Thursday, January 14, 2010



My Sisters you need to set the pace or you
will continue to be Dogged out by males.
Until you realize that you're more than worthy
to be a wife all your relationships will fail.
Don't you know if you can get the Milk for free
why should I buy the Cow you don't think much of you.
If you're giving free samples why should I commit if
you're giving yourself to me you'll give it to him too.
You need to have higher standards, principles and
morals be of good quality don't settle but select.
You are in the driver's seat so you need to know
that if they come to you they must come correct.
Another thing if you get down on your knees it
better be to pray and bring him with you also.
Because placing his male member in your mouth
doesn't prove your Love you need to know.
Another thing stop looking on the outside for a man
and what he has it will cost you in the long run more.
When a male has things he thinks you're after them so
believe me before he makes you a wife you'll be his whore.
You need to know there's a difference between a man
and a male anyway that the blind cannot see.
A man is not displaying how macho he is in fact he'll
show a side of caring and sensitivity.
You need to get out of that mindset a man
who shows his feelings his soft side is Gay.
But the guys you think are men are males who murder
and make punching bags out of the Sister everyday.
I'm a very sensitive person and I don't parade
around trying to act like a man like so many males do.
It's sad that many fail at being males because the women
are leaving them to hook up with other women you know it's true.
Being Loving and Caring being considerate of the other
person's feelings is where it's at without a doubt.
You see with all the domestic violence and the spousal abuse
these things that you call males you can live without.
Worthy is how he should be when he sets into your life
and worthy you should be to yourself and the Most High above.
Don't settle for the counterfeits of the devil called males
let Yah send you a man who will truly show you Love.

shelly david wright, poet

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