Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Hunt for a Great Treasure

"The Hunt for a Great Treasure."

I'm on a hunt for great treasure that is more
precious than any Diamond, or Ruby could be.
A treasure that was formed by the hands of an
Artist a treasure that is Beautiful totally.
This treasure has been touched by many and chipped
by their mishandling of it.
Beauty in the hands of the Blind they couldn't
conceive its value for it's priceless I must admit.
It was hidden to avoid further abuse and to prevent
it from becoming too cold as well.
The harshness of others who were privileged to it
took a toll that sent it through Hell.
Broken many times and healed this treasure
but not it has been hidden away.
I'm in search for this treasure looking high and low
hoping I will emerge victorious one day.
I'm on the hunt for a great treasure a thing of
Beauty that only a few were ever allowed to touch.
A treasure unlike anything that I've ever seen before
that I need to have very much.
This treasure has a special power it can heal for
it affects you emotionally.
In the right hands this treasure will make you spring
into action for it provokes you to be all that you could be.
This treasure was in the beginning of creation in its
spiritual form and became so Beautifully real.
To be given this treasure a great trust must be
given because hurt again it doesn't want to feel.
This treasure is worth its weight in Gold but its
value is priceless to the one who has it to behold.
A treasure that will be cherished above all things
made or given for centuries untold.
I'm on a hunt for a great treasure and I'm going to
find it with patience and help from above.
For this treasure is filled with a Beauty and it has a
richness because it's dripping with Love.
Once I get this treasure I will make a vow for life that
with this treasure I will never part.
This treasure is most precious to me because out of everything
this world has to offer nothing is more special than your heart.

shelly david wright, poet

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