Monday, March 15, 2010

They'll Promise You the World

"They'll Promise You the World."

Today while I was listening to the radio I heard
a Sister who had a baby give the listeners her testimony.
She told the other Sisters not to have unprotected sex
because the promises he made never came to be.
Pat said, when Dick gets hard mouth says anything
and I'll add that they'll promise you the world too.
Up until he's had his fill and you become another
notch on his wee wee he'll be ready to dump you.
We're in a time where the young don't respect their elders
and the older women can't teach them what they don't know.
Some of them are so ignorant that they teach their own
to whore for money or get a Gentile male to marry also.
When the parents are corrupt how can the children be right
our girls need guidance from those with Yah's spirit in them.
Not the ones who tell them that anything goes, get your
freak on girl he's got money you better get with him.
The 3 D's that many women have are Drama,
Disease, and worst of all Demons in their lives.
When you have something that they lust for in their
spirit your vagina they'll even promise to make you wives.
Sex is more spiritual than physical and it's the spirit
stronghold that makes Soul ties real for so many.
Many are tied to human demons who don't care about
them past the bedroom and I do mean there's plenty.
They'll promise you anything but it's up to you to simply
say no and wait until they're responsible enough to say I Do.
Because if you're going to share in his irresponsibility
you'll have a baby to raise by yourself when he's through.
I'm not saying all males are like this but those who are in
darkness who are being led by satan go that way.
You see in his world there must be Baby Mama/Daddy
Drama so he puts the thought in their spirit to play.
Males and females alike are filled with the whorish spirit
and Yah will judge whores harshly read His Word.
Read Hebrews 10:26 and see what Yah says about purposely
sinning don't take anything for granted what you've heard.
When it comes to getting between your legs a male will
promise and say anything just pull the panties down.
Just don't get pregnant because it probably won't be his
and he won't find out because he's not sticking around.

shelly david wright, poet

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