Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Learn to Say No

"Just Learn to Say No."

Until we teach our daughters they are Princesses
who will be Queens they will never learn.
That they are very special and no one's whore because a male will
disrespect them after he's had them and will show them no concern.
Until we teach our daughters to just say no and teach
them from Scripture to do things Yah's way.
With their minds and bodies shatan through foolish
young males will continue to play.
House is not a game and certainly not sex being
irresponsible could cost them their very life.
There are many slinging their diseases and AIDS
is real if he wants sex tell him he needs a wife.
If you're good enough to sleep with you're good enough
to marry and don't spread yourself until your wedding night.
Sure let him move on if he can't wait you're a Gem
and you need to know you're a Heavenly delight.
Sex is the most dangerous thing you can do not only
because of disease, demons, and drama, but the Most High.
If the first 3 mentioned don't get you I know Yah will
deal with you and in His Word He does not lie.
If you're going to sow then sow something that you'll
through a blessing want to reap.
When you sleep around you're playing Russian Roulette
because sex will destroy you or put you six feet deep.
Abortions, domestic violence, abuses of all kinds, not to
mention bringing a baby into this insanity.
Until you say I do you will be taking a gamble and if you
get pregnant him being there for you won't be a guarantee.
We need to pray this whorish lifestyle out of our homes
and know that following the crowd leads to nowhere.
Because a lot who played house either aborted their problem
or is still having child support issues with a dick who didn't care.
And just like we talk to our daughters we need to talk to our
sons and don't instill in them to sow their wild oats like many do.
We don't need to teach our sons to be whores but teach them
to be responsible and self respect they need to pursue.
We have young Kings and Queens who need to have living
examples to see us walking right before them.
We need to raise our sons and daughters to trust in Yah
and all our needs will be met by Him.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let Me Penetrate You

"Let Me Penetrate You."

Let me get between your ears and penetrate your
mind with words of Love that will stroke you so deep.
Words and thoughts that will please you in the most
intimate way that will cause the heart in your chest to leap.
Let me penetrate you and make Love to your mind
before your body I will ever touch.
With words that are sensitive in nature and emotions
that show that I truly Love you so much.
Let me penetrate your mind with thoughts of having me
in the most sweetest and most intimate way.
Empty promises and a wet behind is what you won't
receive because with your heart I won't play.
Let me penetrate what you've hidden and when I'm
trusted you will open up and allow me to come in.
A very private place that few have ever touched
and a place that even fewer have ever been.
A place that you once allowed to be penetrated
and you were raped emotionally.
By someone who only used the word Love but only
wanted to penetrate you physically.
The place was shattered to where you were broken
and had to mend because of all the damage done.
You vowed to leave it locked away and never again
have it penetrated by anyone.
I've earned your trust and now you're ready to
let me penetrate this most special place also.
Because with all caring and sensitivity you saw
something special about me and the real you I'll get to know.
So as I've gotten between your ears and reached your
mind I'm going to penetrate a very special part.
I will slowly thrust deep into you ever so slowly my
Love that will penetrate your heart.
Let me penetrate you through the Love that I feel
and the Love that you're feeling for me.
Spiritually we will bond into a oneness until the time
where on our wedding night we'll bond so intimately.
Let me penetrate your mind and your heart and through
Love I will penetrate your body when we finally mate.
You are someone who I will gladly say I do to and believe
me you're more than worth the wait.

shelly david wright, poet

Let's Make Love

"Let's Make Love."

