Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Chocolate Treasures of Yah

"The Chocolate Treasures of Yah."

In the very beginning before the world was formed
He thought of a creation too Beautiful to measure.
He took a part of Himself and made for man to Love
and to cherish the ultimate Chocolate treasure.
Think about the World's finest Chocolate well I can
say Yah created that before it became a candy bar.
You see when He created a Sister He gave a Brother
a life mate and none to compare her to by far.
He created Adam from the dirt and breathe into the
breath that gave him life.
Then pulled a rib from his side where she is suppose
to be by his side and made him a wife.
The most Beautiful women on earth are women of
color the Hebrew Sisters that from the beginning Yah created.
It's just a shame many don't know their greatness their
royalty and by blind Brothers are so under appreciated.
When the word Queen was created it was given to a
Sister for she is the wife of a King the first one on earth.
She was meant to be regal for in her veins flows the blood
of a nation of people of a rich and blessed birth.
Scriptures say out of all the people Yah chose us and
our women are the greatest ever to be.
When you find a Sister who is conscious of who she is and
whose she is then you've found an exquisite Beauty.
The chocolate creation of Yah is a Sister, a Queen. a Mother
who carries the seed of a nation of Yah's chosen the Hebrews.
What we see as a people now isn't what it really is or what
it will be and for a people in trouble now this is good news.
Yah is going to awaken our people to their esteem and we
will then know of our true heritage and our place.
We will learn to cherish, Love, and protect our Chocolate
treasures when this truth comes to us face to face.
Samson and Solomon fell going after women who weren't
of Hebrew descent.
They were chastised and their examples were given to us
in Scripture that what they did brought on punishment.
There is no grass on the other side what Yah has placed
before us is a treasure of extreme chocolate delight.
All the shades of what Yah has given us in the form of
a Sister is most precious in my sight.

shelly david wright, poet

Beyond the Physical

"Beyond the Physical."

Beyond the physical is the emotional where a
heart needs to be treasured without measure and touched.
By someone who they truly Love and care about
and desire to have them in their lives so much.
Beyond the physical is the spiritual because the
foundation of Love is spiritual more than you can feel.
The spiritual presence of Yah in your life is the force
that makes all your emotions so real.
Sad thing is many never get beyond the physical and
this is where those seeking the emotion are torn apart.
They need the penetration not just of their body but
they need to feel penetrated by a Loving caring heart.
Heartbreak is in abundance in a society who only
wants physical gratification and that's all.
Some really want more than a wet behind and no
attachment they need more than a Booty call.
The reality is they desire to be Loved and appreciated
to be wanted for more than their bodies also.
They need someone who isn't afraid to be committed
and true Love for them they need for them to show.
Some sensitivity and understanding a listening and
caring ear and sincerity in their action too.
You see there's a difference in males and females compared
to men and women because it's Love that they pursue.
Beyond the physical and there are a lot of broken and bitter
people who got used for their bodies and left all alone.
Wham Bam thank you Ma'am was their whole intention
and they left a heart broken when suddenly they're gone.
I hate with an intensity Games played when a heart is
involved I have a daughter a Sister and a Mother.
This goes for you who think you need to have a male in
your life that bad to take the B.S. off of another.
I know many of you wanted a man but you got a male
and instead of Love you got lust and screwed in the process.
You need to know that settling not having standards,
morals, and virtues in your life will leave it in a mess.
Beyond the physical should be more than what you feel
when two bodies are moving skin to skin.
You need to have the beatings of two hearts that are
as one where the Love of Yah lives within.

shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Get To Play Doctor

"I Get to Play Doctor."

When my Honey is sick I get to play Doctor
from sinus to the Flu I'm at her beck and call.
The medicine is that I'm there for her I'll fix
the Peppermint Tea get the Cough drops I do it all.
I get to Play Doctor when my Honey isn't feeling well
I rub her feet, her legs, and I massage her back too.
Love for that special one and the concern she sees
will help her get better or spoiled by what you do.
Through Sickness and in Health make it all romantic
every moment is special and a memory to share.
When she gets sick or just tired be there at her side
show her that with all your heart that you really care.
Soup and sandwich go together along with some TLC
tender Loving care that she can get each day.
Love is a preventive measure make sure she gets
enough when the two of you are at play.
I heard her sneeze or maybe she has a headache
I get to Play Doctor and go to the rescue.
If it's no more than going to the real Doctor with
her I'll be there at her side when she's feeling blue.
I know when I'm sick she pampers me so I would
tell all of you to do the same in meekness and Love.
You need to set the example and take the lead to
show her she's the greatest one you know of.
She's cold get a blanket she's tired run her bath
water and bathe her and towel her dry.
What you have is more than a spouse she is a Gift
and a Blessing from the Most High.
I get to play Doctor whenever she gets sick or tired
because I kept her up throughout the night.
She is my Honey and my everything so when she
gets sick I make her feel alright.
I get to play Doctor when she gets sick I give her
some medicine along with Love also.
Attention is what she needs and I give her mine
being there for her in every way she needs to know.
I get to play Doctor and I enjoy making her soap
in the Microwave since I'm not a Cook.
But I do my best to not make a mess because when
she's sick she has that little sick girl look.

Get Well through Love,
shelly david wright, poet

Words I've Longed to Feel

"Words I've Longed to Feel."

There's going to be a time that I will hear from
that someone special words I've longed to feel.
Words that will touch my heart and me all over
words that from her heart that will be real.
Her voice I will even feel when she speaks from
a heart of sincerity and sensitivity.
Beautiful words that I've longed to feel
words that touch me emotionally.
Words I've longed to feel heartfelt words
that I will hear with my heart as well.
Words she confesses from her heart that will
be greeted by mine I'm very glad to tell.
Words that I've longed to feel in my heart
from a Beautiful heart she will say.
Words she will speak but through the spirit
in a soft and in a Beautiful way.
In return from my heart I will indeed respond
with words that will touch her so.
Also not only with words alone but with the
emotions to back them my Honey she will know.
Many long to hear the sweetest words but from
a heart that is real and true.
Someone who is more than words but action is
there and they will prove their Love to you.
I Love you are more than words I hear but words
you want to feel deeply within.
When you hear and feel those words you the other
heart through Yah I did win.
The only true Love is the one that Yah gives you
the one He will bring into your life.
To be heard by the one He chose for you from the
beginning to become that husband or wife.
Words I've longed to feel will be heard when the
one I'm overwhelmed by says them to me.
I will say I Love you too from my heart with
understanding and full sincerity.
Words that were created to be heard with feelings
the ultimate that is filled with so much emotion too.
Words more than just I Love you will be felt when
from my heart to hers they will be flowing through.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, February 18, 2011

You are My Love Song

"You are My Love Song."

