Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Attitudes or Spirits

"Attitudes or Spirits."

Many who you think have attitudes are
possessed they have spirits in them.
The bottom line is either you will have the spirit of Yah
in your temple or satan's you could be filled with him.
There's no in between and as Ephesians 2:2 says we all
walked with satan until Yah through favour called us out.
So we who see much differently who are dying daily
to our flesh know what it's really all about.
Attitudes or spirits well if they have attitudes then you
know it's spirits that are controlling them completely.
What they do and what they say they really don't know
because in their darkness they really cannot see.
It just don't make sense and it doesn't until you see it
spiritually because a long time ago that was me.
I was in darkness too and blind as those who are in the
world I was in darkness as any could be.
Attitudes or spirits or should it be attitudes and spirits
because they're possessed.
We need to pray for those with the attitudes because
their walk in darkness really needs to be addressed.
Attitudes many have them and brush it off as if they're
acting funny or just being rude but it's more than they know.
They don't have just an attitude they have spirits in
them and from their actions believe me they show.
Things that really don't make sense they're quick to do
2nd Timothy 3 says in the last days hard times will come
men shall be lovers of themselves and of money too.
Boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
thankless, wrong-doers, unloving, unforgiving and slander they do.
Without self control, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless,
puffed up, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of the Most High.
We see these spirits and attitudes working in the people
yes it didn't make sense until now they have spirits that's why.
Attitudes and spirits are in the people who are in darkness
they're not acting like they're all that, satan's in their temple.
They aren't called at this time by Yah and there's more
of them than there are of us it's just that simple.
Attitudes and spirits people who need our prayers
people who are under the influence who aren't being rude.
They're behaving like their father satan they have his
spirit so it's more than just having attitudes.

shelly david wright, poet

Everything at Home

"Everything at Home."

There's nowhere I need to go outside of the house
because my honey makes sure I have everything at home.
She makes sure all of my needs are met so
the streets I don't have to roam.
Where others go out seeking entertainment she is
everything that I need her to be.
She is my cook and she is my waitress she is more
than I ever knew any woman could be entirely.
Everything at home why do I need to go to the clubs my honey
when we're alone she will strip she's the only one I need to see.
When we said our vows I promised to be committed
to her I don't need to look elsewhere because she has a body.
Everything at home is the way it should be
why go find it outside when it's behind closed doors here.
I don't need to go out looking for someone
when I have my blessing next to my heart I hold so dear.
The trouble is when you have to go out looking
you're opening yourself up for the adversary to attack.
I know what is out here and it's trouble and there
isn't anything that spouse will ever lack.
She is the Capable wife that Yah sent from Proverbs 31:10
yes she's all of that and then some more too.
Yah heard my prayers and He delivered better
than I could have hoped for she's a dream come true.
She's all about pleasing her husband and I'm all about
pleasing my honey also.
There's nothing that is too good enough for her and there
isn't anything I wouldn't do for my honey I want you to know.
Everything at home so I don't need to go out with the
fellas I married her because I was tired of being with them.
I wasn't cat chasing I wanted a wife so I would pray
and I got my answer that blew me away from Him.
I have more than I ever knew could exist in a lifetime
and more than my eyes will ever see a Beauty so real.
Someone who Loves my sensitivity because she is a
part of me and she feels just how I feel.
Everything at home and more than I'll ever need
Yah showed up and showed me what He could really do.
Through my wife He showed me a incredible Love from an
incredible woman who my mind and heart she completely blew.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, January 25, 2010

In the Coolness of the Night

"In the Coolness of the Night."

I Love the Night time due to the color of the sky
the stars, and constellations healing takes place at night.
Morning comes from the night the mask comes off the
darkness to reveal the light.
The quiet of night it's a commune time where the Beauty
of the Most High's Love reveals itself in awesomeness.
The Night is a time for romance to be in the comforting
arms of the one you Love in complete happiness.
The night time is when I like to drive with the moonroof
opened and let the coolness of the night brush against my face.
To be there driving next to my Beautiful eyed honey
no matter where we are we're in the perfect place.
In the coolness of the night I enjoy the silence
and the sound of your heart when I lay next to you.
The rhythmic beat of your heart sounds like a
melody as I close my eyes and enjoy it too.
At night is the time where all things get
quiet and we relax and talk about our day.
We listen to each other we talk and we
eat by candlelight as grace we say.
I Love the Night time due to the colors
of the sky and the time I spend with my Love.
An Angel sent from Heaven in the Night
she is one of the most sweetest people I know of.
She's my Night time Angel who touches me
and refreshes me in every way.
The Night brings so much passion as
the two of us lay.
I Love the Night time as we gaze into the night
sky at the stars and I say Heaven is where you're from.
Heaven is where you send me every night with
your Love as my heart beats like a drum.
I Love the Night as I Love you to see the twinkle
in your eyes are like stars in the night sky.
They are the most Beautiful eyes and you become
more Beautiful as time passes by.
In the coolness of the night I'm next to the treasure
of Heaven that in darkness stills my beating heart.
The night is Beautiful and so healing when I've
been given this most wonderful work of Heavenly art.

