Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Learn to Say No

"Just Learn to Say No."

Until we teach our daughters they are Princesses
who will be Queens they will never learn.
That they are very special and no one's whore because a male will
disrespect them after he's had them and will show them no concern.
Until we teach our daughters to just say no and teach
them from Scripture to do things Yah's way.
With their minds and bodies shatan through foolish
young males will continue to play.
House is not a game and certainly not sex being
irresponsible could cost them their very life.
There are many slinging their diseases and AIDS
is real if he wants sex tell him he needs a wife.
If you're good enough to sleep with you're good enough
to marry and don't spread yourself until your wedding night.
Sure let him move on if he can't wait you're a Gem
and you need to know you're a Heavenly delight.
Sex is the most dangerous thing you can do not only
because of disease, demons, and drama, but the Most High.
If the first 3 mentioned don't get you I know Yah will
deal with you and in His Word He does not lie.
If you're going to sow then sow something that you'll
through a blessing want to reap.
When you sleep around you're playing Russian Roulette
because sex will destroy you or put you six feet deep.
Abortions, domestic violence, abuses of all kinds, not to
mention bringing a baby into this insanity.
Until you say I do you will be taking a gamble and if you
get pregnant him being there for you won't be a guarantee.
We need to pray this whorish lifestyle out of our homes
and know that following the crowd leads to nowhere.
Because a lot who played house either aborted their problem
or is still having child support issues with a dick who didn't care.
And just like we talk to our daughters we need to talk to our
sons and don't instill in them to sow their wild oats like many do.
We don't need to teach our sons to be whores but teach them
to be responsible and self respect they need to pursue.
We have young Kings and Queens who need to have living
examples to see us walking right before them.
We need to raise our sons and daughters to trust in Yah
and all our needs will be met by Him.

shelly david wright, poet

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