You are my Love song the words you speak
are the lyrics and your voice is the melody.
When I hear your voice it is a Love Song
of the sweetest words you sang to me.
You are my Love Song written by the Angels
and sent from my Heavenly Father above.
Words of Beauty that became flesh when
you were sent into my life a real true Love.
There's not a song that I hear that doesn't
remind me of you and yet you're so much more.
Someone whom I can't find the words to express
what my heart has never felt before.
You are my Love Song and the lyrics that
will forever play out in my life.
You are the one whom I want to be committed
to the one who I'd Love to be my wife.
Then we can write Beautiful music together
in a Love Story and a Love Song too.
The first line is one that many have heard before
but it's real I can't and don't want to live without you.
The next line would make Luther and Jeffrey envious
but it's coming through me right out of my heart.
The lyrics would be that you're the breath that I
breathe and in my creation the most important part.
You're my Love Song and I treasure you you're
like air without you I can't exist.
You're like the sweetest chocolate a taste and
a treat that I cannot resist.
You are my Love song that I will sing with you
and to you for it's an endless melody of delight.
A song that I will sing with all of my heart with
everything in me with all of my might.
You are my heart and everything that's Beautiful
you make life worth living everyday.
You are my heart the very best of it the sweetest
essence since creation that sweep me away.
You're my Love song and music that is playing
is heard in our hearts so true.
The end of the song is the best part that we're
singing to Yah and each other the lyrics are I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

The Deepness of Love

"The Deepness of Love."

It's as vast as the endlessness of the universe
and was around an eternity before it came to be.
Deeper than the core of the earth and more intense
than a zillion burning stars in the night sky we see.
The deepness of Love is unimaginable it is a power
without equal when it has taken control of you.
You're more than you thought possible
when the Love inside your heart is true.
The deepness of Love is Beautiful it's a Beauty
that is not seen but emotionally heartfelt.
A feeling that is far beyond words to ever describe
but passionate enough to make the ice caps melt.
The deepness of Love is more than many are capable
of feeling because if they did this world would be sweet.
There would be no war or homelessness compassion
would abound and life would be complete.
Romance would fill the air and everyday
life would feel like the first day of spring.
Music would be heard when you listened to
someone's heart and it would make you dance and sing.
The deepness of Love is what created life and gives
life to all who Love so abundantly.
It's why I write with a desire to share my Love that
I'm blessed to feel when I write the poetry.
It's so sad that many have never experienced true
Love for many hearts are broken everyday.
People find it hard to express what they feel but there's
a lack of having any true feelings to convey.
The deepness of Love and to share these feelings
with someone I pray will soon come into my life.
I can then write a Love Story of romance that will
seem like a fantasy with the one who'll be my wife.
The deepness of Love is what I write about because
just like the air I breathe in my life it's what I feel.
Love is what keeps us living and the power is life to
the dead and makes what we dream of real.
The deepness of Love is immeasurable and from
my heart to yours I hope you feel my words too.
With every letter of every word I've ever written
one million times that I Love you.

shelly david wright, poet

When I Found You

"When I Found You."

When I found you I found a good thing as the
Scriptures say and with my heart I must confess.
That I must be favored by my Heavenly Father
because through you I've found so much happiness.
So from my heart I am singing your praises and
writing like I never have before.
The words have been given new meaning since
you've entered my heart and I feel your presence more.
With you I found the equivalent of heaven on earth
and in my heart a celebration of Love is taking place.
Everyday is more Beautiful than the last and when
it's storming I see Sunshine when I look into your face.
I have a new walk and my heart skips beats everyday
I sing James Brown "I Feel Good" or other Love Songs too.
My favorite comes to life from Tony Terry because it's
truly the way I feel "When I'm with You".
He that finds a wife finds a good or a great thing but a
blessing of this magnitude can only come from above.
Scripture also says that a Capable wife is from Yah she
is a gift to the heart of one He truly Loves.
When I found you, no when you were given to me I was
given more than my eyes could behold.
I see flesh but I know that underneath you have a heart
that is far more precious than a billion tons of gold.
When I hold you in my arms I feel your heart
and in my mind I'm in paradise.
I close my eyes and praise and thank Yah for you
He sent me heaven in a great big slice.
All my dreams and prayers have been answered
but much more than I could express or could convey.
Yah saw my needs and blessed me far more than any
words I could ever poetically write or say.
When I found you it was like discovering a treasure
like King Solomon's, mine but so much more to me.
I found the pathway to the mountain top that would
lead me to eternity.
With you I found Love and in my arms I feel the goodness
of Yah and when you smile I see Him spiritually.
And when I kiss your honey dipped lips I feel His
blessings on my life through you endlessly.

shelly david wright, poet

More than Hearts and Flowers

"More than Hearts and Flowers."

