Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cuddling and Kissing

"Cuddling and Kissing."

Tonight we're going to play some board games
and for our entertainment we'll play a new one.
We'll sit on the sofa and she'll stick a piece of
candy in her mouth and what happens next is fun.
We'll share the flavor in a kiss that I'm sure will
bring on heated passion and intimacy.
Cuddling and kissing is the romantic thing to do
when you want the heart felt touch of pure sensitivity.
For many romance is foreign and unheard of
they can't get pass Body Banging so romance is dead.
All they want to do is get theirs and turn over and go to
sleep leaving a frustrated partner in bed.
Without Love it's just sex but when you're in Love it
becomes extremely intense and a whole lot more.
You're sharing a bond with someone who is most
precious in your life who you Love and adore.
Cuddling and kissing is a Beautiful thing between
the two who are filled with Love and pure emotion.
Two who at anytime can be playful and romantic
put out the edible chocolate when you get the notion.
Be imaginative and role play make it exciting do your
things but make it interesting too.
Life is too short just to be dull around your spouse
whisper in their ear the nasty things you're about to do.
I used nasty but it isn't when you're in agreement
just how far the two of you will go.
Love has no limits with some couples because when the
fire starts the other will know.
Cuddling and kissing and from there you can do something
even more intense the two of you will enjoy also.
Take her by the hand and bring her into the bedroom
the look in her eyes will be there and on that face she'll show.
Romance is a Beautiful thing it's an art of affection
that too many out here don't know a thing about.
It ain't about buying anything because she's not a
prostitute that mindset we can live without.
Romance is a heart to heart thing when you show her
Love and she shows the same to you in return.
Because when you're connected on a higher level the two
of you can start a fire where the whole bed will burn.

shelly david wright, poet
3/31/11 poem #40 in 8 days.

In Need of Love and Support

"In Need of Love and Support."

There are many who are in need of a concerned
ear and a shoulder to lean and to cry on too.
Because many who are in relationships, marriages
and those who are alone are really going through.
The storms of life are intense and many are in need of Love
and support a word of encouragement they need to hear.
We are not islands but we're suppose to be there for one
another so those who are in need of a word I am here.
In need of Love and support many relationships are
over in spirit and emotion and that other has moved on.
The spark they had in the marriage has gone out
and the fire that once blazed is gone.
They don't talk to each other but at each other
throwing accusations and blame.
They're at war and they're both suffering pointing
fingers and calling each other out their name.
This is a time where the voice and concern of a friend
is helpful not taking sides but listening is what they need.
They want to vent off steam that has been building
they need someone there who is more than words but deed.
The ministry is not only in the Pulpit but on the front lines
where many are hurt and in need of some healing.
Many are broken hearted they need an ear to listen
because what they feel to you they'll be revealing.
In need of Love and support because Love is what
they're not receiving at this time from their mate.
Remember this is a time where they're unhappy and
not pleased with one another at any rate.
This isn't a time to take advantage of them they're
vulnerable they need your compassion sincerely.
A heart that cares and is concerned is all that they
really need a true friend they need to see.
I wrote this poem when I was spiritually attacked
entitled "In Need of a Friend" with my pager number on it.
Well I got a call from a Sister who was in deep depression
and thoughts of suicide was on her mind to commit.
Where there was crying, laughter was at the end of our
conversation she was in need of some support and Love.
Sometimes we are the closest things they will get to
hearing a word from our Heavenly Father above.

