Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Future is With You

"My Future is With You."

I looked into your eyes and I saw my future
and I can see spending the rest of my life with you.
To forever be yours and you being mine for an
eternity living as one our whole lives through.
My future is with you and it looks bright because
Yah has made you the light of my life.
During the past of eternity we were seen as one
before time as we know it began you were my wife.
In the greatest season of our lives we were brought
back together we met once more.
Yet when we saw each other it was for the first
time as we thought but in the spirit once before.
My future is with you because our past began
the same way the two were one from the start.
You know how it seems you've known this person for a lifetime
well in Yah you did in your life they're a very special part.
Someone you feel you can't live without and someone
that you think about everyday.
Someone who more close than you could ever imagine
who has bonded with in a very special way.
My future is with you and yours is with me we
belong together as from the beginning it was meant to be.
Because what I'm feeling is real and so Beautiful
when I look in your eyes I see your future and it's me.
My future is with you and forever I'll be yours
and you will live in my heart constantly.
My thoughts, my words, will give praise to my
Heavenly Father for the Beautiful gift that I see.
Before you and our Father I pledge you my life as
it was already yours before this vow I began to say.
In sickness I will be there as a healing to your heart
and my life to protect yours I will gladly lay.
My future is with you and from the moment I looked
into your eyes I saw everything that I needed to know.
The most precious woman I've ever met in my life I feel
now through Yah I met and fell in Love with long ago.
My past, my present, and future is with you we were with
the Most High before our birth and lives in the flesh began.
We did not meet by accident it was designed to the second
our eyes met our Love and us being one was Yah's perfect plan.

shelly david wright, poet

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