Concept from Karon

shelly david wright, poet

Nothing Less Than Love

"Nothing Less Than Love."

I don't want anything less than Love
I've had Lust can't do that anymore.
Always starving for sex because it's a spiritual addiction
acting out as if I never had it before.
Sex is so not what I want but the bonding
that is associated with Love.
I don't want anything less than Love
for it is the most wonderful emotion I can think of.
I want the foundation that is my Father's spirit
so He can direct my steps in everything I do.
I want to be a Loving husband and father
to be my wife's treasure and dream come true.
Those who have settled for sex are now feeling
the burdens of a loveless life of regret.
The person they gave their body to
gave them a life that they would love to forget.
After 12 years of celibacy I want nothing less
than Love and a wife.
I'm no longer the temple of the devil
but within me now there is new life.
The spirit of Lust is a memory and a testimony
that online I share with everyone.
Where in the world under satan's control
I was hot as the Sun now celibate as a Nun.
Nothing less than Love is my desire
and His will for all of His own.
Love and the sensitivity to care is
what He gives now, emotions I've never known.
You shouldn't want nothing less than love too
how many times do you need to be kicked in the behind.
To realize it's all about what you have below your
waist please get it in your mind.
Nasty boys sleep around with no concern and
bring those spirits and disease back to you.
There are a lot of females who are sleeping around
also so demons and disease you spread too.
Only a fool makes themselves available and good
enough to screw but never good enough to marry.
Don't be the whore he says he can't make a housewife
don't spread your legs until his last name you carry.

shelly david wright, poet



This is lacking in many relationships
where emotions are hidden very well.
A relationship that is dying from being
void of Love a relationship that's going to Hell.
The courts are filled with those who are
seeking divorces who are very unhappy too.
Marriages that were a match made by satan
who through much trouble he sends them through.
Love is spiritual more than emotional to have
it you must be one with your Father above.
Without the spirit of Yah you're only
experiencing a facsimile but it's not Love.
The problem comes with who's in you
who is really in control of your life.
There is satan and the Most High
one will fill you with Love the other with strife.
Passion is what many lack because they lack Love
being passionate and affectionate they fail at.
Having sex doesn't mean you're passionate
it could mean it's an addiction to Cat.
Passion with an imagination keeps the sparks
flying in your marriage in a good way.
Let your thoughts be of pleasing each other as
you meditate on your spouse through out the day.
Start off the day with prayer holding hands
end it with a kiss and breakfast you should do.
Save on water and shower together passion in your
life makes every moment brand new.
Touch each other goose her
I'm sure she'll do it to you also.
Play hookie from adulthood
let the fun side of you show.
Hugs and kisses are the best ways to communicate
affections fellas learn some sensitivity.
She's an emotional creature by design
this is her strength and her Beauty.
Passion and being in Love is healthy good for
the heart and your total well being.
Be passionate and Loving then watch
all the happiness to your life it will bring.

