Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not a Race but a Disgrace

"Not a Race but a Disgrace."

As the chosen of Yah the children of Yisrael
we're to set the standards not have it set for us you see.
But through our continued disobedience we were kicked
out of our homeland taken from Africa to be in slavery.
We lost our identity to others who are now in Yisrael
when we are the original people whom Yah gave that land to.
Yirmeyahu 30:3 tells us Yah will turn back our captivity
and bring us back to our homeland too.
But before that we're going to go through a time as spoken
in verse 6 where it looks like a man is giving birth.
A time of trouble is coming for us as a people like we've
never seen or will never see again upon the earth.
Verse 11 Yah says He's making a complete end of all Gentiles
where He scattered us but not a complete end to us.
He says He will reprove us in judgment and by no means
leave us unpunished is His Word you can trust.
What we've become as people is not a race but a disgrace we've
become our own worst enemies slaughtering each other everyday.
We look at each other like so many Gentiles look at us with
hatred in our eyes as if with a look one another we'd slay.
We've been Willie Lynched so bad there's no Love or trust
except for our oppressors who continue to lynch us mentally.
Willie must have taught our people to hate themselves but
Love them because we have become Gentiles intensely.
We treat them like they're the chosen and they're the
greatest creation since the invention of sliced bread.
We would rather be with them than some of our people
would rather marry them than their own instead.
We're always in their faces kissing their asses and brown
nosing them when in their face they want to let you know.
That you are beneath them in their twisted minds and to
hell in gasoline drawers and panties they want you all to go.
Yet we without reason or fault hate each other and kill
without remorse or cause, this is a disgrace.
We look at them with admiration and look at each other
as if we can't stand to see another Black face.
We're not a race but a disgrace to Yah and many of
us like in the wilderness are going to have to die.
Yah is going to clean house as He did in times past
He's going to purge His people as Scriptures testify.

shelly david wright, poet

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