Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The 5th P is Physician

"The 5th P is Physicians.

Preachers, Politicians, Pimps, and Pushers
are the 4 P's I earlier wrote to you about.
But this 5th P is as deadly as any who prey upon
the poor in my opinion without a doubt.
Physicians commit murder and mayhem through
medication many lives they screw up and take.
Yet these are the ones who are most trusted
and listened to, yet fools out of many they make.
Bush only had to go to Cheney's medicine cabinet to
find Weapons of Mass Destruction he had heart attacks.
I guess the old Bastard was so stressed out trying to make
his way to New Orleans during Katrina to rescue Blacks.
There are more side affects to medications than there are
spirits in the Physicians who think they're the Most High.
Many do have a complex of playing god but they're
playing the god of this world cause so many in their care die.
There are some who genuinely care about you but many more
are motivated by the dollar and their ego.
They aren't trying to heal no one but addict you to medication
and prolong the agony for the insurance you better know.
Healing only comes through Yah and following His dietary
Laws is a start because they are still in full effect.
There is nothing in the Tanak that Yah abolished and you'll
be in better shape if you follow them and eat correct.
The 5th P is one about greed because the Drug companies
pay them to dispense their poison to you.
Here this will make you better if you take it and will
line my wallet with dollars if you do.
There are more Physicians yet more Illness like there
are bigger Churches and even worst sin that we see.
Politicians, Pimps, Pushers, Preachers, and now Physicians
are very corrupt, sick and twisted too spiritually.
Many believe Yah gave the Physicians this knowledge
but Yah heals spiritually satan gives these devils their skills.
He knows that the medication is poison and those who
he's placed in Power are eliminating many through Soft Kill.
If you must trust in a Physician just know what you're taking
look it up and see if there is a natural remedy.
Because they have an agenda set by the Ruling Class to
take as many out as possible destroying you internally.

shelly david wright, poet

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