shelly david wright, poet



Security is what a real woman needs she needs to
know and be confident that you'll be committed fully.
Because they know the games have been played they've
had girlfriends they had to talk to continuously.
They've been betrayed and forgiveness and healing
takes so long to achieve.
What some have gone through the night crying alone
many of you know this is not hard to believe.
She wants to feel secure before she gives her heart
to you that you won't turn around and break it too.
That you're not a Pantie Chaser who is in it only for
the thrill of the chase and when she's caught you're through.
She wants to know that before she lets down her guard
that it's not just talk but you're being for real.
She needs to see true emotions from you how sensitive
you are she wants to know just how you feel.
Because many things can transpire and will you be
there for her if she stumbles and fall.
What are your true intentions are you there for the
long haul or in it for a Booty Call.
She needs to know how you feel about her children
are you able to cope with a ready made family.
She wants to know the real you before she gets involved
so much about you she needs to see.
Do you have children and are you taking care of them
is there Baby Mama drama this she really needs to know.
Because if there is please don't waste her time because
she knows there are two sides but you may have to go.
There is so much to consider when getting involved
it's more than getting your wee wee wet.
The wrong male in her life could end up destroying it
leaving her once again with sleepless nights of regret.
I know there are some females who play hard but
inwardly they're Pussy Cats needing attention and Love.
They want to be treated special and made to feel wanted
she wants to hear the nicest things you can think of.
Security and trust are two things that they need to feel
and they need to know that about all you're a real man.
Not those who are all about her body and to have her
sexually is their only plan.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, May 27, 2011

He Gave Us Chocolate

"He Gave Us Chocolate."

Recently some idiot made a statement that
was off the charts of pure ignorance.
This person proved how shatan uses people
but his comments were at our Sisters' expense.
You see when this person said Sisters aren't attractive
this infuriated me to no end this person the Mother of all lies.
The first woman ever created was a Sister and those
others since are Masterpiece Creations of the Most High.
He gave us Chocolate exquisite uncrowned Queens
who are royalty because their Father is a King.
They have what other women in other cultures
want and I do mean everything.
From the lips to the round behinds to the colors
and different shades our Sisters come in.
To say our Sisters are not attractive is nothing
short of sin.
Right now in our spiritual captive state we as a
people are filled with attitudes against one another.
But when it comes down to a choice in a mate
I know He gave us Chocolate to me there is no other.
Jealousy and stupidity go hand in hand when remarks
of this magnitude are made against those who are mine.
The Brothers who are conscious should stand up to
defend our Sisters this is my bottom line.
We need to Love our own and cherish them as the
Mothers of Life as Eve was from the beginning too.
When you read Scriptures the most Beautiful women
in those Books are Sisters they are you.
Hold your head up but not so much in pride but in
Love and know that you were the first created.
You my Sisters are truly awesomely Beautiful but
because of our unconscious state so under appreciated.
I'm praying for my bride from Yah and He's going to
give me Chocolate a Queen from the beginning He chose.
Before the host of Heaven I will be honored and
blessed so to His Daughter I will propose.
I will then have the Chocolate that He's given me
and one of the most Beautiful women totally in life.
You see He gave Adam the best and those who followed
when Yah created a Sister to become our wives.

Dedicated to my Beautifully Created Sisters
title inspired in the presence of a Beautiful Sister
Miss Cecille Adams
shelly david wright, poet

Sensitive and Real

"Sensitive and Real."

I was listening to Patrice Rushen's "Haven't You Heard"
where she states the qualities of the man she desire.
What she wants in a mate are the same things I've been
looking for someone with extreme passion and fire.
A gentle touch, a tender heart, a smile to brighten up my day I
need warmth and a lot of Love and kindness spread along the way.
Well anyone can plainly tell that Love is what I want to feel so my
heart is reaching out to someone who's sensitive and real she say.
Sensitive and real very affectionate but has a heart that was
placed in her by our Heavenly Father above.
Someone who has gone and grown through the storm
who knows how to give and receive true Love.
This is the one I've been looking for to share my life
someone who needs the part of them that's missing too.
Someone who wants to feel Love and appreciated who wants
to be romanced and cherished their whole lives through.
Patrice says she had an ad in the classified but I have
mine through prayer to the Most High.
Father knows best in my case and in His selection of
a spouse for my life I really truly cannot deny.
He is the one who created me and He knows who
is the perfect one for me I feel.
Someone with all the qualities Patrice mentioned and
so much more who is sensitive and real.
Someone who is looking for their Knight who will be
committed and dedicated to making them first in their life.
Someone who will be blessed everyday for the rest of
their lives when I make a chosen Queen my wife.
Sensitive and real because there are so many who aren't
because their emotions were raped and torn apart.
There are some who are so bitter after trusting and
having a thousand knives stabbed repeatedly in the hearts.
Sensitive and real, caring, Loving, who is ready to feel
what she's ready from her whole heart to give.
A Beautiful heart with the sweetest personality who
with their soul mate in peace they want to live.
Don't you know that I've been looking for you is what
she sings and these are my sentiments exactly.
Someone with a tender heart and a gentle touch with
a heart filled with Love she wants to give to me.

inspired by Patrice Rushen's "Haven't You Heard"
shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Sickness

"In Sickness."

