappy now always frowning and
booted up complaining all the while.
Not ever being satisfied because the spirits that
possess them in deep poo poo and it's a big pile.
They're not the only ones who are unhappy
Yah is very unhappy with many of them.
He is coming back in wrath He's angry because
these ungrateful people just continue to provoke Him.
If they're sour grapes now He's going to make wine
by crushing them destroying like He did those long ago.
The deaths in Noah's day or in Sodom and Gomorrah will
seem like nothing compared to what He will do you better know.

shelly david wright, poet

Soft Sweet Tender Kisses

"Soft Sweet Tender Kisses."

When I look at your lips I imagine just how soft
they will feel and just how sweet they'll taste to me.
When I see you and you look my way I can see us
together in an embrace so vividly.
When I hear your voice I hear the melody of a Love Song
that was written in my heart and never sang before.
When you are actually standing eye to eye I'm in
the presence of greatness someone I truly Love and adore.
And when I hold you I receive and give soft, sweet,
and tender wet kisses that resonate all over the two.
Passions ignite a fire that would make the Sun sweat that's
when our hunger and drive for the other come through.
When our lips meet in soft sweet tender kisses our
tongues dance as our bodies move along.
Kisses filled of our emotions deep wet kisses with
power and passion behind them out of a Love Song.
When I kiss your lips and touch your body
I feel you move as if your temp has started to rise.
I see the yearning to be touched in the most special
way when I look and see myself in your eyes.
I feel your heart beating faster when I pull you
closer and I don't want to let go.
Very soft lips as are the mounds where I rest my
hands that are balls of cotton softer than snow.
Kissing is one of the most sweetest pleasures that
has healing properties for the mind and body too.
My body gets energized and I'm like the Rabbit
I keep going when my hands and lips are on you.
Upon your creation the Heavenly Beings must have
shouted because I want to scream when we lay.
Your lips are like the world's finest chocolate that I
can't get enough of and I want it everyday.
Your soft sweet lips make for the most delicious tender
kisses that I have ever tasted in my whole entire life.
Just one of your patented Juicy wet sticky kisses
made me a believer and you my wife.
Soft sweet tender juicy wet passionate kisses that I live
for are just the introduction to a fantasy filled night.
Where when I close my eyes I will enjoy the pleasures
of a King because I have a treasure that's a total delight.

shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not the Paper But the Commitment

"Not the Paper But the Commitment."

Marriage is more than the license it's far more
than the piece of paper that's of no worth.
It is a union where the two whom Yah has joined
are made one before the foundation of the earth.
Many have that piece of paper and they've taken
that license and made it one to commit adultery.
The value of their marriage is as valuable as the
paper the license is printed on worthless entirely.
If marriage isn't in your heart and in your spirit
a ceremony or a piece of paper will mean nothing.
Because into many lives there is so much drama where
the spirits they have are wicked and only hurt they bring.
Many have rings on their fingers and it's just a piece
of jewelry there is no meaning or commitment behind it.
Many in shatan's world go after those who are married
they want someone who is committed they'll admit.
They may not be committed to their spouses but they're
surely committed to their father shatan who they obey.
What Yah created and blessed to make it set apart the
adversary mocked it and made it a game many play.
The head of marriage is Yah and it should be built on
a foundation of His Love that He's placed within you.
If this isn't the main ingredients then it will fail as many
are falling and failing everyday so many marriages do.
Shatan marries his who are unconscious of who they are
and these disasters bring out the worst in them.
These are the marriages the world sees and say that's why
they don't want to get married a horrible example from him.
Marriage is Love and devotion, commitment and caring all
these and more should be within before you meet that special one.
You must be chosen and be spiritually Yah's before the mindset
of marriage can be in your heart and their heart can be won.
Not the paper but the commitment that wants to make
you treasure and cherish someone above yourself for life.
You should be willing to place their needs above yours
and know that you must deny self for your wife.
More valuable than the license that the state gives you
is the marriage that Yah has blessed you with from above.
Before the meeting, the dating, and the engagement there
should be a mindset to commit and a heart filled with Love.

shelly david wright, poet

The Most Beautiful Women on Earth

"The Most Beautiful Women on Earth."

