Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Loving The Calves as Well

" Loving the Calves as Well."

The reality of when you meet someone you need to
realize that many women have children too.
You need to know that they are a package deal and if
you Love the Cow then Loving her calves you should do.
You will hardly meet women who don't have children
and they have needs for themselves and their children also.
The true measure of a man is taking on the responsibility of
caring for them as his own a Love for hers he will show.
Charles once said the steps were in front of the house the
title step children he wouldn't use they were his as well.
A woman needs to know her children will be Loved and
accepted and this point many women will tell.
Loving the calves as well is what a man and not a male
will do a man will be responsible for hers as his own.
There are many relationships and marriages that have
dissolved because the true Love of both parents weren't known.
Many got into these relationships with sex as their foundation
but when it collapsed so did the family.
Where Love is a word only and not made action many single
parents and broken homes we're going to see.
Momma once told me after I met a female with a child
that if you Love the calf you'll Love her calves this stuck with me.
They don't need someone who is there for them alone but
many want a family they're not there just for intimacy.
It took two to make the baby well why does one have to be
there many have had to do it all alone.
Some are just baby makers who hit it and quit and when
the stomach rises they say it's not theirs and they're gone.
There are many different stories you will hear and it's
a problem that is so deep in our community.
What we have going on out here is not of the Most High
but of an unclean spirit and therefore it shouldn't be.
When I'm blessed to meet the Mrs. Wright that was chosen
she may have children that I must Love the same.
We will all be the Wright family and a blessing from
the Most High regardless of their last name.
You see they will be my Gifts from Yah and they will be
Loved as I will Love their Mother unconditionally.
When you Love the cow you will Love the calves
and for it you will all be blessed abundantly.

shelly david wright, poet

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