In the vows many recite there is the line in sickness
and in health but do they really understand what they say.
Sickness can come upon their spouse and the
person you married can be impaired in a bad way.
Marriages break up now divorces are skyrocketing for
reasons that are selfish in nature and aren't real.
So imagine what would happen of a disease struck
your spouse and they gained weight how would you feel.
I've heard some males say if their girl gains weight they
would leave them now you know this is sad.
What if she had to have her head shaven or she lost
it for some hair Lovers this would go bad.
The reality is that many are just flesh freaks their
reasons for marriage is purely superficial totally.
They married a trophy someone who was very attractive
they looked on the outside but not internally.
When you have this mindset no wonder the divorce rates
are up and broken hearts have destroyed so many.
You have females who have turned to other females
because of the failures of males and I do mean plenty.
I saw this couple on the News where he was taking care
of his declining sick wife.
You see marriage unless on the grounds stated in Scripture
or death was meant to last for life.
When that spouse gets sick will they abandon them if
it gets to be too much for them or will they stay.
I know many didn't marry for Love not when looks took
priority it was lust and that's why on each other they play.
Sickness is no joke and it could take the sex out of the
marriage and female problems could come into play too.
What if she couldn't have sex or lost her desire because
of sickness what would you do.
In sickness are words many repeat and not seriously
and this is for the females that I'm writing this too as well.
Love and sensitivity, devotion, commitment, and understanding
along with the spirit of Yah and any marriage can prevail.
In sickness well when I'm finally blessed with my spouse
through learning now through writing the poetry I will know.
That it's not about how Beautiful she is now or how good those
legs look but if she gets sick my true Love for her I'll show.

shelly david wright, poet

Unclean Spirits

"Unclean Spirits."

Point blank and the bottom line is many have unclean
spirits and that's why they behave the way they do.
It isn't Love to physically assault someone or to cheat on
them because if they did they don't know what Love is too.
To be cruel and evil isn't Love but the sign of an unclean
spirit habitual liars have unclean spirits in them.
When you kill, steal, and destroy you have an unclean
spirit of the devil because the mentioned deeds are of him.
When someone attacks you verbally or physically it's a
sign of an unclean spirit no matter what the world calls it.
They'll say they have anger issues or they're Bipolar
but this is something modern medicine will never admit.
During the time of the Messiah He casted out unclean
spirits in many but no one is doing this service today.
Spirits are free to roam and possess whoever they will
outside of Yah's covering so with humanity they play.
There's a rash of violence where males are killing each
other at an alarming rate.
This too is an unclean spirit but the people diagnose it
as simple as Self hate.
More than what you see in the physical is the spiritual
where Fallen Ones really roam the earth.
They were sent here by the Most High long before
the first creation Adam's birth.
Unclean spirits is what's really going on and when you
see the News and the murders you know it's true.
You know it's an unclean spirit when someone that
you've never seen before looks all crazy eyed at you.
Hate is the opposite of Love and hate is more of what
we see and feel in many who claim to know Love.
Hate is an unclean spirit that's found in many of
the ones who are the meanest that you know of.
Love doesn't threaten or curse you Love doesn't act
out in a manner that will cause harm.
Love doesn't hit you as to control you through fear
Love will never twist to the point of breaking an arm.
Much more than attitudes and mental issues people have
spirits in them and they behave like it also.
If someone is mistreating you don't wait for the change in
them that may never come quite simply it's time for you to go.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, May 23, 2011