You're more than hearts and flowers
and a day that comes once a year.
For you I promise with all of my heart
that I will always be near.
To share a never ending Love Story that with
each kiss and act of intimacy we'll write.
A song will be played in our heart that with
new found feelings we'll sing with all of our might.
You're more than a box of candy and anything
that they're going to sell you're so much more.
You are the gift to my heart from Heaven that
with each breath I will forever adore.
You are the one that means everything in life
to me my better half that has been joined to me.
Someone who I existed without and with you now
I live and I'm expected to last an eternity.
My words are linked to my heart where the Beauty
that you inspire to come out endlessly.
Words filled with the true emotions that are real
and that are full of sensitivity.
You're far more than any day but you're everyday
365 a zillion billion moments in my life.
You're more than any gift that can be given except
from Yah when He made you my wife.
You're more than all that I see when I walk through
my neighborhood Wal*Mart.
You are the breath that gives me life and the blood
that flows to beat my heart.
Whatever I can imagine in the sweetest way that
you are and so much more than I can ever believe.
The Beauty that Yah has given in you I can only
praise Him for because your Love I cannot conceive.
What I know is He lives and He's blessed me more
than I would ever be able to understand.
All I know is the rib that He's taken from my side
now is by my side and I'm holding her hand.
You're more than hearts and flowers in fact you
are my heart and someone I will always treasure.
When Yah created you He placed His full Love and
made a wife whose Love for me is beyond all measure.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Hunt for a Great Treasure

"The Hunt for a Great Treasure."

I'm on a hunt for great treasure that is more
precious than any Diamond, or Ruby could be.
A treasure that was formed by the hands of an
Artist a treasure that is Beautiful totally.
This treasure has been touched by many and chipped
by their mishandling of it.
Beauty in the hands of the Blind they couldn't
conceive its value for it's priceless I must admit.
It was hidden to avoid further abuse and to prevent
it from becoming too cold as well.
The harshness of others who were privileged to it
took a toll that sent it through Hell.
Broken many times and healed this treasure
but not it has been hidden away.
I'm in search for this treasure looking high and low
hoping I will emerge victorious one day.
I'm on the hunt for a great treasure a thing of
Beauty that only a few were ever allowed to touch.
A treasure unlike anything that I've ever seen before
that I need to have very much.
This treasure has a special power it can heal for
it affects you emotionally.
In the right hands this treasure will make you spring
into action for it provokes you to be all that you could be.
This treasure was in the beginning of creation in its
spiritual form and became so Beautifully real.
To be given this treasure a great trust must be
given because hurt again it doesn't want to feel.
This treasure is worth its weight in Gold but its
value is priceless to the one who has it to behold.
A treasure that will be cherished above all things
made or given for centuries untold.
I'm on a hunt for a great treasure and I'm going to
find it with patience and help from above.
For this treasure is filled with a Beauty and it has a
richness because it's dripping with Love.
Once I get this treasure I will make a vow for life that
with this treasure I will never part.
This treasure is most precious to me because out of everything
this world has to offer nothing is more special than your heart.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Touch You with My Heart

"Let Me Touch You with My Heart."

Let me touch you with my heart before I ever
touch your body let me slide deep into your mind.
The strokes and thrusts will be those of emotions
that will penetrate the spot that only Love can find.
Let me touch you with my heart before my lips find
yours with words let me arouse and stimulate.
With each word and thought of us being together
let it become a yearning that becomes I just can't wait.
Let me hear the softness of your voice before I feel
the softness of your skin let me explore the real you.
More than the physical there's the emotional and
spiritual I want to touch you on those other two.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch
you with my hands and caress you when you I hold.
Your body will feel so soft to the touch but your
Beautiful heart is more precious than gold.
Let me touch you with my heart and then with
my hands as I feel through touch true Love.
Your body is a Masterpiece of Creation but it's your
heart and mind that makes you an Angel from above.
When we finally touch it will be the sharing of Beauty
where two hearts will become one as two bodies meet.
What will take place will be a release of passion the
pureness of physical Love the nectar of your lips so sweet.
Let me touch you with my heart before I make your
body shiver and come to life very passionately.
When our hearts meet so will our bodies as I pull
you right next to me.
The sounds that will be heard over the gasps of air
will be our hearts beating so rapidly.
We'll be wet from the sweat through our Lovemaking
the one who is my chosen grinding with intensity.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch your
body Lovemaking is felt in the mind and in the heart.
We need to feel each other emotionally and mentally
ever before the physical can take part.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch you with
my body and we Love each other so passionately and deep.
After all the sounds of our intimacy are no more our
hearts will still be beating as we're spooning fast asleep.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Take Your Heart

"Let Me Take Your Heart."

Let me take your heart and cherish it as
the most Beautiful creation ever upon the earth.
Let me spend the rest of my life treasuring you
for the priceless Gem you're more than worth.
Let me look into those big brown eyes and from
my heart speak in a rhythmic flow.
Words that are genuine and deeply passionate
words of meaning that will allow your emotions to show.
Let me take your heart that's filled with Love
and enter into a Heavenly Paradise.
A place untouched by many a place of beautiful
dreams and thoughts that are nice.
Let me take your heart into mine and keep it
safe and sound for all of eternity.
Let me Love you with all of mine and let's
become one emotionally.
Let me be the one to make you smile and
be the sweetest part of your life.
Let me take your heart and hand then before
Yah intimately make you my wife.
Let me take your heart and treat you like
the Queen that you were born to be.
The royal daughter of a King given to a Prince
of the same royalty.
Let me fulfill your dreams of a Love Story
with an ending and a new beginning too.
Let me be the one who touches your heart
and life and create a new dream come true.
Let me take your heart in my hand and hold
it like the most precious thing I could ever behold.
Your heart in all its loveliness is a treasure worth
its weight in pure gold.
Let me take your heart and enter there in and create
a place that I shall forever live.
Because my life in return is what I have to offer
my very existence for your Love I give.
Let me take your heart and your whole being
as mine to cherish and all the sweet things I will do.
First on the list is become so attached in the deepest
way when I passionately make Love to you.

shelly david wright, poet

You're Beautiful Beyond

"You're Beautiful Beyond."

