Thursday, January 14, 2010

But An Understanding Wife is from Yah

"But An Understanding Wife is from Yah."

Proverbs states that he that finds a wife finds
a good thing and receives favour from Yah above.
It also states an understanding wife is from Him
so there's no chance of failure if it's Yah that you Love.
He has all your desires met especially if those desires
are His will for your life.
There is a time that He has set to introduce you to the
one that He chose from the beginning to be your wife.
Everything is appointed in a time and season to happen
and those waiting on a spouse will have their time too.
Because no good thing will Yah ever withhold once
He has set His Love on you.
Your spouse was chosen from the beginning when Yah
made them male and female He chose for you then.
So for you who are waiting for that special one it's
not a matter of if but when.
Proverbs 31:10 speaks of the capable wife and who
could find one they're a blessing you know.
They're the ones you must pray for and you must
be worthy to receive one also.
They're the ones who've been through much testing
that many call trouble adversity made them true.
When Yah sends you a wife you can surely trust in
her with all of you heart because she'll be good to you.
An understanding wife is from Yah and you must be
understanding yourself too you must be right.
You must be just as much a blessing to her as she is
to you, you should be each other's heart's delight.
There are many females and males out here but
those whom Yah has chose are extremely rare.
Someone who'll step up when others step back
it's not about talk she shows you she cares.
An understanding wife not a woman Yah said
but a wife so you must be to her a real husband.
You must be ready to commit and please her and
her Father Yah this you must understand.
An understanding wife not one filled with drama but a
blessing chosen for you before the foundation of the earth.
Yah made you husband and wife centuries ago
before Adam's physical birth.

shelly david wright, poet

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