Obsession is far more than a fragrance it's
an unclean spirit that many have in them.
Males and females alike have this dark spirit
of shatan they are possessed by him.
They are either obsessed with themselves the
things they have or another person entirely.
They are very possessive and controlling and they
don't want them ever talking to nobody.
These spirits make it difficult to ever let go of a person
and they're always thinking they're being cheated on.
They're always wondering what they're up to when that
person isn't in their face or they're gone.
Yet those who think they're being cheated on speak
out of guilt because they're doing the same.
Trying to leave you with a guilt trip accusing you
when they're the ones playing that game.
Some females are still being stalked as are the males
who are introduced to these children of shatan.
Many don't understand that he's a master matchmaker
yet your emotion and physical destruction is his plan.
He will set you up to mess over you with a Wolf in sheep's
clothing that will tear you and your whole world apart.
Leaving scared and untrusting because the devil they
let into their lives quite simply ripped out their heart.
Why would you want to be with someone you don't trust
because you played those games doesn't mean it's going to be me.
Just because the last one you had played you it doesn't
mean that this type of behavior you will see.
Many are possessed with unclean spirits that make them
obsessed and possessive to the point of threatening you.
When a person is this spiritually twisted you can never
tell or trust what they will do.
Many are dead now because someone decided to take
them and themselves out obsession ain't nothing nice.
When you deal with someone with an unclean spirit
example a jealous rage you could pay the ultimate price.
Obsession is a spirit and people are more than flesh and
blood but have a spirit like chocolate candy has a center.
There are many who right now are being watched and
stalked because into their lives they let the devil enter.

shelly david wright, poet

The Shortness of Life

"The Shortness of Life."

People it's time to open our hearts to forgiveness
and stop holding grudges, hate, and animosity.
You who profess to know the Most High are the
ones that in His anger you don't want to see.
There is no saying I'm sorry from the grave they
can't hear you at the casket so it will be too late.
Ask Yah to humble you before He humbles you on
His own and believe me that time is coming just wait.
A smile goes a long way and when you hug someone
it is medicine to them we all can use an embrace.
The horror of a spiritual attack aka a bad day when
someone is loving those horrors can be erased.
The shortness of life is just what life is we all have
an expiration date and many dates are very short.
We need to realize that we all have spirits in us and
everything that is said we shouldn't take it to heart.
The shortness of life is getting shorter as the time of
one reign ends and the coming of the Most High.
We are in some troubled times where many are shaking
their heads and asking the question why.
Shatan and his fallen ones are busy they're in those
who they skillfully use everyday.
That's why even for our enemies those who we know
that can't stand us we really for them need to pray.
At all times we need to have some sort of peace in
our lives distancing ourselves from the source of stress.
There are toxic people with unclean spirits who are used
by the devil within them to stir up mess.
Life isn't a box of chocolates for many because the
sweet taste has gone out of it.
Many are troubled by the spirits that are within them
and from Adultery to Suicide many will commit.
Why ask the Most High to forgive and over look your
transgressions when you point fingers at your Sisters or Brothers.
Forgiveness is for them too we need to let it go and Love
and stop the hateration of one another.
The shortness of life is real there were many who did not
get up this morning who had an unclean spirit in them.
Many who were used to take another life to murder for
shatan are in danger of sharing the Lake of Fire with him.


This message was on my heart 5/23/11
Please take heed, something’s coming.
shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Juicy Wet Kisses

"Juicy Wet Kisses."

Your juicy wet kisses are the treat I crave and
the one in all of the world I truly desire.
If the planet were to be engulfed in flames a few of
those juicy wet kisses would put out the fire.
You were given in creation a pair of full juicy lips
with the sweetest of honey layered in the process.
When our lips meet and we embrace all the wars
end around the globe and then there's happiness.
I lose myself and fall off the world for your kisses
I live for along with the passion you bring to them.
I feel Loved above all to have you and I thank Yah
for the ultimate gift and in my heart I praise Him.
For you are like no other that I've ever met and those
who have come and gone out of my life.
I'm over Joyed to have said I Do our meeting was
planned as it was for you to become my wife.
Sitting on the sofa listening to Faith Evans sing "Kissing
You" inspires your lips into action as your heart races.
The next thing you can imagine is my Miss Affection
is all over me and we're in each other’s faces.
The touch of your skin against mine the softness that
even a zillion rolls of Charmin couldn't compare to.
The Love I feel is overwhelming as you're in my arms
and I'm making sweet and passionate Love to you.
Your thick juicy lips pressed against mine and our
tongues meet and begin to dance.
This is every night when we get together in our quiet
time we feed each other with the pleasure of romance.
Being sensitive to the needs of the other we play
passionately and intimately this game of Love.
Wherever we're at in our home from the kitchen to
the closet and we do anything in any position we think of.
Your juicy wet kisses after some wine makes the time
we spend together special moments I treasure.
Love and passion is better than a house full of furniture
when you whip it out intensely beyond measure.
Your juicy wet kisses in the morning is the best breakfast
I have them with my morning shower too.
When Love is the main ingredient of any marriage
that person is on your mind the whole day through.