The most Beautiful women on earth are Mothers
they're Superwomen without capes who can't fly.
But they're always coming to the rescue when you
scrape your knee or you get something in your eyes.
No one ever was like this Superwoman who can
juggle many tasks and still find time to Love you so.
She is truly beyond an artist to conceive she is the
incredible Masterpiece of Yah if you didn't know.
There's a difference in Mothers just because you can
give birth doesn't make you worthy of being called one.
We're in a time where it's all about sex and instead of
being Mothers making them Baby Mama's is what's done.
They don't have the same values, morals, or the virtues
and standards that Mothers had long ago.
These qualities you don't see but I hope that one day the
Mothers we had growing up for their children's sake will show.
The most Beautiful women on earth are Superwomen
we call Mother who Yah gave the power to show true Love.
These Superwomen are the next best things to Angels who
were sent into our lives as lifetime gifts from above.
Mother's Day is just a single day in May but what a real
Mother does should be appreciated everyday that she lives.
Because they're truly under appreciated because so much
of herself, sacrificing and her last she forever gives.
The Most Beautiful women on earth are Mothers whether
they gave birth to a child or one who couldn't conceive.
Because there are many who are barren but they are still
Mothers and they're capable of a Love like you wouldn't believe.
Flowers candy or just things that can be bought but give her
something that money can't buy a Love with all your heart.
Show her the Love and respect she deserves be the obedient
child you are suppose to be and you've done your part.
Superwoman who is able to fix breakfast and clean up then
do everything there is to do around the house.
We have Superwomen who are Mothers who can do it all
being single parents without the spouse.
The Most Beautiful women on earth are Mothers and they're
Superwomen who deserve a standing ovation I'll say.
The Most Beautiful women on earth are Superwomen
who I can wish on the 9th happy Mother's day.

To All the Mothers Everywhere
shelly david wright, poet

Sometimes it's Not a Break up

"Sometimes it's Not a Break up."

For you who may have broken up with someone
sometimes it's not a break up but making room for the right one.
You see every experience should be a learning one and when
you're losing someone in your life this is what's being done.
When you come into the knowledge of who you are and
whose you are Yah will make some changes in your life.
If you are single and living with someone Yah is going
to change all that He wants you to be a wife.
Yah created marriage and shatan copied it and gave
many marriages to his own like game of House.
The only commitment you have when you play is that
you must not be committed to getting a spouse.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but you're moving on
to better things and this time it's Yah's choice.
He's bringing you into the fulfillment of the one He's
chosen you still hear shatan but you listen to Yah's voice.
Whoring was never the way Yah meant for us to live but
when we give into the spirit and the flesh it's the way we go.
It's time we came into the knowledge of what we're to do
before Yah and before marriage we need to say No!
Sure this is easier said than done but when you listen
and obey your flesh you're obeying shatan as well.
You're rejecting the way of Yah to please your flesh thinking
you're enjoying yourself but shatan is setting you up to fail.
Relationships fail everyday because without Yah and Love
it has no foundation that will keep it strong.
You cannot believe you can make anything right when you
know that it started out wrong.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but a break free of the
horrors many ignore to make something work that's not meant to.
A variety of abuses take place in these relationships once
they've invaded your privacy and sexually had you.
Sure it feels good and many think they're bonding but
consider the spirits associated with the act that you do.
Not only are you sharing bodily fluids of everyone they've
had but unseen spirits are taking possession too.
Sometimes it's not just a break up but your life is being saved
from the hell that the sorry person is bringing you through.
This break up is another learning experience where you
have another experience to share with your dream come true.

shelly david wright, poet

Out of Yah's Heart

"Out of Yah's Heart."

