Wednesday, April 28, 2010

With Every Beat of My Heart

"With Every Beat of My Heart."

With every beat of my heart and every breath
I take I find myself Loving you more and more.
With every thought that I have about you I know
that I never felt anything this special before.
I'm in Love and I know it I'm as emotional and
so sensitive I know I'm completely crazy about you.
It's not just your physical attraction but what I
can't see but feel within and your personality too.
You're more than I knew could exist in someone
human you're more than I could believe came from above.
Heaven has to be a wonderful place if you came from
there it has to be a place where everyone is in Love.
I find myself very impressed by the woman that could
only come as a blessing and a fulfillment to my life.
Someone who completes what Yah made incomplete
because I would be whole when He gave me a wife.
With every beat my heart pounds when you're
in my presence I get nervous like back in 5th grade.
You are the most Beautiful girl in the classroom and you
were my first kiss with lasting memories that never fade.
With every breath that I take I don't want it wasted
by not using my breath to say that I truly Love you so.
There is nothing that I want to hide I need to express
my feelings for you I really want to let you know.
Just how important you are to me and how an existence
turned into living when you came around.
The joy and happiness that somehow eluded me with
others was there when this new Love was found.
With every beat of my heart I feel so close to you
I feel our hearts were meant to beat as one.
With every breath that I take I'm breathing the same
air that you breathe and I'm the most blessed under the Sun.
I have all my needs answered you're my best friend
that I will always be able to talk to and learn from.
You're the miracle that became flesh and a part of me
you're my best and better half and there's more to come.
With every beat of my heart I feel your presence and with
each breath I take I praise Yah for you so much.
Like Gold or anything that is precious I feel like I have a
diamond, a gem something so exquisite when you I touch.

shelly david wright,poet

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