It's 10:25 in the P.M. the children are asleep
and you're lying so close to me.
We turn off the television as the News ends
it's quiet in the house and it's time for some intimacy.
We want to express the Love within our hearts with our
bodies where we will come together so Beautifully tonight.
What we feel starts out with the sweetest words ever
spoken because we're each others sheer delight.
From the moment I awakened this morning I knew
I wanted to have you in thoughts of Love.
Throughout the day I hinted to you through deep
passionate kisses this will be the night you dreamed of.
The words I whisper in your ears are let's make Love
and you respond as only someone in Love would do.
We make Love almost every other night and sometimes
throughout the day but every time is brand new.
You're my wife and your body is mine as
my body is yours as Scriptures tell us.
We know that we are to give into each others needs
and desires we make Love it's not about lust.
From heart to heart we feel it emotionally even before
the clothes come off we've experienced it in our minds.
We penetrate each others hearts and minds ever before
we touch it's about being emotional and sensitive we find.
Making Love is a Beautiful display of what we're feeling
not just touching but with words our Love we convey.
The way we look at each other arouses our senses
and we know we need to make time to lay.
There are many benefits to intimacy that are good for
our healthy well being.
Not only pleasure that we feel through our bodies but
relaxation to our minds and bodies our Lovemaking brings.
Let's make Love not only in the physical but the emotional
and the spiritual for Lovemaking will make us one.
We bond when we come together in those intimate moments
and the fulfillment of everything Beautiful is done.
Tonight let's make Love starting with conversation then
touch as your soft and tender lips I passionately kiss.
These are precious moments as they all are spent with
the woman I Love special times I would not want to miss.

shelly david wright poet

My Future is With You

"My Future is With You."

I looked into your eyes and I saw my future
and I can see spending the rest of my life with you.
To forever be yours and you being mine for an
eternity living as one our whole lives through.
My future is with you and it looks bright because
Yah has made you the light of my life.
During the past of eternity we were seen as one
before time as we know it began you were my wife.
In the greatest season of our lives we were brought
back together we met once more.
Yet when we saw each other it was for the first
time as we thought but in the spirit once before.
My future is with you because our past began
the same way the two were one from the start.
You know how it seems you've known this person for a lifetime
well in Yah you did in your life they're a very special part.
Someone you feel you can't live without and someone
that you think about everyday.
Someone who more close than you could ever imagine
who has bonded with in a very special way.
My future is with you and yours is with me we
belong together as from the beginning it was meant to be.
Because what I'm feeling is real and so Beautiful
when I look in your eyes I see your future and it's me.
My future is with you and forever I'll be yours
and you will live in my heart constantly.
My thoughts, my words, will give praise to my
Heavenly Father for the Beautiful gift that I see.
Before you and our Father I pledge you my life as
it was already yours before this vow I began to say.
In sickness I will be there as a healing to your heart
and my life to protect yours I will gladly lay.
My future is with you and from the moment I looked
into your eyes I saw everything that I needed to know.
The most precious woman I've ever met in my life I feel
now through Yah I met and fell in Love with long ago.
My past, my present, and future is with you we were with
the Most High before our birth and lives in the flesh began.
We did not meet by accident it was designed to the second
our eyes met our Love and us being one was Yah's perfect plan.

shelly david wright, poet

With Every Beat of My Heart

"With Every Beat of My Heart."

With every beat of my heart and every breath
I take I find myself Loving you more and more.
With every thought that I have about you I know
that I never felt anything this special before.
I'm in Love and I know it I'm as emotional and
so sensitive I know I'm completely crazy about you.
It's not just your physical attraction but what I
can't see but feel within and your personality too.
You're more than I knew could exist in someone
human you're more than I could believe came from above.
Heaven has to be a wonderful place if you came from
there it has to be a place where everyone is in Love.
I find myself very impressed by the woman that could
only come as a blessing and a fulfillment to my life.
Someone who completes what Yah made incomplete
because I would be whole when He gave me a wife.
With every beat my heart pounds when you're
in my presence I get nervous like back in 5th grade.
You are the most Beautiful girl in the classroom and you
were my first kiss with lasting memories that never fade.
With every breath that I take I don't want it wasted
by not using my breath to say that I truly Love you so.
There is nothing that I want to hide I need to express
my feelings for you I really want to let you know.
Just how important you are to me and how an existence
turned into living when you came around.
The joy and happiness that somehow eluded me with
others was there when this new Love was found.
With every beat of my heart I feel so close to you
I feel our hearts were meant to beat as one.
With every breath that I take I'm breathing the same
air that you breathe and I'm the most blessed under the Sun.
I have all my needs answered you're my best friend
that I will always be able to talk to and learn from.
You're the miracle that became flesh and a part of me
you're my best and better half and there's more to come.
With every beat of my heart I feel your presence and with
each breath I take I praise Yah for you so much.
Like Gold or anything that is precious I feel like I have a
diamond, a gem something so exquisite when you I touch.

shelly david wright,poet

I Want to F Expletive

"I Just Want to F Expletive."