The windows of Heaven opened up and out
of Yah's own heart He sent me a Gift from above.
He heard my cries in my loneliness and answered
my prayers with a part of Himself to Love.
Out of His heart He created someone very special
and gave her His spirit and Love for me too.
A miracle entered my life when we met and now
you are everything that has meaning, I Love you.
My heart was down because of those I had met
before you, they weren't mine or meant for me.
Sure they were sent but not from the one I serve
what we had was empty and surely wasn't meant to be.
In this life there are a lot of lessons to learn and
when you listen with your heart you will learn.
There are many impostors who use the word Love
but from the fruits they bear they have no concern.
Lust at one time ruled in my life before my awakening
it was all about my needs and desires.
I was lost as many are today who'll say anything and
everything to get their way, at one time we all were liars.
But now I know there is a difference and the years of
celibacy have taught me it's a heart to heart thing.
No longer am I obsessed with the physical but the
emotional because there's only hurt that sex will bring.
It's meaningless without Love and devotion it's nothing
without commitment and being right with the Most High.
Marriage is what He gave us to share our emotions in
to express through our bodies true feelings we can't deny.
Yah opened His heart and gave me a part of Himself
and when you came I began to live and experience life.
A life where the two became one in the spirit and the
two will be one in the flesh when you become my wife.
How Beautiful it is when you are kept to wait on the
one you've prayed for and hoped would come.
To see the blessing that He has prepared you for and to
know it's not shatan this time who she's coming from.
Many now have been praying and some have settled
but settling for less than you deserve is so wrong.
If you are a child of the Most High you should never
settle for something that you know won't last very long.

shelly david wright, poet

The Perfect Treasure

"The Perfect Treasure."

I'm in search for the perfect treasure that
is worth more than their weight in pure gold.
The value is more than the world's largest diamond
and the most rarest ruby a treasure to behold.
The perfect treasure has to be one you would cherish
and one you'll never want to share with anyone.
This treasure is all that I've ever wanted and it
is more brilliant to me than the light of the Sun.
I'm in search of the perfect treasure and Scripture
says He that finds a wife has found a good thing.
Because into the heart of her husband when she has
the spirit of Yah only happiness and joy she will bring.
The search is taking me into deep prayer and learning not
to settle because shatan will send a piece of glass your way.
It will look like a diamond and will seem to be one until
it is tested and it breaks apart to reveal itself one day.
I say it's the perfect treasure because all things from
Yah are perfect and you must be worthy to receive.
You must be a treasure yourself to be the perfect pair
you shouldn't want anyone less than you I believe.
Love is the truest form to test your treasure and you
will know if it's there by the things they will do.
Because your happiness and not their own
your desire and your heart they will pursue.
We are in a time of great deception where too many
don't want Love but would be satisfied screwing.
When you're of that mindset satisfaction won't be
because you're in shatan and trouble will be brewing.
He'll send you what may look like what you want because
his daughters are many in different shapes and sizes also.
But you must be one of his to get one of his Yah doesn't
allow His own to get mixed up in that way you had better know.
Yah has nothing to do with whoring or adultery I can see
a slip as in David's case but a lifestyle of whoring No!
You had better learn there's a cost associated with
everything that you do what you reap you shall sow.
The perfect treasure is one chosen by the Most High one of
His whom He has set apart from the world we live in.
One who knows that their life is to bring honor to their
Father and to whore around will bring Him dishonor because it's sin.

shelly david wright, poet

Beyond the Bedroom

"Beyond the Bedroom."

