Friday, May 27, 2011

He Gave Us Chocolate

"He Gave Us Chocolate."

Recently some idiot made a statement that
was off the charts of pure ignorance.
This person proved how shatan uses people
but his comments were at our Sisters' expense.
You see when this person said Sisters aren't attractive
this infuriated me to no end this person the Mother of all lies.
The first woman ever created was a Sister and those
others since are Masterpiece Creations of the Most High.
He gave us Chocolate exquisite uncrowned Queens
who are royalty because their Father is a King.
They have what other women in other cultures
want and I do mean everything.
From the lips to the round behinds to the colors
and different shades our Sisters come in.
To say our Sisters are not attractive is nothing
short of sin.
Right now in our spiritual captive state we as a
people are filled with attitudes against one another.
But when it comes down to a choice in a mate
I know He gave us Chocolate to me there is no other.
Jealousy and stupidity go hand in hand when remarks
of this magnitude are made against those who are mine.
The Brothers who are conscious should stand up to
defend our Sisters this is my bottom line.
We need to Love our own and cherish them as the
Mothers of Life as Eve was from the beginning too.
When you read Scriptures the most Beautiful women
in those Books are Sisters they are you.
Hold your head up but not so much in pride but in
Love and know that you were the first created.
You my Sisters are truly awesomely Beautiful but
because of our unconscious state so under appreciated.
I'm praying for my bride from Yah and He's going to
give me Chocolate a Queen from the beginning He chose.
Before the host of Heaven I will be honored and
blessed so to His Daughter I will propose.
I will then have the Chocolate that He's given me
and one of the most Beautiful women totally in life.
You see He gave Adam the best and those who followed
when Yah created a Sister to become our wives.

Dedicated to my Beautifully Created Sisters
title inspired in the presence of a Beautiful Sister
Miss Cecille Adams
shelly david wright, poet

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