Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Body is All I'm Worth

"My Body is All I'm Worth."

This is the mindset of many females who see their
bodies as means to an end for a better life.
Many will use their bodies to get the nicer things
they want sleeping around being the other wife.
What's so sad is there are many who have this
mindset who are living with AIDS everyday.
Many who are pretty females with low self esteem
who think that using their body is their only way.
I used to hear stories of how some parents
would tell their daughter to use what they have to.
Get what they want from a man and believe me
many of them really do.
Prostitution is all that it is when you Lay for
money or things you can't perfume a Pig.
You need to know that no matter how much
the world approves of it Yah doesn't you dig.
You're worth more than your body you're Priceless
you're more than your physical appearance could ever be.
The true you is within through the spirit of Yah that
is growing to make you the Queen who's blessed with Beauty.
My body is all I'm worth should never come out of your mouth no
matter what you hear you need to know you're more than pretty.
Even those who aren't seen as a Trophy need to know your
body still isn't for whoring read 1st Corinthians 5 and see.
Your body is the Temple of Yah and His spirit dwells
within you're His you were bought with a price.
Those who believe that all they have is their body to
make it happen are opening themselves up for nothing nice.
I admire Yah's Beautiful creation woman with delight
her shapely legs and pretty eyes and her personality also.
More than the physical I Love intelligence and her being
conscious of who she is in Yah, a Hebrew she knows.
This world is Obsessed and Possessed with sex and many
are driven to use their bodies to make a living for their family.
There are males who would go to a strip club and give
money to strangers but won't buy Pampers for their baby.
My body is all I'm worth is said by a spirit of low to no
self esteem from someone who feels they have no self worth.
You need to know that on your creation you were born
for greatness in Yah and you're treasured in all the earth.

inspired by Karen Barnes
shelly david wright, poet

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