You're Beautiful beyond the eye shadow or the lashes
you're Beautiful beyond anything that you can do.
No matter what you put on or wear the Beauty that
I feel is coming out of you.
Your Beauty isn't seen in your eyes although I Love
nor in those thick curvy legs that I just Love to see.
Your Beauty is within your heart it's in your spirit
it's in your walk in your talk in your personality.
You're Beautiful beyond wearing anything or nothing
at all you are Beautiful from your head to your toe.
Your Beauty is that of a Queen in all her royal splendor
you're Beautiful because Yah makes you so.
I Love what I see but what I feel is so much better and
with each day there's more to look forward to.
You're like a dream that I don't want to awaken from
and many prayers that I'm hoping will come true.
Your Beauty is beyond the words of a zillion poets
or poetess to ever begin to write.
Your Beauty is poetry in motion that with every step
you take you recite.
The way you move and those strides your walk
is that of royalty.
You're the one whom I truly admire and adore
the one who was designed to complete me.
You're Beautiful beyond your hair your polish
your jewelry and your clothes.
You're Beautiful beyond anything created by
man because it's you whom Yah knows.
Your Beauty inspired this poem and there will
be more that you will inspire me to create.
Your Beauty is just a slice of the Heavenly Creation
the thing of Beauty Yah formed when He chose my mate.
You're Beautiful Beyond anything and everything
that could be seen but they will never believe.
That Beauty is placed in the hearts of those whom
Yah into His Family He does receive.
You're Beautiful beyond words or thoughts beyond
my imagination or everyone's in life.
You are the Beauty that is the breath of Yah when
He spoke you to become my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

The Sweetest Things of Love

"The Sweetest Things of Love."

The sweetest things of Love is what occurs before
the bedroom in fact it starts in the morning when you rise.
When you can thank Yah for the one you Love
and you see everything when you look into her eyes.
All the sweetest things of Love aren't seen but the thoughts
of romance you have throughout the day.
Stimulating conversation that arouses the imagination
that will start the juices to flow in a very special way.
The mind is a place where intimacy starts and you
can place thoughts in your Loved one's head.
That will be fulfilled in exact detail when you
get them into bed.
The sweetest things of Love are those things you
do for the other one unselfishly.
You deny yourself as you die to self to become one
through the deepest passion of intimacy.
The sweetest things of Love are the Beautiful
things that you say and do also.
When it comes from the heart you will see the
results of the seeds planted as their Love grows.
Tonight we're going to enjoy a warm bath or a
shower then in our robes have dinner over candle light.
Then we're going to enjoy the Beauty of each other's
bodies in sheer delight.
The sweetest things of Love and I want to enjoy
the moments after our bodies tire.
I want to hold in my arms the woman that Yah has
given me the unique Gift I will always admire.
You are the sweetest thing in life that Yah ever created
and I will cherish you for the rest of my life.
Tonight when I enter into your body in full passion I
will be intimately enjoying every moment of my wife.
The sweetest things of Love are those things that
happen before the clothes come off and the lights go out.
The things that happen before the morning kiss and
the hand on her cheek that makes her almost shout.
Before the caressing and the sensation from touching
intimate places that only fingers can find.
The sweetest things of Love are found in the conception
of the act that takes place in your heart and mind.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Kiss You All Over

"Let Me Kiss You All Over."

I'm going to kiss you from your ankles to your
knees working my way up to your thighs.
From your thighs I'll kiss you up to your belly button
your stomach,neck, and lips when you close your eyes.
I will then journey around your neck to your ear lobes
and between your shoulder blades down your back.
All over your soft sweet body I will kiss finding
the major points of interest I will smack.
Let me kiss you all over and over and over again
let me taste your lips and skin like a delicacy.
A delicious treat made of 100% chocolate
with a honey filling that's so good to me.
Let me hold you like I'm holding on for dear life
holding on to a rare and Beautiful treasure.
Priceless invaluable you are to me because there's
a Love inside of your heart beyond all measure.
When I hold you face to face you'll feel my heart
beat against your chest as I feel yours too.
When I move my hands to feel the softest places
on earth I'm pressing so tight against you.
What I feel is what a Master artist could never imagine
my very being is delighted with your touch.
When I look deep into your eyes I'm with the most
Beautiful woman in the world who I Love very much.
Let me kiss you all over playing with your toes
this Little Piggy as I kiss each one.
Listening to a symphony of sounds that your emotions
start to play from the arousing that's being done.
Intimacy is important in any marriage Romance
is the key not sex a real woman will Love.
Go all out and make every night a continuation of
your Love Story do whatever you think of.
The magic is the romance and being sensitive to
her needs is a very important thing to do.
She's your spouse and she should show you that
you make each others dream come true.
Let me kiss you all over with so much passion that
with every kiss I make you want me more and more.
Because the kisses that you're enjoying is only a
prelude to something very very intense in store.

shelly david wright, poet

Let's Become More

"Let's Become More."

I'm asking you to become bone of my bone
flesh of my flesh but I want to become more.
I'm asking you to become one in spirit with me
in a Love unknown to our beings before.
As I stand before you face to face I will speak
my heart in more than promises to you.
More than words but the action of a commitment
of a true devotion of Love I'm vowing too.
Let's become more than we can ever imagine
because we need to let Yah bring us to another level.
Much more than we had in those learning relationships
when we both served our flesh and the devil.
Let's become more than this world has seen when
we allow ourselves to die to self and become one.
Serving the other in the fullness of Love in the
spirit of Yah is what needs to be done.
Let's become more to each other and everything
that it's possible through Yah that we can be.
It's time to take on the mindset of Ours,
Us, and truly become We.
Let's become more from heart to heart and
mind to mind submitting ourselves one to another.
Showing true deep Love, Appreciation, Respect,
and Concern to each other.
Let's become more in finding ways to bond
and to uplift each other emotionally.
Being reminded that we are indeed each other
when we're one spiritually.
In sickness or in health through whatever
comes our way.
I will be there for you as you are here for
me without fail everyday.
Let's become more than we thought possible
when the Love of Yah in our hearts we bring to life.
The Love that will make it possible to give my all
beyond comprehension to the one I call my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

Sweet Thick and Delicious

"Sweet Thick and Delicious."

