Sunday, February 20, 2011

Words I've Longed to Feel

"Words I've Longed to Feel."

There's going to be a time that I will hear from
that someone special words I've longed to feel.
Words that will touch my heart and me all over
words that from her heart that will be real.
Her voice I will even feel when she speaks from
a heart of sincerity and sensitivity.
Beautiful words that I've longed to feel
words that touch me emotionally.
Words I've longed to feel heartfelt words
that I will hear with my heart as well.
Words she confesses from her heart that will
be greeted by mine I'm very glad to tell.
Words that I've longed to feel in my heart
from a Beautiful heart she will say.
Words she will speak but through the spirit
in a soft and in a Beautiful way.
In return from my heart I will indeed respond
with words that will touch her so.
Also not only with words alone but with the
emotions to back them my Honey she will know.
Many long to hear the sweetest words but from
a heart that is real and true.
Someone who is more than words but action is
there and they will prove their Love to you.
I Love you are more than words I hear but words
you want to feel deeply within.
When you hear and feel those words you the other
heart through Yah I did win.
The only true Love is the one that Yah gives you
the one He will bring into your life.
To be heard by the one He chose for you from the
beginning to become that husband or wife.
Words I've longed to feel will be heard when the
one I'm overwhelmed by says them to me.
I will say I Love you too from my heart with
understanding and full sincerity.
Words that were created to be heard with feelings
the ultimate that is filled with so much emotion too.
Words more than just I Love you will be felt when
from my heart to hers they will be flowing through.

shelly david wright, poet

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