I was conversing with friends the other day and they
said many aren't looking for Love but to F expletive.
Many can't express what's not found in them they
believe in the expression of getting it how you live.
Love is a byword to many anyway they use it for their
convenience to conceive, connive, plot, plan, and play.
In a world where we see the spirit that possesses them
is Lust, Love is an emotion that many can't display.
They just want to F expletive and that's the word they
use to explain just what they do.
They've broken it down to a meaningless act of lust that
has destroyed many lives when this mindset they pursue.
First of all everything done in the flesh starts in the spirit
it's a spiritual act in nature and spirits come with it.
When you F expletive you exchange bodily fluids of everyone
they've slept with and a multitude of spirits complete the fit.
Look what F expletive has spawned, a generation of Cains and
Cainettes who murder and whore because shatan is within.
Church people are the biggest whores who never seem to read or
adhere to 1st Corinthians 6 and 7 because it relates to their sin.
Shaul has said no whore or adulterer will inherit the Kingdom
you see I can see an act but a continued attitude no way.
Hebrews 10:26 tells you what the Preachers won't because many
of them too are whoring so they have nothing to say.
We are in the generation as it were before the flood and the spirits
have bonded with the people through F expletive and are here to stay.
Just like you pray over your food, when you're given a mate by
Yah over that mate before you enter you may laugh, but I would pray.
Just because they look human that doesn't mean that they are
because those spirits may have taken control over them.
When you aren't looking for Love but want to F expletive
you're serving your father shatan you belong to him.
I want to F expletive and populate the world with demon spirits
who murder and all manner of wrong they do constantly.
Look at the murders that are occurring everyday we didn't
grow up like this these are demons that rape and murder you see.
For many Love doesn't exist so they aren't looking so they
please shatan and their flesh by F expletive, it's what they know.
But we're seeing more HIV/AIDS cases along with abortions
disease, demons, and drama are associated with F expletive
you will reap whatever you sow.

inspired by Alice Marie
shelly david wright, poet

A Commitment of Love and Fidelity

"A Commitment of Love and Fidelity."

We're living in an age where commitment is a word
that many because of the spirit within don't adhere to.
So whatever feels good to the flesh at that time with
whomever regardless of if they're married or not will do.
There is only hurt and heartbreak in pleasing the flesh
Scriptures says no whores or adulterers will make it in.
You see there's a difference between an act and an
attitude where you continually indulge in that sin.
When Yah created marriage there was no divorce in the
plans because of the hardness of hearts He allowed it to be.
But not for any grounds as many are filing for them
but He said in Mattithyahu 19 it has to be for adultery.
When you have a commitment of Love and fidelity
you're not prone to cheat if you have Yah within you.
Because you know that sex is just a small part of the
whole and that pleasing your flesh you won't pursue.
Sex is the greatest weapon in shatan's arsenal it has
destroyed more lives causes deaths everyday.
Men, women, and children suffer the worst abuses because
of the spirits associated in every conceivable way.
Through shatan there is disease, drama, and demons in
sex Yah created it to be enjoyed in marriage only.
This I know many of you ain't trying to hear but when
you know the truth the penalty for sin you will see.
What is wrong with just having your spouse and being
pleased with them and not looking for someone on the side.
If it's not from Yah and from the heart it will cause you
much sorrow and heartbreak from hurt you cannot hide.
Many of you say that women have issues and attitudes but how
many of them have you screwed and screwed over in the process.
What did you contribute to this insanity don't point the finger
at them when you have your own issues to address.
And to the females you add to your own pain and problems
hearing the words Love or seeing the money doesn't make it right.
You need to learn what is real and what is true to seek Yah
first and first to Him be His heart's delight.
We don't need this cheating I got to get mine mindset that is
of shatan but one of caring for the other with all concern first.
We should not be about self serving or being self centered
trying to feed an unsatisfying unquenchable thirst.

shelly david wright, poet

Tender Kisses of Passion

"Tender Kisses of Passion."