Sweet, thick and delicious is how I Love my Malts
and the one whom Yah will bring into my life.
But ice cream won't be her main ingredient
it will be Yah's spirit that will make her my wife.
Unlike the Malt that will last for a few moments
my sweet, thick, and delicious Love is in my life to stay.
To be Loved, cherished, and treasured as the perfect
Gift from Him each and everyday.
Sweet, thick, and a delicious Love who will be more than
my eyes can see or my arms will ever be able to hold.
She will be heavy and it's not from the eating but
her pounds are from the heart that's actually pure gold.
She will have the Beautiful eyes that I'm attracted to and
the nice legs I'm just so crazy about.
She will be a Masterpiece creation of Love with all the
Bells and Whistles of the spirit I have no doubt.
She will be the Virtuous Wife with the standards,
values, morals, and virtues from her Father above.
She will be physical in composition but her whole
being will be hand crafted in the sweetest Love.
Sweet, thick, and delicious is the way I like my
Malts but even better the one Yah has given to me.
A real treat for my heart that I will Love with all
of mine like Yah Loves us endlessly.
Sweet, thick, and delicious and all natural nothing
unnatural about her she is 100% real.
She doesn't melt in my hands but melts my heart
brand new, thrilled, elated, and excited is the way I feel.
To have a chosen from Yah is a blessing but even more
through her He is showing His deep Love for you.
She is more than a companion but His Love in the flesh
when you see her in all her Beauty you see Yah too.
Sweet, thick, and delicious with those eyes and legs
you know the thick ankles and calves all over the place.
But more than all I can ever desire for her to be in the
physical more than having the prettiest face.
She will be a creation of Yah with His Love and spirit
she will be all that I am in Him as well.
I'm going to have to learn to write stories because I
will have a Sweet, thick, and Delicious Love story to tell.

shelly david wright, poet

Afraid to Give their Hearts Again

"Afraid to Give Their Hearts Again."

There are many who are afraid to give their
hearts again they don't want to take the chance.
They would Love to fall in Love and experience
a wonderful life of sheer romance.
Many you hear give Love a bad rap but Love
wasn't to blame Love will never fail you.
Many have mistaken Love for Lust and their
own emotions that failed them too.
Love first of all isn't Possessive or Jealous it's
more than feelings that many think that they feel.
Love does, it's an action word, it denies self to
please another that's what makes it so real.
There's many who gave their hearts to have them
crushed and hurt so much more than they could take.
Many who believed who were deceived by what they
thought was true but caused their hearts to break.
Now trust is a major issue and their true feelings
they're not ready to share with anyone anymore.
There are many because of shatan who felt a pain in
their lives that they never ever had before.
Afraid to give their hearts again is what shatan
wants for them he wants them mean and bitter also.
Because if shatan can keep them in this mindset
the true Love of Yah they will never know.
You've got to open your heart to receive Love for
Yah has to give Love for you to feel it emotionally.
Love is spiritual in nature but when you have
that special one you can enjoy it intimately.
We all through shatan have been disappointed but it
shouldn't make you give up but seek the Most High.
He will send your true mate and give you a Love so real
that before the Messengers in Heaven you can't deny.
Afraid to give your heart again trust in Yah and pray
He sends you someone as sweet and as sensitive.
Someone who is willing to step out on Yah and their
whole heart to you they're ready to give.
Afraid to give their hearts again are so many who
shatan is scaring who may never experience Love.
It takes one who has been knocked down who is led
by Yah's spirit to give in to Him from above.

Love doesn't Hurt
shelly david wright, poet

Love and Passion

"Love & Passion."

Love & Passion makes your house a happy home
when 2 implement wherever they think of.
Into their lives filled with the deepness of Pleasure,
Passion that's so real and fulfilling because of Love.
You can't have Passion without Love and there's
no Love without Yah being in the two.
Love and Passion with a vivid imagination
will bring out the best out in you.
Love and Passion combined with some heart felt
sensitivity will bring you to a place of your desire.
A place if your imagination is wild will cause
the sheets to ignite and set the house on fire.
The deeper the Love the deeper the Passion and
when you're feeling frisky anything you'll do.
Candlelight and Jazz Rose petals leading to the
shower and having them dipped in chocolate too.
Some only know sex and that's not enough in fact
it's nothing at all compared to how I feel.
What you will receive when the Passion of Yah is
in you through Love is far more than sex appeal.
What you will have is a true Love that is heart to
heart and each touch will make them want you more.
With Passion and a healthy imagination you'll visit
places as you learn each other never traveled before.
From the back of her neck down her spine you journey
with kisses until you throw on the brakes at her rear.
Just imagine what won't be said when instead of those
sweet words you place your tongue in her ear.
Passion and Love for the frigid is more than Nasty
because you're denying self to please them intimately.
True Love is not about seeking self pleasure but that
of your spouse as the way it should be.
Love and Passion makes your house a happy home
when you make time for Lovemaking in your life.
As Scripture says very clearly when you're married
her body belongs to her husband and his to the wife.
Passion and Love with lots of Romance adds to the
Love Story that you can journal every night.
Passion and Love with the one whom Yah has given
you makes your house a happy home a place of delight.

shelly david wright, poet

Love, Honor, and Respect You

"Love, Honor, and Respect You."

I promise to Love, honor, and respect you
and to be committed to you totally.
I promise to be devoted and dedicate my
life to making you happy Loving continually.
I promise to submit myself before you and to
listen with my heart with a deep understanding.
I promise to always cherish you for the precious
gift you are and not be controlling or demanding.
I promise to honor respect and Love you with all
of my heart as I stand before you and Yah today.
In front of the witnesses here and in Heaven from
my heart these words of Love I say.
I've waited on Yah's time for His Daughter that
He gave me for you are His choice.
He longed heard my cry with a longing and a
yearning for you every night He heard my voice.
Now here today I'm surely being blessed more than
words will ever be able to convey.
This is not only about us and Our day but His will for
our lives because He Loves us in a special way.
Love, honor, and respect you is my promise and
this is a promise I cannot keep on my own.
I can not even Love you without the spirit of our
Father who through us He is known.
He shows His Love through us and when we embrace
you will feel my arms but He will be holding you.
When I feel your Love through the way your eyes
sparkle He'll be looking at me too.
I promise to Love, honor, and respect you and
through sickness and in health to be by your side.
To listen to all your concerns and share mine with
you for in me you can surely confide.
I will be there through whatever we're tested through
and together over shatan we shall overcome.
We will pray for one another and uplift each other
because we know it's Yah who our help comes from.
I promise with all of my heart to Love, Honor, and
Respect you and my true feelings from you never to hide.
Now as I have waited for this moment forever I am
now ready to seal the deal by kissing my bride.

shelly david wright, poet

True Companionship

"True Companionship."

