Saturday, February 26, 2011

Beyond the Physical

"Beyond the Physical."

Beyond the physical is the emotional where a
heart needs to be treasured without measure and touched.
By someone who they truly Love and care about
and desire to have them in their lives so much.
Beyond the physical is the spiritual because the
foundation of Love is spiritual more than you can feel.
The spiritual presence of Yah in your life is the force
that makes all your emotions so real.
Sad thing is many never get beyond the physical and
this is where those seeking the emotion are torn apart.
They need the penetration not just of their body but
they need to feel penetrated by a Loving caring heart.
Heartbreak is in abundance in a society who only
wants physical gratification and that's all.
Some really want more than a wet behind and no
attachment they need more than a Booty call.
The reality is they desire to be Loved and appreciated
to be wanted for more than their bodies also.
They need someone who isn't afraid to be committed
and true Love for them they need for them to show.
Some sensitivity and understanding a listening and
caring ear and sincerity in their action too.
You see there's a difference in males and females compared
to men and women because it's Love that they pursue.
Beyond the physical and there are a lot of broken and bitter
people who got used for their bodies and left all alone.
Wham Bam thank you Ma'am was their whole intention
and they left a heart broken when suddenly they're gone.
I hate with an intensity Games played when a heart is
involved I have a daughter a Sister and a Mother.
This goes for you who think you need to have a male in
your life that bad to take the B.S. off of another.
I know many of you wanted a man but you got a male
and instead of Love you got lust and screwed in the process.
You need to know that settling not having standards,
morals, and virtues in your life will leave it in a mess.
Beyond the physical should be more than what you feel
when two bodies are moving skin to skin.
You need to have the beatings of two hearts that are
as one where the Love of Yah lives within.

shelly david wright, poet

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