They say romance has died but it has never lived
in the lives of many who don't know what Love is about.
Love is more than emotional it is spiritual
the breath of life you can't live without.
And when you find Love you will kind out that the
one you met was yours to meet sent from above.
The one whom you thought would never come is
the one who was designed for you crafted in Love.
Romance isn't dead as long your heart is still beating
and you do all from your heart to make them know.
They mean everything to you that was ever important
that you Love and truly appreciate them so.
Tell them with meaning and concern that they are
more than you could believe that would ever come true.
Show them with tender kisses of passion the Love that
you feel deep within and by the things you do.
Tender kisses of passion and the desire to be with the
one whom you can give your whole heart to.
A genuine Love someone who is filled with Love a
Beautiful person with a sweet spirit that you pursue.
Someone who makes you smile and dance around the house
someone who makes you sing and you don't have the voice.
Someone when you receive those tender kisses makes you
happy that you and your lips were their choice.
Someone who gives new meaning and a zeal to praise Yah
because you know they're a priority shipment from Him.
Someone who you feel makes the world spin as well as
your heart and every thought you have is about them.
Tender kisses of Passion the taste of Love on their lips
and each kiss causes butterflies and your heart skips beats.
Tender kisses that resonate through your whole body
with arms wrapped around you to increase the treat.
A kiss is just a kiss if it's not done from your heart and
felt in your soul your whole being should be put into it.
When you kiss with passion they should feel it and truly
remember it testify of it and their Love they're glad to admit.
Tender kisses of Passion and Love from your head to the
bottom of your feet when you truly Love someone.
When you're emotionally and spiritually involved there's
no greater feeling you can have under the Sun.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Body is All I'm Worth

"My Body is All I'm Worth."

This is the mindset of many females who see their
bodies as means to an end for a better life.
Many will use their bodies to get the nicer things
they want sleeping around being the other wife.
What's so sad is there are many who have this
mindset who are living with AIDS everyday.
Many who are pretty females with low self esteem
who think that using their body is their only way.
I used to hear stories of how some parents
would tell their daughter to use what they have to.
Get what they want from a man and believe me
many of them really do.
Prostitution is all that it is when you Lay for
money or things you can't perfume a Pig.
You need to know that no matter how much
the world approves of it Yah doesn't you dig.
You're worth more than your body you're Priceless
you're more than your physical appearance could ever be.
The true you is within through the spirit of Yah that
is growing to make you the Queen who's blessed with Beauty.
My body is all I'm worth should never come out of your mouth no
matter what you hear you need to know you're more than pretty.
Even those who aren't seen as a Trophy need to know your
body still isn't for whoring read 1st Corinthians 5 and see.
Your body is the Temple of Yah and His spirit dwells
within you're His you were bought with a price.
Those who believe that all they have is their body to
make it happen are opening themselves up for nothing nice.
I admire Yah's Beautiful creation woman with delight
her shapely legs and pretty eyes and her personality also.
More than the physical I Love intelligence and her being
conscious of who she is in Yah, a Hebrew she knows.
This world is Obsessed and Possessed with sex and many
are driven to use their bodies to make a living for their family.
There are males who would go to a strip club and give
money to strangers but won't buy Pampers for their baby.
My body is all I'm worth is said by a spirit of low to no
self esteem from someone who feels they have no self worth.
You need to know that on your creation you were born
for greatness in Yah and you're treasured in all the earth.

inspired by Karen Barnes
shelly david wright, poet

Not a Race but a Disgrace

"Not a Race but a Disgrace."