Beyond the bedroom many relationships fail
because there's no true commitment at all.
Just a commitment to getting them into the
bedroom or wherever they can fulfill their booty call.
Lovemaking is a wonderful thing that Yah gave to the
married but it's the cure to save a marriage alone.
Outside of the bedroom is where the drama is and in
many bedrooms it's there when they're not getting it on.
But if your relationship is based on lust not Love it's over
no matter what you do or how many thrills you get.
When a relationship is based on the performance in
the bedroom then many are unfulfilled living in regret.
There is a lot of adultery that occurs outside of the
bedroom when it's about feeding a sexual appetite.
Sex is spiritual first and physical second and if it's
not emotionally filled with sensitivity it won't be right.
Many act like it's the Sexual Olympics where they
need to qualify in positions and things they can do.
Bottom line some people are just plain nasty they
have that spirit all they desire is sex it's an addiction too.
But beyond the bedroom where it comes to running a
house they fail they don't even have kind words to say.
They are very critical of the other always finding faults
always in the streets so those whorish spirits can play.
Shatan is the god of this world and to not expect wicked
and lustful things to happen is not being real.
When you have a spirit of lust where all you crave is sex
then sex is all you'll get never Love because it's not what you feel.
Many who can't function pass the bedroom are in divorce
courts or separate for reasons based on their insanity.
They don't realize anything outside of Yah's spirit is
unclean possession they're caught up spiritually.
Beyond the bedroom in many homes there's no commitment
to anything but getting back into the bedroom to get some.
We need to realize there's more to marriage than sex but
this mindset that destroys homes behind whoring is dumb.
Beyond the bedroom is home and family that many can't
seem to get a grasp on or even know how to take care of.
Because if the only time you can get along is in the bedroom
the spirit of lust is what you're filled with and not Love.

shelly david wright, poet

Beautiful Words Heartfelt Passion

"Beautiful Words Heartfelt Passion."

Beautiful words with heartfelt passion
with a dose of sensitivity.
Written to express the beauty that more
than my eyes will ever see.
Inspired by a smile and a personality
from someone with so much Love to give.
Someone who in this cold cruel world
makes life a Joy to live.
There are beautiful words of heartfelt passion
written from my heart but inspired by you.
When you Love someone beautiful things you
find yourself doing when a heart you pursue.
Beautiful words that I feel deep within and a
passion for someone special that I Love.
You are one of the sweetest people to ever exist
without wings you're more than an angel above.
The beauty that is within you is unimaginable
for an artist to paint or conceive.
Truly like a Princess from a fairy tale you're
just too wonderful to believe.
The beautiful words that I write can't even compare
to the wonderful creation standing before me.
You're a heart's delight in every way someone
you feel heart to heart emotionally.
Beautiful words of heartfelt passion I feel honored
to be in the heart that you tell me I melt.
By these words you do the same for me and with
these words I want you to know just how I felt.
With the Love that flows from my heart through
the pen I send these words to you my dear.
Words that are felt deep within you that touch
you in places all over when these words you hear.
Beautiful words of heartfelt passion written by a
a man who treasures and Loves you so.
Words that only come to life because of the feelings
that inspire them feelings I want you to know.
I Love that Yah has chosen me to write these words
and that He's given me someone to write them to.
Someone so sweet and so wonderful truly a Gem from
His crown someone so precious in my life I never knew.

shelly david wright, poet

Learn to Love Yourself First

"Learn to Love Yourself First."

We are losing our children to the Slaughter on the
streets where we can't discipline them in the old way.
We have listened to the god of this world who rules
this country and now we abide by what they have to say.
Our people have so much self hatred and distrust instilled
in them so individually we need to turn this thing around.
We need to teach our children and learn to
Love ourselves first is the wisdom I hope is found.
When our children Love themselves first and spread
that Love murder and mayhem in the community will fall.
I know this is shatan's world and his reign but there's
something that we can do we need to heed the call.
Learn to Love yourself first especially those of you who
don't know your self worth isn't in your body but heart.
You should know that your body isn't to be given as a
free sample to any one, playing the game of sex isn't smart.
When you Love yourself first you become responsible and
sex outside of a commitment and marriage you shouldn't do.
It's the blessings of the Most High not your self satisfaction
or that of some male that you should pursue.
I know this isn't a popular message but I don't write many
of those the truth isn't pretty but it will save your life.
Solomon said in Scriptures that the whole duty of man is
to serve Yah and keep His laws, you want sex get a wife.
The same message goes for you females with those same
lustful spirits and there are many of them.
You need to Love yourself and your own husband with
your male whore you need to stop sleeping around on him.
There's a reason why Scripture says Yah is coming back in
wrath He's an upset parent with children who are hard head.
From the very beginning when you look back in Scripture
we have steadily rejected His laws and all that He's said.
When you learn to Love yourself first you reduce the drama
and insanity that occurs in the lives of those who do not.
Because when you Love yourself first you begin to see a
change and a peace of mind you've got.
Learn to Love yourself first that goes for everyone who
needs to male and female alike Love we need to learn.
Because when you Love yourself first you won't fall for
the foolishness that allows many who mess with fire to get burned.

