Friday, February 18, 2011

More than Hearts and Flowers

"More than Hearts and Flowers."

You're more than hearts and flowers
and a day that comes once a year.
For you I promise with all of my heart
that I will always be near.
To share a never ending Love Story that with
each kiss and act of intimacy we'll write.
A song will be played in our heart that with
new found feelings we'll sing with all of our might.
You're more than a box of candy and anything
that they're going to sell you're so much more.
You are the gift to my heart from Heaven that
with each breath I will forever adore.
You are the one that means everything in life
to me my better half that has been joined to me.
Someone who I existed without and with you now
I live and I'm expected to last an eternity.
My words are linked to my heart where the Beauty
that you inspire to come out endlessly.
Words filled with the true emotions that are real
and that are full of sensitivity.
You're far more than any day but you're everyday
365 a zillion billion moments in my life.
You're more than any gift that can be given except
from Yah when He made you my wife.
You're more than all that I see when I walk through
my neighborhood Wal*Mart.
You are the breath that gives me life and the blood
that flows to beat my heart.
Whatever I can imagine in the sweetest way that
you are and so much more than I can ever believe.
The Beauty that Yah has given in you I can only
praise Him for because your Love I cannot conceive.
What I know is He lives and He's blessed me more
than I would ever be able to understand.
All I know is the rib that He's taken from my side
now is by my side and I'm holding her hand.
You're more than hearts and flowers in fact you
are my heart and someone I will always treasure.
When Yah created you He placed His full Love and
made a wife whose Love for me is beyond all measure.

shelly david wright, poet

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