As the chosen of Yah the children of Yisrael
we're to set the standards not have it set for us you see.
But through our continued disobedience we were kicked
out of our homeland taken from Africa to be in slavery.
We lost our identity to others who are now in Yisrael
when we are the original people whom Yah gave that land to.
Yirmeyahu 30:3 tells us Yah will turn back our captivity
and bring us back to our homeland too.
But before that we're going to go through a time as spoken
in verse 6 where it looks like a man is giving birth.
A time of trouble is coming for us as a people like we've
never seen or will never see again upon the earth.
Verse 11 Yah says He's making a complete end of all Gentiles
where He scattered us but not a complete end to us.
He says He will reprove us in judgment and by no means
leave us unpunished is His Word you can trust.
What we've become as people is not a race but a disgrace we've
become our own worst enemies slaughtering each other everyday.
We look at each other like so many Gentiles look at us with
hatred in our eyes as if with a look one another we'd slay.
We've been Willie Lynched so bad there's no Love or trust
except for our oppressors who continue to lynch us mentally.
Willie must have taught our people to hate themselves but
Love them because we have become Gentiles intensely.
We treat them like they're the chosen and they're the
greatest creation since the invention of sliced bread.
We would rather be with them than some of our people
would rather marry them than their own instead.
We're always in their faces kissing their asses and brown
nosing them when in their face they want to let you know.
That you are beneath them in their twisted minds and to
hell in gasoline drawers and panties they want you all to go.
Yet we without reason or fault hate each other and kill
without remorse or cause, this is a disgrace.
We look at them with admiration and look at each other
as if we can't stand to see another Black face.
We're not a race but a disgrace to Yah and many of
us like in the wilderness are going to have to die.
Yah is going to clean house as He did in times past
He's going to purge His people as Scriptures testify.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Not The One

"I'm Not the One."

I'm not the one who told you the lie that
caused your heart to be broken.
I'm not the one who whispered in your ears
all the B.S. that you wanted to hear spoken.
So why do you look at me like I was the one who
you allowed to completely mess over you.
Why do you even think that we all are alike when
he was your choice the one who you let pursue.
I'm not the one who left you pregnant and hurt you
when you heard it wasn't his or you messed around.
I'm not the one who abused you every way possible
and would say nasty things to bring you down.
I'm not the one who deceived you when you knew
you had to give up something to go for a ride.
Don't blame me for your mistake or your choice
of the asshole because it wasn't me who lied.
You need to know that we all aren't alike and it
was your choice to pursue someone with things.
When you try and get with someone because of what
they have only heartache and misery it brings.
I'm not the one who did those things to you and I'm not
the one you chose or shatan chose for you in the first place.
You were the one who chose to play his game because of
your mindset and get up all in his face.
Now you walk around like I did you something and you're
the one who put yourself in the place to be hurt.
You were the one who went for his advances because of
what you saw now you say we are all less than dirt.
Until you are healed you will look at me with hatred
because shatan worked a number on your mind.
You played the whore and you really got screwed not
only physically but emotionally you got a wet behind.
So when you look at me with the disgust remember it
was you who gave in it was you who laid on your back.
It was you who not only opened up yourself to him but
to all the devils with him in a spiritual attack.
It was not me I'm not the one who messed over you and
you don't know me to judge me in that way.
It was you who picked this loser but with your spirit
I'm not at a loss because you're the one who has had to pay.

shelly david wright, poet

I See Dead People

"I See Dead People."

I see dead people walking around everywhere going
through day to day existing and nothing more.
They were born and many are being born everyday
but they still have never been totally alive before.
They're dead because without Yah you're dead
there's no life but death and death is what they give.
They have their father's spirit and he doesn't know Love
and without having Love you truly cannot live.
Love is the breath that brings forth life and those who
don't have it exist to destroy and to kill.
The wholesale slaughter we see in the neighborhoods
is a result of not knowing Yah or His Love for real.
To kill because they are dead to life and Love and
they're in a dark place where they cannot see or hear.
Look around you and they're dead to true emotions
the only things they feel are hate, jealousy, and fear.
They're all dead Zombies of sorts walking around having
more than they've ever had and having nothing at all.
Sure they have the finer things but those things possess
them and they'll lose their minds when they fall.
I see dead people who walk around with frowns not
happy always complaining and hurting one another.
They're the descendants of shatan and Cain who with
his father shatan's spirit murdered his brother.
Only dead people are capable of committing murder and
other evil and horrendous acts against one another today.
Men, women, and children are their targets and victims
and like their father before them to exist to slay.
Until you are called out of darkness you exist and never
truly experience Love or life.
Those who you see with everything that money can buy
aren't happy or Joyous but have misery and strife.
The dead are everywhere and that's why the hurting
will continue and the crime will never cease.
Because they are of their father shatan and his is the
way of confusion and they shall never know peace.
I see dead people and they're not ghosts but are real
and are in darkness serving their lusts and shatan too.
Until Yah ends their misery by calling them out of darkness
walking around dead and dealing death is what they'll do.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Be Admired Not Worshiped

"To Be Admired and Not Worshiped."

