Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Unclean Spirits

"Unclean Spirits."

Point blank and the bottom line is many have unclean
spirits and that's why they behave the way they do.
It isn't Love to physically assault someone or to cheat on
them because if they did they don't know what Love is too.
To be cruel and evil isn't Love but the sign of an unclean
spirit habitual liars have unclean spirits in them.
When you kill, steal, and destroy you have an unclean
spirit of the devil because the mentioned deeds are of him.
When someone attacks you verbally or physically it's a
sign of an unclean spirit no matter what the world calls it.
They'll say they have anger issues or they're Bipolar
but this is something modern medicine will never admit.
During the time of the Messiah He casted out unclean
spirits in many but no one is doing this service today.
Spirits are free to roam and possess whoever they will
outside of Yah's covering so with humanity they play.
There's a rash of violence where males are killing each
other at an alarming rate.
This too is an unclean spirit but the people diagnose it
as simple as Self hate.
More than what you see in the physical is the spiritual
where Fallen Ones really roam the earth.
They were sent here by the Most High long before
the first creation Adam's birth.
Unclean spirits is what's really going on and when you
see the News and the murders you know it's true.
You know it's an unclean spirit when someone that
you've never seen before looks all crazy eyed at you.
Hate is the opposite of Love and hate is more of what
we see and feel in many who claim to know Love.
Hate is an unclean spirit that's found in many of
the ones who are the meanest that you know of.
Love doesn't threaten or curse you Love doesn't act
out in a manner that will cause harm.
Love doesn't hit you as to control you through fear
Love will never twist to the point of breaking an arm.
Much more than attitudes and mental issues people have
spirits in them and they behave like it also.
If someone is mistreating you don't wait for the change in
them that may never come quite simply it's time for you to go.

shelly david wright, poet

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