shelly david wright, poet



This is one four letter word I don't mind saying
but it is a curse word to many of you.
It is a burden and a weight that many regret
they took on and get rid of it is what you'd love to do.
Wife is a creation of Yah she was in Adam
upon his birth the two were truly one in life.
Yah set the standard for His own to follow
we are to leave our parents and bond to a wife.
Satan being god of this world has made Marriage and
wife two curse words in the mouths of many.
Whorings, Adulteries, and a variety of abuses
are leading to Divorces and I do mean plenty.
If you want to find out who married you look
at what's going on in the marriage, look for Love and Respect.
If you don't have those working and Yah isn't
head, center, foundation, and tail you're in a wreck.
For what Yah isn't head of satan is and he marries
his own to make a mockery of what Yah instituted for man.
We are to become one with our wives as we are to be one
with Him the unity of one is His plan.
In the world a marriage license is viewed as ownership
by many but she's not your slave or your property too.
She's not your mother, whore, or your toilet to piss on
those things Yah didn't make any woman to become or do.
Wife has lost it's meaning because of the devil's own
who are filled with as much Lust as any Drug you can think of.
They don't have Yah's spirit but that of the devil so
it is impossible for them to ever feel or conceive Love.
I had a wife in my first marriage and I was an accident
waiting to happen all I needed was a time and place.
Lust consumed me and the last thing I needed
was for satan and me to end up in some woman's face.
Needless to say I was a failure in this learning experience
and the marriage was sort of a failure also.
You see I was awakened out of that trouble in much
pain and sorrow and Yah I began to know.
Wife is a beautiful four letter word to me now
I yearn to have my bride the one Yah chose for me.
I will through Him Love her as He Loves His own
and be the husband Yah wants me to be.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Rainy Day with You

"A Rainy Day with You."

It's pouring outside it's a rainy day and
I'm wrapped in a blanket on the floor with you.
We have the door opened watching the rain fall
soft music is playing as we sip on some wine too.
What a Beautiful day to be in Love we have
nowhere but in each other's arms it's fine with me.
Because on a rainy day or any other my heart
is where you are and you're all my eyes want to see.
Every moment is precious with you they're
very special they're treasures from above.
I've learned to enjoy every moment with
someone my heart delights in someone I Love.
It's storming outside and inside we're cuddling we're
wearing each other and the blanket is wearing the two.
No where else in the world that I can ever imagine
being but in your arms and doing what we do.
Your eyes seem to sparkle as I get lost into
them I Love what my eyes and my heart beholds.
You are everything and all things special in my
life you're the treasure that's worth more than gold.
It has stopped raining but we haven't stopped
enjoying each other in our own UNIQUE way.
We are in a Heavenly place here on earth
together intimately as we lay.
Romance is in the hearts of those who Love
not just flowers or candy but put your heart into it.
Give that person your time, attention and concern
your true feelings for them you must admit.
Sensitivity is the keep touch is important it's
not about pleasing her mind as much as her heart.
Arouse her mind to Love you Making Love to her
emotionally with words of poetic art.
Music sets the mood Love songs inspire desire
most importantly always treat her right.
Because if you don't please don't expect her
to be ready for your romantic delight.
It has started raining again and we're asleep
lying on the floor in a blanket both wet.
Another precious moment we get to reminisce
on yet one more day of Love we won't ever forget.

shelly david wright, poet

Each Morning when I Rise

"Each Morning when I Rise."

Each morning when I rise and I get to see your face
I count it all Joy to have another day with you.
To be blessed to see another day with the one
you Love shows Yah's Love too.
Each morning we embrace it's a silent celebration
where morning breath can't stop what our hearts display.
We give give thanks to Yah for each other
holding hands as we pray.
Morning is just the tip of the day the beginning
of another chance to get it right.
When you've been given someone special in your
life they become your heart's delight.
We all have an expiration date and at any time
one can be taken from the other we could expire.
To lose the one you Love is truly one I would not
want to ever imagine it's a thought I don't desire.
We should do our best to keep the peace and Love
in our homes and hearts and keep satan out.
Because when we don't think WE, we give the
devil room to enter without a doubt.
We need to be more Loving each day as we die
to the old self becoming one with Yah each day.
He is the glue that bonds the marriage and
it's all about bonding becoming one when we lay.
Each morning I rise I'm blessed that you've
risen along with me.
Like the Sun it is a Beautiful sight when your
eyes open and that sparkle I see.
We become each other's breakfast in bed the
sounds of Love and thanksgiving are heard.
We express our feelings of gratitude to each
other without saying a word.
The morning is refreshing we shower eat
breakfast together and we communicate.
We turn on our Love song For You and hold
each other and on the song we meditate.
We begin our day by driving to work together
dropping me off with a kiss that lasts an eternity.
In the morning when I rise I'm laying next to the
one I Love the most there's no other place I'd rather be.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Kiss You In Every Culture

"Let Me Kiss You in every Culture."