This is a prayer more than a poem that I pray
will be answered soon by the Most High.
There are many who don't want to go through
life alone and I'm one I cannot deny.
True companionship is what many yearn for
someone who is their better half in life.
Someone to talk with walk with spend precious
moments with I'm talking about a wife.
They say Dog is man's best friend but Yah created
the woman for the man as Scriptures say.
I want my true companion the bone of my bone
before a Dog I'd take a wife from Yah any day.
I had a conversation this morning with Alice who
mentioned she'd like the very same.
Someone she could share her life with someone
who would step up and give her their last name.
Yah said it's not good for the man to be alone and
He gave Adam His better half right from his side.
He was given a wife a companion a helpmeet to
helpmeet his needs someone in whom he could confide.
True companionship may be something the whorish
aren't interested in because they're just playing around.
But there's a cost associated with everything in life and
the cost of their foolishness may just put them in the ground.
There are people who have enough spirits in them that
they're not really human anymore.
You may think this sounds strange or you might think it's
funny but have you ever read the Scriptures before.
Fallen Angels had sex with women who produced Giants
because of sin Yah had to wash away mankind in the flood.
There were men, women, and children, it could have been
millions destroyed when Yah's wrath shed much blood.
I want to do it Yah's way and not lean to the flesh or my
own understanding outside of His wisdom and will.
I want what He gave to Adam that's true companionship
I want a Love that's genuine and real.
True companionship is what's needed in many lives those
who realize they want to have someone special for them.
I know that this is a prayer more than a poem and the desires
of my heart was put there in the spirit from Him.

shelly david wright, poet

Your Heart and Mind

"Your Heart and Mind."

I'm not trying to get between your legs but a better
place where I will bring you to a true climax.
All I want you to do is get comfortable breathe
slowly and just relax.
Lay back so I can penetrate your heart with words
that will flow from my mind.
All I want you to do is take it in slowly and feel
the presence as you start to unwind.
Open up your mind for a real orgasm of thought
that will take you to a height of ecstasy.
Let me fill you thrusting deep into your mind
and heart with words that simulate intimacy.
I will caress your heart with words that you
will take in ever so much as you lay.
Your heart will be aroused at the power of these
words that will come forth with no delay.
I'm not about trying to arouse your body but your
senses, your mind, and your heart.
Your body is insignificant compared to the
sensitivity of these other parts.
Your heart and mind is what Yah and shatan
want that's how you submit to serve them.
But I need and want someone who has served
shatan who now is of Yah who truly deeply Loves Him.
Your heart and mind is the pathway to enlightenment
where true understanding of commitment reside.
It is with the heart and mind that you'll get a firm
grip of these words as you allow them to slip inside.
Words and imagination are powerful they will
excite you and arouse you to start the flow.
They are passionate they can get you hot and
steamy where deep in your heart you want them to go.
I want your heart and mind to receive my words
in their fullness and take them deep within.
The recesses of your mind where they can
probe your heart where learning begins.
Your heart and mind is all I'm after when you read
these words with your heart let it be me you think of.
Pounding away deep inside your heart and mind
because with your senses my words are Making Love.

Words Can Stimulate and Arouse thought
shelly david wright, poet
10/17/10 12:18 am



Wanted someone to take walks in the park
holding hands as we go along.
Someone who is the epitome of the sweetest
lyrics in every Love song.
Wanted someone who I could smile with and who
Will be faithful someone I can become committed to.
Someone with the spirit of my Father sent from
my Father who is doing His will in her life too.
Wanted someone capable of Love who can receive
Love and will reciprocate strongly the same.
Wanted someone who I can give my heart to
share my life with and my last name.
What I want is the blessing of the Most High
through her to be upon my life.
Wanted someone who will be the chosen the select
of Yah to become my wife.
Wanted someone who enjoys movies and Loves
to cuddle on cold nights when we're alone.
Wanted someone like no other in my life that I
have ever met or have ever known.
Wanted is someone sensitive and warm who is
willing to deny self for the greater good of Love.
Someone who was conceived in spirit and made
flesh one of the sweetest I will ever know of.
What I want is more than I can imagine but someone
I'm worthy of who I will Love and Cherish endlessly.
Wanted someone who was in the very beginning
handpicked and given only to me.
Someone who has a universe of the Father's Love
and understanding deep down in her heart.
Someone who will mean I Do and will remain by my
side until death we do part.
Wanted someone who I can write poetry to and
take on picnics and be romantic with also.
Someone who has my best in mind who will be
there and old together we both can grow.
Wanted someone to fill the void in my heart who will
say the words I Love You with meaning forever more.
Wanted someone who is ready to be Loved, Cherished,
appreciated, and honored as never before.

shelly david wright, poet

There's No "S" in Love

"There's No "S" in Love."

There's no S in Love yet when you Love someone
there's always Sacrifice.
When you give someone your heart you're paying
the ultimate price.
You must deny self and place the other before you
and Love is truly a word of deed and action too.
When you Love someone it's not about talking but
it's about for that person the things that you do.
There's no S in Love but you must have in your heart
lots of true Sincerity.
You must mean what you say and the words should
come from your heart words spoken Beautifully.
Being sincere when you speak to the one you say
you Love should be a natural flow.
When you say that you Love them they should feel it
from the top of the their head down to their toes.
There's no S in Love but you also must have a degree
of Sensitivity the ability to feel and show emotions also.
Love should be expressed through your emotions along
with your action the one you Love needs to know.
Sensitivity isn't a weakness but a strength that many
don't possess because sensitivity they don't feel.
How can you say in words alone that you Love them when
the feelings aren't coming from your heart it's not real.
There's no S in Love but the Sweetness of it many have
never in their whole lives felt.
An intensity so warm and Beautiful that at the top of
the world it would make the Polar Ice caps melt.
A sweetness that you can't compare to Honey or any
sweetness that was created by Yah above.
There's nothing that is more sweeter than the thought
of truly being in Love.
There's no S in Love but there's Sacrifice, Sincerity, Sensitivity
and Sweetness being last on the list.
These 4 should be in your life when you're blessed with someone
that you find it impossible to resist.
There's no S in Love but it's only 4 letters it's a small
word but the emotions are as vast as the universe and more.
It is far more than words could ever express when you're
looking into the eyes of someone you adore.

shelly david wright, poet

A Word of Convenience

"A Word of Convenience."

