Monday, March 1, 2010

The Virtuous Woman

"The Virtuous Woman?"

When you read Psalms 31:10 from the KJV and
the Scriptures a difference from the beginning you see.
The KJV says Virtuous woman but in the
Scriptures it says Capable wife as it was meant to be.
When you read further on you will read all that she
does but her virtues aren't mentioned in what I read.
Webster defines virtues as, moral excellence, righteous,
and goodness this is what the dictionary said.
Morals as defined is concerned with the principles of right
and wrong in relation to human action and character also.
When KJV asks who can find a Virtuous woman or as the
Scriptures ask who does find a capable wife, I don't know.
Virtues, values, morals, and standards aren't something
you can just pick up but it's a spirit that has to be within.
Because unless you are one who is called out of darkness
you will lean to the things that pleases the flesh and sin.
The Virtuous/ Capable wife is from Yah even proverbs
tell you that an understanding wife is from Him.
There are woman and females that are out here but a
woman or wife with Yah's spirit excels over all of them.
It's like the titles husband or wife you're either one or you're
not it's nothing that you can correctly be on your wedding day.
It's a position that Yah gave to Adam in the garden it was
who he was instead of a title that was given I'll say.
Marriages fail too because titles are only taken but it
has to be a mindset it has to be in your spirit too.
How can you be anything that Yah has instituted if
His spirit or Love is not in you.
There are women and females alike who say they're
Virtuous women/wives but virtues they don't display.
Their actions will tell you who they really are and
when they open their mouths you will cry, ain't no way.
The same thing can be said about you godly men well
satan is god of this world and follow his lead many do.
Many will sleep around and have a spouse at home while
yelling I'm a man of god, the biggest whores, it's true.
Who can find one, well she must be sent a reward, a gift to
one who is the same in morals, values, standards, and virtues.
One who was called by Yah from the beginning one who
Yah before the world's foundation knew.

shelly david wright, poet

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