Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Time Love

"Spring Time Love."

This is the time of the year and the season where the
Picnic basket needs to get used and I hope I get the chance.
All I need is a tender caring heart who wants to be Loved
someone who is starving for some old fashioned Romance.
A blanket near the river under a tree my IPhone with
some soft music and a pair of headsets for the two.
Lying on our backs looking into the sky your leg across
mine as we're holding each other’s hand too.
Spring time Love because this is truly the beginning of
the year when all things are born anew.
The winter romance that was in our hearts is rekindled
and the many festivals and places to go gives us things to do.
But the one place in the world I always want to be is close
to you in every way it's possible to be.
Hearing your voice and looking into your Beautiful eyes
I've never been but this is truly Heavenly.
To those of us who are Romantics Spring time is an
awakening of hearts and inspiration takes place.
To be in Love with someone who makes your heart do
triple sumersaults as blood to your head race.
Spring time is a time for the freshness of a morning
breeze and the taste of lips that are so sweet.
Kisses that Honey was glazed over and one after
another two hearts and two lips meet.
Many have hearts who yearn for the Spring time Love
or Love period many would be blessed to know.
A Love from a Beautiful person with a pure Heart who
through the Most High the essence of what they feel flow.
A Spring time Love is Beautiful to share with that special
someone who makes you smile when their name you call.
Someone who you Love 24/7 365 days of the year every
season Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall.
A Spring time Love is what we all need to feel I know I'd
Love to feel it when Yah allows that special one for me.
Someone who needs to have their heart released from
behind a wall that they've built up a sort of captivity.
Someone who is looking to be Loved and romanced who is
tired of the games and who wants to be treated wonderfully.
Then a Spring time Love can happen that will take us
through the rest of the year in passion that's endlessly.

shelly david wright, poet

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