Honey let me kiss you in every culture
from French kissing to Japanese.
We can kiss in German, African,
Russian and Portuguese.
No matter what culture we choose let's
kiss and enjoy every moment as we press our lips.
I want you to feel it all over from your toes
right down to your finger tips.
I want to kiss you all over from the Hottest
spots to those that are cold.
From east to west and all points in between
from way at the North to the South Pole.
Let's be passionate and hot as fire and let me
send a current through you like electricity.
Let's make a spark that would set the sheets
on fire with our torrid intimacy.
In marriage Passion and affection is the key
let your imagination roam free.
Do whatever you feel experiment on each
other be very passionately.
Use your fingers and discover each other
the sense of touch is one you'll appreciate.
Run your fingers everywhere up and
down the front and back of your mate.
It's not about pleasing self but each other
the Ice box is Frigid you should not be.
Search by candlelight and soft music listen
for the moans from what she feels inwardly.
Romance and not Lust is what she desires
she is special and so is he.
Approach him, arouse him, place your hand
in a place where he can't see.
Take control from him and make him jump
make your husband boy up and scream.
You both need to enjoy each other in the
sweetest and sexiest way to let off some steam.
Let me kiss you in every culture all over
and make Love to you in your heart and mind first.
Let's speak in an unknown language of moaning
after we've arrived at our destination quenching
our thirst.

OK celibate guy feels passion too.
shelly david wright, poet

Lovemaking That's Breathtaking

"Lovemaking that's Breathtaking."

Let me stimulate you between your ears
and let the orgasm be of your heart.
Let me penetrate your mind with words of
Love so the secretions can start.
Let me Love you from my heart to yours
without touching you physically.
Let's become one making Love that's breathtaking
unheard of passions that is done spiritually.
Before we touch each other physically
we should touch each other emotionally.
Let the words of our hearts bring forth
meditation of having each other intimately.
More than physically touching is Lovemaking
more than anything you've ever felt before.
To Love someone with a power that is endless
that will leave you wanting more.
Far beyond than what sex could hope to be and
this will not leave you broken with a wet behind.
This is also fulfilling and satisfying when Love
is in you and you make Love in your mind.
The ecstasy that many talk about and dream of
is real when you surrender yourself to pure Love.
Lovemaking that's breathtaking with deep
emotions and torrid passions unheard of.
The world only experiences sex and it
pales in comparison to what Yah can do.
He is able to bring your Lovemaking to
another level when He's inside of you.
In fact two with Yah in them are one
physically, emotionally, and spiritually too.
Yah is expressing His Love beyond human
comprehension with a Love so deep and so true.
It will be well worth the 13 years that He's kept
me when the one He's chosen comes into my life.
She will be the one who I will treasure and praise
Yah for, my truly virtuous Queen and wife.
Lovemaking that's breathtaking we will enjoy
experiencing in the spirit emotions never felt.
And when we finally touch in the physical
the Ice caps around the world will melt.

shelly david wright, poet

Our Romantic Routine

"Our Romantic Routine."

I wake up to a Good morning she lays her
head on my chest and we say our prayers too.
We then turn on our theme song and our Lover's
anthem Kenny Lattimore's For You.
Some mornings we make Love but we always
shower together I wash your back you wash mine.
It's all about becoming one in spirit as well
as physical and that's our bottom line.
I shea butter my baby all over as other
Love songs play.
We kiss and say I Love you and we wish
each other to have a Good day.
Big Hugs are mandatory and they must
last two to three minutes at least.
Hug therapy is so much needed it is
a great way to release.
While we're away we text each other
I Love and Miss you when we get the chance.
I think about how we are going to have fun
when we get home with some Love and Romance.
We've learned to follow Alicia Keys' song
"Like You'll Never See Me Again" to heart.
Because there is no guarantee we'll see each other
whether or not the Most High may pull us apart.
When we get home we hug and kiss and we head
to the shower before we go to the kitchen to cook.
Everyday I let my wife know that she is still my
blessing and tell her just how good she looks.
We turn on the music and sing along she grabs
the spoon as if it's a microphone and I background.
We are two spirits who really Love and enjoy
being together in the kitchen we really get down.
Bedtime comes with a prayer and we snuggle up and
more music to relax us as we play under the sheets.
We finally go to sleep after we give each other
our romantic bedtime treats.
Our romantic routine is satisfying and pleasing
one another putting the other first in our life.
As we die daily to self and become selfless it
becomes easier to become the roles of husband and wife.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Best Friend's Ex

"My Best Friend's Ex."