Love is a word of convenience and it is often used
by those who can't feel it to manipulate.
It's used like someone who is trying to hook a
fish the word is used as bait.
There are those who are very emotional and sensitive
who long to have someone who'll Love them.
Too often shatan will send that person into someone's
life a match made for destruction by him.
Love then gets the blame for the break up yet
Love wasn't there in the heart in the first place.
Love is more than a feeling but it's deeds it's not
about sex a fact many cannot face.
It's a word many use to get their way and to deceive
someone who they really don't Love at all.
Many pretend to express these emotions but it's a game
and for the tricks of shatan many will fall.
Just as the Most High uses those whom He has called
the devil uses those who aren't just the same.
What happens is he'll send someone into your life
who will be completely running a game.
Love is a word of convenience to the wicked
who by any means necessary will use.
It's a word that many long to hear and feel yet the
only thing many feel is abused.
Those with empty emotions have used it for their gain
financially and materially taking full advantage of.
Someone who is needing to feel and share the heart
they have full to the brim with Love.
To those who have been hurt by trusting know that Love
is more than empty promises or any lie they'll say.
For Love is the essence of Yah and He gives to His own
who are healing hearts and falling deeply into it everyday.
A word of convenience it's not but a word of power that has
raised the dead and caused the deaf to hear and blind to see.
Love is more than a gallery filled with art because Love is a
Masterpiece of true Beauty.
When I say I Love you it's from my heart with all compassion
words that with your heart you can believe.
It's a blessing from Yah to have such an emotion from heart to
heart that many alive today cannot conceive.

shelly david wright, poet

The Desires of Your Heart

"The Desires of Your Heart."

Psalms 20 is a good chapter when you're feeling
overwhelmed and a word of encouragement you need.
For it lets you know that Yah will hear you in your time
of distress and will answer you in deed.
He does give you according to your heart and fills
all your plans as the word says hear.
So for all of us who are being tested in our Captivity
this word encourages you not to fear.
Yah does fill all your requests and saves His Anointed
in the time of trouble as He has promised to.
Trust not in the things of this world for they will avail
you nothing as the wicked will find out to be true.
We who are called by His name are all troubled in
one way or another for this is shatan's reign.
He was cast here instead of being destroyed and he
has been causing a lot of us so much pain.
We are under spiritual warfare and being attacked
by those who are close to us who we call friends and family.
Shatan the devil will use anyone when you're no longer his
to cause so much drama and tons of misery.
The desires of your heart are the ones He has placed
there because He wants to see you prosper spiritually.
He wants us to grow in Love and be in good health
for we are His own totally and completely.
There are many desires of the Righteous that will be met
for as we sow in righteousness in the same manner we'll reap.
Yah is not one who makes empty promises for His word is His
Bond every prophecy and promise mentioned He'll keep.
Yes He knows your desires and yes He will reward you
with them when you're obedient and do what's right.
For those who serve Him in spirit and in truth are His
select His children and truly to His heart a delight.
The desires of my heart is to find true Love and I'm not
settling for less than what the Most High can give to me.
In fact that one I desire was already created and will come
at the appointed time He has set as it was meant to be.
The desires of my heart will then be realized when my blessing
and I stand before Him hand in hand too.
For this will be two spirits reuniting in the flesh to become
one on earth when we say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

On This Day I Give My Heart

"On This Day I Give My Heart."

On this day I give you my heart as we stay at the
altar with your hand in mine.
The vows I'll recite will come from my heart and
convey the Love as I read every line.
I through the power of Yah will promise to Love and
protect you with my very life.
I will honor you as my gift from Heaven that will be
made whole when you become my wife.
On this day I give you my heart and all of me
through the spirit of the Most High.
I pledge to be faithfully yours as the husband
you prayed for as time goes by.
Through sickness and in health I will be by your side
in Love with you more and more each day.
If I may borrow a line from a movie "Your breathing
is my gift" I praise Yah for you in every way.
On this day as I give you my heart in the presence
of the Most High and the Angels I feel Joy unspeakably.
For the woman who in my fondest dreams I couldn't
imagine is standing here next to me.
More than my camera has ever captured more than
I dared to pray Wow is in simple terms how I feel.
At this moment I dare not look at my watch because
I know your Beauty has made time itself stand still.
On this day as I give you my heart and dedicate my
life to making you happy forever more.
With the favor and blessings of Yah there's so much
Love and Lovemaking that we have in store.
I will finally know what unspeakable pleasure is and
our deep breathing will sound like a symphony.
A song that has waited so long to be played one that
will be heard almost endlessly.
On this day as I give you my heart I will recite my heart
as you recite yours and my ears will be filled.
Words that I longed to hear and words I've longed
to say both our hearts will be thrilled.
As I kiss my bride I anticipate unwrapping the Joy
that our bed will so wonderfully hold.
A treasure unlike anything ever discovered but one
worth more than her very weight in gold.

shelly david wright, poet

I Love You More Than Words

"I Love You More than Words."