shelly david wright, poet

There are No Failed Relationships

"There are No Failed Relationships."

There are no failed relationships or marriages they're
called Learning Experiences and they're to grow from.
What we have is people who are in our lives for a reason
and a season from Yah and through shatan they come.
Each person brings something new and different into our
lives and many who are in our lives we wish they'd go.
When you are spiritually aware of who you are then you're
always under the attack of shatan this you should know.
He will always send someone into your life a stumbling
block but know there is only so much he's allowed to do.
Because we are here for a purpose and to please the Most
High and remember those who are His He's watching you.
Many are heart broken who are in relationships who know
that it's failing but believe me it’s not.
If you learn from whatever you're going through then you're
also growing through it and knowledge you've got.
Just because we want it to work and be the one doesn't
mean that it was meant to be.
Sometimes the one we think is right for us was sent by
shatan he's a Matchmaker too as many are starting to see.
Love never fails because it's Impossible for it to and it will
never end because the power of Love is limitless.
Many only used the word but couldn't comprehend its
meaning they never had the fulfillment of happiness.
Right now someone is going through a divorce or a break up
thinking that they've wasted their time with them.
Never thinking that just because they were in a marriage
doesn't mean that she was the right one for him.
Shatan sends those into your life and he's using them to
destroy you emotionally.
Once he has your mind and heart it's nothing for him to
make you take your own life and destroy physically.
There are no failed relationships just learning experiences
from our time here we are seeds planted that grow.
We have minds that absorb like sponges all that we encounter
because the spirit of learning makes it so.
Never say you've failed at anything because you didn't
it was meant to happen this way it's the way it was meant.
There are no failed relationships just learning experiences
and I hope that this poem for many is true acknowledgement.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, May 16, 2011

On This Cold Spring Day in March

"On This Cold Spring Day in March."

On this cold Spring day in March I'm wrapped
in a blanket spooning with my honey so tight.
Our pajamas somehow came off of our bodies
some time in the middle of the night.
Now we're cold because the temperature dropped
but it's a reason to snuggle and enjoy the body heat.
I'm in bed with my Hershey Chocolate honey dipped
sweetheart who is the definition of sweet.
On this cold Spring day the last day of March and
I'm laying next to my honey who is enjoying dream 69.
All courtesy of the bottle we opened last night while
playing a video game in bed we had some wine.
We had some vegetarian pizza earlier and watched
a movie then we showered and put our pajamas on.
Now we're awake and it's cold on this last day of
March 2011 and our pajamas are now gone.
Maybe it was the wine and we got hot last night
or we had a session of passionate intimacy.
Whatever happened we're wrapped in a blanket
and each other I'm enjoying the softness of her body.
On this cold spring day in March no Sun is shining
it's overcast and the weather lady says it's nice.
I'm holding the most precious person I've ever known
I wouldn't get out this warm bed and leave her at any price.
On this cold spring day in March I have all that I need
in one place body heat my wife and my remote too.
When we get tired of the bed we'll get up and shower but
not before some kissing, hugging and something else we do.
On this last day of March and it's cold I'm snuggling up
and she turns over wearing only a smile.
Good morning she says and I'm hungry and I say me too
and have been for awhile.
I've been waiting for you to wake up and now we can
shower together and get dressed then I'll go cook.
Tony the Tiger is what I can cook the best so I go to
the cabinet and for the cereal I look.
On this last day of March I'm now in the shower with
my honey kissing her so passionately as I wash her back also.
You know it's time for us to enjoy the rest of the day
before we both get too passionate and back to bed we go.

shelly david wright, poet

Heartfelt Attachments

"Heartfelt Attachment."