shelly david wright, poet

Will You Be My Queen

"Will You be My Queen."

I stand in the presence of the Most High with
His Messengers surrounding Him.
Asking you will you be my Queen, be my wife
in your presence with the rest of them.
You're an uncrowned Queen but a woman of
integrity, quality, and dignity also.
You have values, standards, morals and virtues
set by Yah in your spirit you know.
Upon your creation you were thoroughly furnished
with all that you would ever need in this life.
When you were conceived you had a purpose and
a calling that turned into a ministry of being my wife.
All that you've gone and grown through the trials,
and the errors the sleepless nights and heartaches.
You were brought through the storm with all those
who were in your life that caused you heartbreaks.
Yet you didn't break but bend and now you are more
than what you were ever in your life before.
You are now a Queen who has seen your share of
trouble that didn't break you but made you more.
Will you be my Queen you're the one whom I'll treasure
and cherish for a lifetime because you're the one I Love.
You're someone special you're the one I prayed for
you were created in Heaven sent from above.
On this day I vow not only to you but in Yah's presence
that I will be there by your side forever and always.
I promise to be there through whatever we're sent
through we'll stand together to give Yah the praise.
On this day as we're in Yah's presence I am filled
with Joy and Happiness like I never knew.
I'm standing before Yah with tears in my eyes
so amazed at the blessing He's given me through you.
Will you be my Queen because you're already a Queen
and one beautiful person more than eyes can see.
A world full of money means nothing compared to the
delight that the Most High has given unto me.
Will you be my Queen and I your King to become one
in spirit and in the flesh as I answer the question I Do.
When I was introduced to you by our Heavenly Father
I met His Masterpiece creation and a dream come true.

shelly david wright, poet

More than a Dream

"More Than a Dream."

You're more than a dream could ever be
you're more than anything that I could ever imagine too.
You're more than the zillion words I've ever written and
you're more than I ever thought possible when I look at you.
You're more than any dream I've ever dreamed
even those where I was flying around without wings.
One look into your sweet Beautiful eyes and into
my heart true happiness you bring.
The sound of your voice is a melody of all the Love
songs I've ever heard in my life.
I'd be a fool if I didn't say I Do you're the one
who was always meant to be my wife.
You're more than a dream that could ever come true
you're a vision that came to me from above.
You are everything that means the most to me in life
and with all of my heart it is you that I Love.
More than a dream or anything my mind could
conceive of you're more than my poetry will ever convey.
Life is so special and filled with meaning
now I look forward to getting up day after day.
I praise Yah for what I thought was impossible
you're more than a dream could ever be or come true.
My every day is beautiful since I've fallen in Love
it is your happiness with all of my heart I pursue.
On the days when the vows flow from my heart
and roll from my tongue I will have so much in store.
I will have all of what Yah promised into my life I will enjoy
breath after breath moment after moment what I never experienced before.
You're more than a dream could ever be and one
that I would Love to dream about night after night.
It seems like the Love of Heaven came down to me
and here on earth I have my every delight.
You're more than a dream could ever come true
you're a woman that is beyond compare.
So one with a heart that is filled with a Love and I'm
the one who is blessed with a Love like yours to share.
My darling you're more than a dream , I'd sleep a zillion years
and never dream you're more than anyone I've ever met.
I could go insane and lose my mind but you from my heart
I would remember you're someone I will never forget.

shelly david wright, poet