I Love you more than words will ever be capable
of saying or conveying.
I Love you more than a zillion people's emotions
will ever be capable of displaying.
I Love you through the good times and the bad times
I truly Love you with all of my heart unconditionally.
You're the best thing since my birth
that has ever happened to me.
I Love you as the Gem in my Father's Crown
the one that sparkles so brilliantly.
You 're the star that twinkles at night the brightest
in the heavens that I see.
You are more than the poems that I'm inspired to write
will ever say so Beautifully.
You are the one I've been given to Love, Treasure, and
Cherish so complete and endlessly.
I Love you more than words with feelings of deep sensitivity
and emotions that are too true to speak about.
You're the one out of everyone who ever existed
that I never want to be without.
You're the one who came from my rib the bone I lost
so it could become everything so dear.
You're the greatest part of me the very best part of
living am I making myself clear.
You're not only more than words but my thoughts
can't imagine someone so wonderfully grand.
You are more than my mind can wrap around or
will be able to comprehend or fully understand.
All I know is that I'm thankful for living because in
this space you live and you make life so sweet.
Upon my birth and throughout my life until I met you
I was half a person not fully complete.
To meet you at a time that I was ready to give up made
finding you heartfelt a gift that was Heaven sent.
You came into my life when I needed you most at a time
way back in eternity past that was always meant.
I Love you more than a zillion trillion Love songs or poems
or their writers will ever be able to write down.
The favor of Yah and He coming in the flesh through
you is really the Love that I've found.

shelly david wright, poet
the 5th poem 2day 1/3/11

Teddy Bears and Kisses

"Teddy Bears and Kisses."

I want to give Teddy Bears and kisses and make it
rain a shower of Rose petals on to the floor.
These are some of the things that I want to do and
everyday you're in my life I promise to do more.
Teddy Bears and kisses Love and Romance is the
rule that we will live by.
I'm blessed to finally have more than I could have
ever dreamed or imagined from the Most High.
In my loneliness He gave me my heart's desires and
through you with your arms He holds me.
Through me He shows you how much you're Loved
by Him when I touch you so affectionately.
Teddy Bears and Kisses written thoughts inspired
by these emotions that I really feel.
Being sensitive and Loving I can understand and
appreciate a Love in my life so real.
The Teddy Bears will be a token something to hold
when I'm not there to hold you so tight.
The Bear you can kiss when you can't taste my lips
that bring to us so much delight.
Teddy Bears and Kisses it's the simple things that
make you smile and you being happy is my desire.
For when you're kissed all over the Teddy Bear falls
to the floor and the sheets seem to catch fire.
What we express with our bodies is the genuine Love
we feel deep within our hearts.
One look into your eyes I see something when you give
me that look that will make the fire start.
When you're in Love it's about doing for the other thinking
of pleasing them and placing them in your life first.
Romance is a heart to heart thing where true Love
takes control it's not about quenching a sexual thirst.
There's a difference between sex and Lovemaking, sex
is done with your body where Lovemaking is spiritually.
It's like swimming the entire you is engaged on the
emotional, spiritual, and of course physically.
It's Love manifested physically where the two of those
become one spiritually, physically, and emotionally too.
There is so much that we can feel like our Father's
presence when I make sweet Love to you.

shelly david wright, poet

Counting the Kisses

"Counting the Kisses."

Here's a game the two of you can play
it's a classic that you can give a new spin.
Get a deck of cards take out the face cards
shuffle them divide them let's begin.
Spin the bottle and if it lands on you the card
will tell you the number of kisses they'll get.
Now that you know how to play the game
I guess now you're all set.
Count the kisses and hope you'll spin a 10
and this game gets juicier with each kiss.
It helps when you have someone who you find
irresistible and almost impossible to resist.
Spin the bottle is a favorite of the romantic
it's the human touch that so many truly need.
We all desire to have someone Love and care
for us our emotions we need to feed.
Counting the kisses and I just spun the bottle
I got a deuce two sweet kisses for me.
This is a game you can play all night long
until it develops into true intimacy.
Then the cards and the bottle will be left
wherever and you consider the game won.
Because the enjoyment that comes next will
be sheer passion and 10 times the fun.
Counting the kisses and any game you can play is a
way to spend a day or evening with the one you Love.
Two who are truly into each other can find
enjoyment no matter what they think of.
Bring back romance and it will breathe new
life into your marriage and in your life.
This you can think about the next time you're
bringing home wine and roses for your wife.
She just spun a 6 on me and she's moving in
with those sweet lips to claim her prize.
Kiss after kiss the choice is yours if they're smacks
or very intense they'll see the results in your eyes.
Game over as all this kissing has sparked a fire
that we will need to attend to.
Before my Baby and I go up in flames we'll
have to come to each other's rescue.

shelly david wright, poet

Heavenly Treasure

"Heavenly Treasure."

You're my Heavenly treasure a gift to my life and
my heart that I shall with awe forever behold.
A splendid gift given from the heart of Yah a gem
that's immeasurable more precious than gold.
You're a Love that my heart has never felt a Love
that's more intense than the Sun could ever be.
The miracle that was formed in the presence of
Angels the proof of Yah's great Love for me.
Heavenly treasure that is most cherished with
each moment I'm amazed and blessed highly.
You are the one that is beyond pretty but the one
with my whole heart that I feel and see.
Heavenly treasure you are to be a prayer that
was spoken before life was created.
Someone I truly dedicate my life to and will be ever
devoted a gift that will forever be appreciated.
In my yearning I prayed for someone special someone
chosen especially for me but wasn't my choice.
Someone who would be mine forever and always
someone who would soothe me when I heard her voice.
This is more than anything that I thought possible
but more than all the hearts created ever felt.
A Love so warm and sweet that touches you deep in
your soul that would make the coldest hearts melt.
A Heavenly treasure much more than I could imagine
yet one that is very soft to the touch.
A Beautiful person more than my life has ever known
so incredible that I Love her so much.
Many have looked and found less settling for what
this world has to offer but I know there's much more.
Yah can bless you with way more than your heart's
desire a heavenly gift you'll Love and adore.
Someone who was designed and created with you in
mind someone who'll make you forget the heartaches.
Someone who is a treasure He took from His heart one
whom He had to heal and restore from their heartbreaks.
A Heavenly Treasure given to a Heavenly Treasure equally
yoked to bond as a ministry of what Yah can do.
A treasure beyond anything known to mankind
a treasure that is felt when heard I Love You.

shelly david wright, poet