Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Rainy Day with You

"A Rainy Day with You."

It's pouring outside it's a rainy day and
I'm wrapped in a blanket on the floor with you.
We have the door opened watching the rain fall
soft music is playing as we sip on some wine too.
What a Beautiful day to be in Love we have
nowhere but in each other's arms it's fine with me.
Because on a rainy day or any other my heart
is where you are and you're all my eyes want to see.
Every moment is precious with you they're
very special they're treasures from above.
I've learned to enjoy every moment with
someone my heart delights in someone I Love.
It's storming outside and inside we're cuddling we're
wearing each other and the blanket is wearing the two.
No where else in the world that I can ever imagine
being but in your arms and doing what we do.
Your eyes seem to sparkle as I get lost into
them I Love what my eyes and my heart beholds.
You are everything and all things special in my
life you're the treasure that's worth more than gold.
It has stopped raining but we haven't stopped
enjoying each other in our own UNIQUE way.
We are in a Heavenly place here on earth
together intimately as we lay.
Romance is in the hearts of those who Love
not just flowers or candy but put your heart into it.
Give that person your time, attention and concern
your true feelings for them you must admit.
Sensitivity is the keep touch is important it's
not about pleasing her mind as much as her heart.
Arouse her mind to Love you Making Love to her
emotionally with words of poetic art.
Music sets the mood Love songs inspire desire
most importantly always treat her right.
Because if you don't please don't expect her
to be ready for your romantic delight.
It has started raining again and we're asleep
lying on the floor in a blanket both wet.
Another precious moment we get to reminisce
on yet one more day of Love we won't ever forget.

shelly david wright, poet

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