When we were coming up we had standards and
one was to never date someone the other had.
But in this day and age many don't have those same
standards and the times we're living in are sad.
I ate left overs but I never dated any of my friend's
left overs and it is something that I'd never do.
They say don't say never but I treasure myself I have
self worth and decency and Yah's spirit too.
Some things you just don't do but today anything goes
but the seeds they sow they shall reap harshly some day.
You see whatever you do comes with a price and with your
life through unrepented sin you shall pay.
Morals, Values, Virtues, and Standards may as well be
Chinese because those 4 many don't understand.
Yah is going to deal with those who do such things it's
all through Scripture things have gotten out of hand.
I never wanted what any of my friends had that was
nasty to me going behind them that was my mindset.
But there are many who don't share my ways they'll
sleep with their wife and yours too if that chance they get.
Some things you just don't share like males and females
but this is happening much too often today.
Then you wonder why there are STD's out here who
are taking many lives wiping many people away.
Another thing is if I have the standards I want someone
in my life to share those values from Yah also.
I'm not going to be unevenly yoked there is no union
between light and darkness you had better know.
Yah has kept me celibate and I'm not going to share
His temple with someone who is not worthy.
I'm not into sex but Love I don't want temporary
but I want all that Yah has and an eternity.
I'm not settling but being selective and letting Him
bring my Queen into my life.
You can find a whore on any corner on any day or night
I want to please Yah by allowing Him to send me a wife.
My best friend's ex or my best friend's friend hell to the
No I'm not going out like that.
Being filled with Yah's spirit and having self worth
to me is really where it's at.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Perfect Catch

"The Perfect Catch."

To my Brothers and Sisters I would admonish you to
become the perfect catch if you want quality in your life.
You should set your standards higher and have morals,
virtues, when looking for a husband/wife.
Don't let looks alone be your deciding factor Samson lost
his sight and his life and David had a man killed too.
You see looks can be very deceiving pretty is vain what
you don't see the inner person you should pursue.
Like I always say No one is that fine and never will be
of course I'm sure Bathsheba was fine but to kill for no.
But it's happening everyday out here and behind someone
else's property to the point of murder they'll go.
Adultery isn't a sin to them it's a thing like whoring if
you don't do they'll ask what's wrong with you.
Society is filled with demons and they're twisted where
wrong is right and anything goes it's true.
I'm sorry I was in darkness at one time and that person
has died I'm not the same person I used to be.
Yah is placing His spirit within and daily I'm still dying
my changing life is reflected in the poetry.
I'm not about to dishonor my Father and I fear what
will happen but many out here don't have that fear.
You tell them what's right and what's wrong they'll
say you can't judge me and it goes out the other ear.
We are living in a time much worse than Lot but like
Sodom there is destruction from Yah's wrath in store.
Because I'm seeing things now that I'm sure
Lot and his family had never seen before.
Being a perfect catch isn't about the stuff you have
but the stuff in your heart called Love.
To be honest to become a perfect catch you need to
be first called out of darkness from above.
Through Yah you can become the perfect catch
for your chosen spouse because Yah doesn't do dating.
He believes you should be married before the two of you
ever begin to start physically mating.
I want to be the perfect catch for my chosen as she'll
be for me when Father Yah brings my bride to me.
We'll be the perfect catch for each other because we'll
both be ready from our years of celibacy.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rejected Hearts

"Rejected Hearts."

There are many who have had their hearts
rejected and it has made them bitter as could be.
They've been scared by those who they
were interested in and messed up emotionally.
You could like a person but it's no guarantee
that they will feel the same about you.
Unless they're your chosen from Yah you are
dealing with the world who don't really care too.
Those rejected hearts many have were nothing
more than another spiritual attack.
As long as satan is god of this age this world will
say Love but with so much evil Love is what it lacks.
We've all had our hearts rejected by those who had
their hearts rejected because true Love is rare.
There are those who are emotionally damaged who are
cold and bitter from sugar to salt because they don't care.
There are just as many males as are females who are
messed up emotionally a spiritual attack also.
Rejected hearts are many and plenty and will
continue as long as Love is something they don't know.
Love is a convenient word that many will use but in
this life not too many people are blessed to feel.
Love is very easy to say and many have emotions
but Love and it's Beauty in many lives isn't real.
What can we really expect from this cruel world
but rejection in one way or another let's be true.
You know they are twisted and satan can't feel
Love so they feel and do as he tells them to do.
Rejected hearts not my type they're too fat they're
too skinny any excuse that comes to mind.
Like I said those who are doing the rejecting
are those who are messed up you'll find.
I grew up shy and scared to talk to girls until
satan broke me out of it and I was rejected as well.
Many who've been rejected are still hurting
and have some sad stories to tell.
Rejected hearts many are hurting, who are we
to reject someone's heart on looks or on anything.
We're blessed that our hearts weren't rejected by
Yah can you imagine the misery that it would bring.

shelly david wright, poet

Jealous Haters

"Jealous Haters."

