Monday, March 15, 2010

True Intimacy

"True Intimacy."

True intimacy is more than just the physical
it's emotional and filled with sensitivity.
Touch is important but penetration should be of
the heart and mind where you fill it inwardly.
Lovemaking starts in the mind before the body
ever feels the energy, true intimacy is in the heart.
It's not about what you do in bed but how you make
someone feel before whatever is done in the bedroom starts.
Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be respected by all, and the bed
undefiled: but Elohim shall judge those who whore and adulterers, too.
Webster defines defiled as to make dirty, pollute, profane, corrupt,
to make unclean or unfit so whatever you agree to, you can do.
But here lies the problem when a spouse isn't into oral or
anal that one wanting to do so is disappointed in them.
Some have even left that spouse to go outside of their
marriage to have the deed done by her/him.
First of all marriage shouldn't be about what you're
capable of doing in bed or what you're not capable of.
Marriage isn't about pleasing the flesh or your sexual
appetite but marriage is a oneness in Yah based on Love.
There are a lot of things that many women aren't comfortable
doing in the bedroom but they shouldn't be talked down to.
Marriage shouldn't be based on your sexual prowess
and certainly not what a freak is able to do to you.
Lovemaking and sex is quite different in nature because
one involves feelings, emotions, from within that Loved one.
True intimacy isn't selfish or self centered but pleasing
and submitting to one another should be done.
Lovemaking is an expression of what you feel within
your heart and you use your body to convey.
What all the words that were ever created that
could come out of a zillion mouths would ever say.
True intimacy is the Love of Yah within you and
two He's joined from the beginning being one also.
Two where His is spirit before they became flesh two who
He dwells within so the two who becomes one He knows.
True intimacy starts in the mind and heart and it isn't
what you do because just talking and holding hands feel right.
Because when you're in Love you have Yah's spirit, you
who He's joined together are truly His heart's delight.

shelly david wright, poet

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