Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Chocolate Treasures of Yah

"The Chocolate Treasures of Yah."

In the very beginning before the world was formed
He thought of a creation too Beautiful to measure.
He took a part of Himself and made for man to Love
and to cherish the ultimate Chocolate treasure.
Think about the World's finest Chocolate well I can
say Yah created that before it became a candy bar.
You see when He created a Sister He gave a Brother
a life mate and none to compare her to by far.
He created Adam from the dirt and breathe into the
breath that gave him life.
Then pulled a rib from his side where she is suppose
to be by his side and made him a wife.
The most Beautiful women on earth are women of
color the Hebrew Sisters that from the beginning Yah created.
It's just a shame many don't know their greatness their
royalty and by blind Brothers are so under appreciated.
When the word Queen was created it was given to a
Sister for she is the wife of a King the first one on earth.
She was meant to be regal for in her veins flows the blood
of a nation of people of a rich and blessed birth.
Scriptures say out of all the people Yah chose us and
our women are the greatest ever to be.
When you find a Sister who is conscious of who she is and
whose she is then you've found an exquisite Beauty.
The chocolate creation of Yah is a Sister, a Queen. a Mother
who carries the seed of a nation of Yah's chosen the Hebrews.
What we see as a people now isn't what it really is or what
it will be and for a people in trouble now this is good news.
Yah is going to awaken our people to their esteem and we
will then know of our true heritage and our place.
We will learn to cherish, Love, and protect our Chocolate
treasures when this truth comes to us face to face.
Samson and Solomon fell going after women who weren't
of Hebrew descent.
They were chastised and their examples were given to us
in Scripture that what they did brought on punishment.
There is no grass on the other side what Yah has placed
before us is a treasure of extreme chocolate delight.
All the shades of what Yah has given us in the form of
a Sister is most precious in my sight.

shelly david wright, poet

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