Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Commitment of Love and Fidelity

"A Commitment of Love and Fidelity."

We're living in an age where commitment is a word
that many because of the spirit within don't adhere to.
So whatever feels good to the flesh at that time with
whomever regardless of if they're married or not will do.
There is only hurt and heartbreak in pleasing the flesh
Scriptures says no whores or adulterers will make it in.
You see there's a difference between an act and an
attitude where you continually indulge in that sin.
When Yah created marriage there was no divorce in the
plans because of the hardness of hearts He allowed it to be.
But not for any grounds as many are filing for them
but He said in Mattithyahu 19 it has to be for adultery.
When you have a commitment of Love and fidelity
you're not prone to cheat if you have Yah within you.
Because you know that sex is just a small part of the
whole and that pleasing your flesh you won't pursue.
Sex is the greatest weapon in shatan's arsenal it has
destroyed more lives causes deaths everyday.
Men, women, and children suffer the worst abuses because
of the spirits associated in every conceivable way.
Through shatan there is disease, drama, and demons in
sex Yah created it to be enjoyed in marriage only.
This I know many of you ain't trying to hear but when
you know the truth the penalty for sin you will see.
What is wrong with just having your spouse and being
pleased with them and not looking for someone on the side.
If it's not from Yah and from the heart it will cause you
much sorrow and heartbreak from hurt you cannot hide.
Many of you say that women have issues and attitudes but how
many of them have you screwed and screwed over in the process.
What did you contribute to this insanity don't point the finger
at them when you have your own issues to address.
And to the females you add to your own pain and problems
hearing the words Love or seeing the money doesn't make it right.
You need to learn what is real and what is true to seek Yah
first and first to Him be His heart's delight.
We don't need this cheating I got to get mine mindset that is
of shatan but one of caring for the other with all concern first.
We should not be about self serving or being self centered
trying to feed an unsatisfying unquenchable thirst.

shelly david wright, poet

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