Why should we be surprised really to have
people we know with this spirit in them.
There are many with this Fool's spirit who are
of the spiritual seed of satan they belong to him.
There are jealous haters who come off as friends
and many are blood family members also.
Jealous haters I'm sure the readers out there have
people in their lives where this spirit shows.
Father forgive them for there are many spirits in
the world but there is only one true spirit from above.
Those who walk in the light have Toxic people in their
lives that they don't reject because in their hearts is Love.
Jealous Haters are dangerous people who are
deeply influenced by satan and they will hurt you.
Jealousy is a fools spirit murder and mayhem
through satan is nothing for them to do.
Many in relationships and marriages are dealing
with someone with this spirit who is destroying their life.
Domestic violence, spousal abuse and the likes were
committed by Jealous haters against that husband or wife.
Beware of those who are possessive because they are
possessed with spirits and jealousy is one.
They usually end up destroying the one they claim to
Love before they in your life is done.
Jealous haters are twisted people who aren't happy or
satisfied with their own lives so on you they take it out.
Jealous people in your life is almost insane because
you can't trust them so them you can do without.
Remember you're not dealing with humans but spirits
that are dark and dangerous for real.
People who hate you intensely who plot your demise
people under the influence of satan that will kill.
Jealous haters are undercover in your life hidden from
view until the spark that sends them angrily your way.
What you hear is satan speaking through them you'll
hear the hatred for you in what they say.
Jealous haters come in as sheep but are wolves waiting
for that moment to pounce on you and attack.
They're just doing them because the simple truth is
Love in their lives they truly lack.

shelly david wright, poet

The Promised One

"The Promised One."

We were each others before the world was
created in the flesh we were meant to be.
We had to find each other through a wilderness
journey of failed learning experiences you see.
Just like there's a Promised Land you and I were each
other's Promised One the one and only that was meant.
We are one created through Yah through Yah that's why
we feel the way we do it's no coincident.
We say the same things the other would say and write
the same lines because in our spirits we are one.
Don't you know that's why it was so quick in a short
period of time that for us each other's heart was won.
To those Yah fore knew He made them male and female
as He did Adam and His Wife in the beginning too.
They were created married Eve was His wife
but now the ceremony is a celebration that seals the two.
The state or any license can't do what Yah has already
done to whom Yah has joined, He joined them long ago.
That's why all the other relationships couldn't work satan
sent counterfeits now the truth of what happened you know.
Satan knows who our mates are and he will send them his
own to hurt and disappoint them so badly.
It will take the Love of Yah to make many want to trust
again because being with someone else many can't see.
The Promised one is the only one who will come in that
season and simply will steal your heart away.
The one who you will think about and cherish in your
heart each and everyday.
Until your eyes are opened to realize through Yah
that like Ribbon in the sky this was always meant for you.
You see Yah will open your understanding and you'll
know His Love is shown through your dream come true.
My Brothers and Sisters who are heart broken and
discouraged hold on Yah is coming to the rescue.
There is no good thing that He will ever hold back from
His own there's no good thing that He won't do.
Your Promised one is on the way and when you're not
aware they will come into your life.
You see Yah is not sending you a date He's about marriage
that Promised one will be that Promised husband or wife.

