Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FAT is Fabulous And Thick

"Fat is Fabulous And Thick."

The word fat is looked upon as a negative and in
the mouths of many it's used as a weapon to hurt.
They will look at a person because of their size and
make derogatory remarks slinging dirt.
People didn't create themselves nor do many of
them want to be in the shape that they're in too.
You never know what health related problems caused
them to be this way or what they emotionally went through.
Some may have found comfort in food because of the
spiritual attack that caused them to eat.
We all are going and growing through something so
please to each other we need to learn to be sweet.
Fat is now going to stand for Fabulous And Thick this
is a negative being made a positive as it's meant to be.
We all need to pray that Yah takes away our fleshly
sight because we're blind to the true Beauty completely.
In fact in most cases Beauty is a feeling more than what
your lying eyes are capable of seeing in the first place.
We need to know that we are temporary creatures who
are literally dying daily this reality you need to face.
The sweetest people I know are ones many wouldn't call
fine yet they're awesome in the truest sense to me.
They are Fabulous because they're Beautiful and they're
Big Beautiful Intelligent Gorgeous girls that's what I see.
They don't have the attitudes/spirits of it's all about me
and they're grounded and pleasant to know.
Fabulous And Thick is what they are Big Boned if you will
but the reality is they are human beings created by Yah also.
I hope this becomes more than a poem and someone will
put this on a shirt and declare to the world they're FAT.
Yes I'm FAT Fabulous And Thick and proud of it the
shirt should say because being FAT is really where it's at.
There are some very attractive Sisters who are called
fat but they're Fabulous And Thick for real.
Love is about being Loving and kind so we should be
considerate of what we say and what they may feel.
Fabulous And Thick is what fat is I hope this one gets
forwarded around in the spirit of Love like a chain letter.
The more we spread Love I know that the more hearts
will be touched and many will see things much better.

inspired by Pooh Pae
shelly david wright, poet

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