Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Love You More Than Words

"I Love You More than Words."

I Love you more than words will ever be capable
of saying or conveying.
I Love you more than a zillion people's emotions
will ever be capable of displaying.
I Love you through the good times and the bad times
I truly Love you with all of my heart unconditionally.
You're the best thing since my birth
that has ever happened to me.
I Love you as the Gem in my Father's Crown
the one that sparkles so brilliantly.
You 're the star that twinkles at night the brightest
in the heavens that I see.
You are more than the poems that I'm inspired to write
will ever say so Beautifully.
You are the one I've been given to Love, Treasure, and
Cherish so complete and endlessly.
I Love you more than words with feelings of deep sensitivity
and emotions that are too true to speak about.
You're the one out of everyone who ever existed
that I never want to be without.
You're the one who came from my rib the bone I lost
so it could become everything so dear.
You're the greatest part of me the very best part of
living am I making myself clear.
You're not only more than words but my thoughts
can't imagine someone so wonderfully grand.
You are more than my mind can wrap around or
will be able to comprehend or fully understand.
All I know is that I'm thankful for living because in
this space you live and you make life so sweet.
Upon my birth and throughout my life until I met you
I was half a person not fully complete.
To meet you at a time that I was ready to give up made
finding you heartfelt a gift that was Heaven sent.
You came into my life when I needed you most at a time
way back in eternity past that was always meant.
I Love you more than a zillion trillion Love songs or poems
or their writers will ever be able to write down.
The favor of Yah and He coming in the flesh through
you is really the Love that I've found.

shelly david wright, poet
the 5th poem 2day 1/3/11

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