I hope this encourages many
shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, January 14, 2010



My Sisters you need to set the pace or you
will continue to be Dogged out by males.
Until you realize that you're more than worthy
to be a wife all your relationships will fail.
Don't you know if you can get the Milk for free
why should I buy the Cow you don't think much of you.
If you're giving free samples why should I commit if
you're giving yourself to me you'll give it to him too.
You need to have higher standards, principles and
morals be of good quality don't settle but select.
You are in the driver's seat so you need to know
that if they come to you they must come correct.
Another thing if you get down on your knees it
better be to pray and bring him with you also.
Because placing his male member in your mouth
doesn't prove your Love you need to know.
Another thing stop looking on the outside for a man
and what he has it will cost you in the long run more.
When a male has things he thinks you're after them so
believe me before he makes you a wife you'll be his whore.
You need to know there's a difference between a man
and a male anyway that the blind cannot see.
A man is not displaying how macho he is in fact he'll
show a side of caring and sensitivity.
You need to get out of that mindset a man
who shows his feelings his soft side is Gay.
But the guys you think are men are males who murder
and make punching bags out of the Sister everyday.
I'm a very sensitive person and I don't parade
around trying to act like a man like so many males do.
It's sad that many fail at being males because the women
are leaving them to hook up with other women you know it's true.
Being Loving and Caring being considerate of the other
person's feelings is where it's at without a doubt.
You see with all the domestic violence and the spousal abuse
these things that you call males you can live without.
Worthy is how he should be when he sets into your life
and worthy you should be to yourself and the Most High above.
Don't settle for the counterfeits of the devil called males
let Yah send you a man who will truly show you Love.

shelly david wright, poet

Love , Life, and Loyalty

"Love, Life, and Loyalty."

A ring is just a ring no matter what size the carat
if you don't have my Love, I dedicate my life and loyalty.
What's the use of having a ring just to say you're
married if all I'm about is infidelity.
There are many who have a marriage and a
big diamond to show off but no true marital Love life.
Sure they have everything that money can't buy
but money can't Love or a dedicated husband or wife.
Marriage to begin with is a Yah thing and not a
world thing Yah founded marriage of Love.
From the very beginning it was meant to endure
the test of time because divorce wasn't heard of.
Until someone dedicates and devotes themselves
to you, you have nothing but a piece of jewelry.
What is the value of a ring when your marriage
is worthless just a hypocrisy.
From the beginning marriage isn't about gain
or sex it's a ministry with two people He chose.
Not two who chose each other because all things
are by design as only He knows.
Love, life and loyalty are the main ingredients
of what a true spouse should have in them.
How can you claim to Love a spouse when you
first don't Love Yah and you hate Him.
Truth is many are just incapable of showing any
emotion aside from anger to their mate.
Fits of jealousy and rage only spell out that
the spirit that is in them is pure hate.
If Yah chose only a select who had the rest, yes you
got it satan's world and his own who are the majority.
They're the ones who are in failed relationships and
marriages because satan is a matchmaker you see.
When I finally give someone a ring it will be Love and
my dedication to give them my Life and Loyalty too.
They will mean the world to me because Yah sent them
and His favour for our marriage I shall pursue.
Love life and loyalty are the three that make giving
a ring important because marriage is very serious.
When I say I Do I know that Yah has sent me His
best and with my heart and life I will surely trust.

shelly david wright, poet

But An Understanding Wife is from Yah

"But An Understanding Wife is from Yah."

Proverbs states that he that finds a wife finds
a good thing and receives favour from Yah above.
It also states an understanding wife is from Him
so there's no chance of failure if it's Yah that you Love.
He has all your desires met especially if those desires
are His will for your life.
There is a time that He has set to introduce you to the
one that He chose from the beginning to be your wife.
Everything is appointed in a time and season to happen
and those waiting on a spouse will have their time too.
Because no good thing will Yah ever withhold once
He has set His Love on you.
Your spouse was chosen from the beginning when Yah
made them male and female He chose for you then.
So for you who are waiting for that special one it's
not a matter of if but when.
Proverbs 31:10 speaks of the capable wife and who
could find one they're a blessing you know.
They're the ones you must pray for and you must
be worthy to receive one also.
They're the ones who've been through much testing
that many call trouble adversity made them true.
When Yah sends you a wife you can surely trust in
her with all of you heart because she'll be good to you.
An understanding wife is from Yah and you must be
understanding yourself too you must be right.
You must be just as much a blessing to her as she is
to you, you should be each other's heart's delight.
There are many females and males out here but
those whom Yah has chose are extremely rare.
Someone who'll step up when others step back
it's not about talk she shows you she cares.
An understanding wife not a woman Yah said
but a wife so you must be to her a real husband.
You must be ready to commit and please her and
her Father Yah this you must understand.
An understanding wife not one filled with drama but a
blessing chosen for you before the foundation of the earth.
Yah made you husband and wife centuries ago
before Adam's physical birth.

shelly david wright, poet