I feel like I'm in the presence of shatan when
males and females have the mindset of it's all about me.
They seem to believe that you're in the presence of
greatness and god's gift is what you see.
Yes they are god's gift when you know that shatan
is the god of this age and they have his attitude.
A mindset and a spirit that makes them look down on
others and treat those they feel are less than them rude.
If you're physically attractive you should be admired not
worshiped the flesh is temporary and dying everyday.
You don't need to get it twisted because no one ever has
been or ever will be that fine no how or no way.
I admire the female creation of Yah the Beautiful eyes
and the shapely legs the Sisters have on them.
What I see are Masterpiece works of Yah's artwork
with clay and all praises are going to Him.
But I have my own legs and my own butt and what's
between my legs is a treasure to me also.
I'm not about worshiping what I see but admiring
we are all temporary I'm just as fine I hope you know.
In Romans 1:25 Shaul spoke about those who began
to worship the creation rather than the Creator as they still do.
They are possessed with spirits that make them self absorbed
they're self centered and totally selfish and you know it's true.
Things and stuff that will soon be taken away have many
thinking they're all that when they're nothing at all.
You see they're living in the dark and an illusion being set up
by their father shatan for a mighty big fall.
Yah gave us all eyes and created us desirable but to be
admired not worshiped we're the created not the Most High.
Just like Eve had her ear opened to shatan in the garden
many of you are still listening as he tells you a lie.
We are headed for a time of great tribulation and humility
should be the mindset that we need to be cultivating.
Because being physically attractive won't save anyone
during that time only misery those spirits will bring.
We should admire the creation and worship the Creator
Beauty is an internal thing that grows and comes from above.
No matter what you hear and the mirror tells you you're really
nothing but rotting flesh if you don't have Yah's Love.

shelly david wright, poet

The 5th P is Physician

"The 5th P is Physicians.

Preachers, Politicians, Pimps, and Pushers
are the 4 P's I earlier wrote to you about.
But this 5th P is as deadly as any who prey upon
the poor in my opinion without a doubt.
Physicians commit murder and mayhem through
medication many lives they screw up and take.
Yet these are the ones who are most trusted
and listened to, yet fools out of many they make.
Bush only had to go to Cheney's medicine cabinet to
find Weapons of Mass Destruction he had heart attacks.
I guess the old Bastard was so stressed out trying to make
his way to New Orleans during Katrina to rescue Blacks.
There are more side affects to medications than there are
spirits in the Physicians who think they're the Most High.
Many do have a complex of playing god but they're
playing the god of this world cause so many in their care die.
There are some who genuinely care about you but many more
are motivated by the dollar and their ego.
They aren't trying to heal no one but addict you to medication
and prolong the agony for the insurance you better know.
Healing only comes through Yah and following His dietary
Laws is a start because they are still in full effect.
There is nothing in the Tanak that Yah abolished and you'll
be in better shape if you follow them and eat correct.
The 5th P is one about greed because the Drug companies
pay them to dispense their poison to you.
Here this will make you better if you take it and will
line my wallet with dollars if you do.
There are more Physicians yet more Illness like there
are bigger Churches and even worst sin that we see.
Politicians, Pimps, Pushers, Preachers, and now Physicians
are very corrupt, sick and twisted too spiritually.
Many believe Yah gave the Physicians this knowledge
but Yah heals spiritually satan gives these devils their skills.
He knows that the medication is poison and those who
he's placed in Power are eliminating many through Soft Kill.
If you must trust in a Physician just know what you're taking
look it up and see if there is a natural remedy.
Because they have an agenda set by the Ruling Class to
take as many out as possible destroying you internally.

shelly david wright, poet