Monday, March 15, 2010

Pretty Dangerous

"Pretty Dangerous."

Proverbs 31:30 Loveliness is deceptive and prettiness
is vain, A woman who fears Yah is to be praised.
It is sad that these words aren't adhered to, but like the
one Yah created perfect in Beauty many feel the same.
They truly believe when they look into the mirror they
see greatness, but with that spirit, never shame.
They did not steal it but inherited it from their father who
thought he was equal to Yah and wanted to be above Him.
I've seen many who are physically attractive who think
they're all that with the spirit of their father in them.
First let me say that not all those who are attractive have
that spirit even those in scripture like Esther the Queen.
I've met some very attractive Sisters who did not let their
looks go to their heads and were the sweetest I've ever seen.
Pretty is as pretty does and many have used their looks to take
advantage of a situation and whored themselves in the process.
If you were to go to an AIDS treatment clinic it would be a lot
of the pretty ones you'd see because their lives are a mess.
Wanted but not really wanted or Loved just trophies for
someone to show off to be seen with to make them shine.
Pretty females are wanted for their looks and not for
themselves and certainly not their minds.
Many have gotten caught up and messed up look
at David who had a man killed to have his wife.
2 Samuel chapter 11 you will read where David saw
Bathsheba bathing and plotted to take her husband's life.
He had him sent to the heaviest of battle and
left to die so Bathsheba could marry him freely.
David was plotting to murder a man and coveting
his wife and committing adultery in his heart you see.
Pretty had gotten him caught up and messed up for Yah
saw that this was evil so for this act David had to pay.
In chapter 12 you will read that the child that was born
to he and his wife Yah had taken away.
Look at Samson who also got caught up and messed up
prettiness in Judges 16:4 Delilah was the one who took his heart.
She aided his enemies by completely messing over him
and tearing his whole world apart.
Pretty is dangerous for those who get caught up and who let
their looks take them to a whole other level.
Physical Beauty is vain and temporary if it's not of the
heart it can certainly be a tool of the devil.

shelly david wright, poet

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