Monday, May 23, 2011

The Shortness of Life

"The Shortness of Life."

People it's time to open our hearts to forgiveness
and stop holding grudges, hate, and animosity.
You who profess to know the Most High are the
ones that in His anger you don't want to see.
There is no saying I'm sorry from the grave they
can't hear you at the casket so it will be too late.
Ask Yah to humble you before He humbles you on
His own and believe me that time is coming just wait.
A smile goes a long way and when you hug someone
it is medicine to them we all can use an embrace.
The horror of a spiritual attack aka a bad day when
someone is loving those horrors can be erased.
The shortness of life is just what life is we all have
an expiration date and many dates are very short.
We need to realize that we all have spirits in us and
everything that is said we shouldn't take it to heart.
The shortness of life is getting shorter as the time of
one reign ends and the coming of the Most High.
We are in some troubled times where many are shaking
their heads and asking the question why.
Shatan and his fallen ones are busy they're in those
who they skillfully use everyday.
That's why even for our enemies those who we know
that can't stand us we really for them need to pray.
At all times we need to have some sort of peace in
our lives distancing ourselves from the source of stress.
There are toxic people with unclean spirits who are used
by the devil within them to stir up mess.
Life isn't a box of chocolates for many because the
sweet taste has gone out of it.
Many are troubled by the spirits that are within them
and from Adultery to Suicide many will commit.
Why ask the Most High to forgive and over look your
transgressions when you point fingers at your Sisters or Brothers.
Forgiveness is for them too we need to let it go and Love
and stop the hateration of one another.
The shortness of life is real there were many who did not
get up this morning who had an unclean spirit in them.
Many who were used to take another life to murder for
shatan are in danger of sharing the Lake of Fire with him.


This message was on my heart 5/23/11
Please take heed, something’s coming.
shelly david wright, poet

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