With them you will feel a special heartfelt attachment
a closeness that is more than you felt before.
And each time you're with them you feel closer
and you begin to care for them even more.
This is the way it should be when you care and are
filled with true Love and sensitivity.
You should have a heartfelt attachment to all those
you Love and care about continuously.
A heartfelt attachment is a Beautiful thing when
that person is a genuine friend and really Loves you.
There shouldn't be anything too good for them because
Love is an action word and it will always do.
I'm blessed to have those I really Love and care about
they are my spiritual family.
They are Yah's way of showing how cared about I
am to Him and just how much He Loves me.
When I write it is heartfelt and from a yearning to
one day share the poems with someone special too.
On that day I will write the most Beautiful words
that will come from a place of Love flowing through.
But until that time I will be Blessed and Bless those
through the poetry the heartfelt words that I write.
I'm certain that they are being blessed by these poems
and I'm heartfelt by them and the poems are a delight.
Heartfelt attachments for those who you Love people
who are special in your life that you know.
People come through your life for a reason and a purpose
and many of them move on and some you let go.
The ones who stay you become attached to and as you
begin to grow together a heartfelt attachment is made.
A bond that is stronger than Gorilla glue that with
time will never fade.
To those of you who I send this poetry to I pray
all is well and you’ll be blessed above all bountifully.
I hope to see many of you at the 2nd Lines with those
Beautiful smiles that I know come from the heart inwardly.
A heartfelt attachment is what those of us who are capable
of Love have but Love in their hearts many haven't got.
I pray that they too will be healed by the Most High of
the hurt they feel because for His own He cares a lot.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Speak Your Heart

"Speak Your Heart."

Speak your heart and let my ears hear the

Beautiful words that will make mine melt.

Emotions that you hold inside for me that

you have always felt.

Speak your heart as I will speak mine through

words that have meaning through the poetry.

Words that can only convey so much but what

I really want to express you'll have to see me.

Speak your heart and the Beauty of it with passion

let the words out of your mouth flow.

Tell me what my heart longs to hear and I will respond

by saying I Love you so.

When I speak my heart and mind to you let my

words enter into your ears.

Words that I've waited to share from my heart

of emotions I held for you for years.

Speak your heart and I will speak mine and

we'll have a conversation so sweet.

Then we can share a walk in the park go for a

movie and have something to eat.

Spark the fire of romance and let the flames of

that fire turn into a searing romance.

When we speak our hearts to each other

in truth we will get that chance.

Speak your heart and not fear anything but

reap the Love that your heart wants to share.

You're the one whom I really want to be with

because it is about you that I really care.

Many are afraid to speak their hearts because

they've been betrayed and hurt so in the past.

A broken heart and a reason for hiding their

hearts they were in a relationship that didn't last.

Empty promises and lies were told then to add

injury to hurt a game on their emotions was played.

Then they were dumped when they moved on to

another when after multiple times they got layed.

Speak your heart and let me hear words and

I will speak from my heart words that are true.

You are the one whom I'm ready to commit

myself to when I from my heart say I Love you.


shelly david wright, poet


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Time Love

"Spring Time Love."

This is the time of the year and the season where the
Picnic basket needs to get used and I hope I get the chance.
All I need is a tender caring heart who wants to be Loved
someone who is starving for some old fashioned Romance.
A blanket near the river under a tree my IPhone with
some soft music and a pair of headsets for the two.
Lying on our backs looking into the sky your leg across
mine as we're holding each other’s hand too.
Spring time Love because this is truly the beginning of
the year when all things are born anew.
The winter romance that was in our hearts is rekindled
and the many festivals and places to go gives us things to do.
But the one place in the world I always want to be is close
to you in every way it's possible to be.
Hearing your voice and looking into your Beautiful eyes
I've never been but this is truly Heavenly.
To those of us who are Romantics Spring time is an
awakening of hearts and inspiration takes place.
To be in Love with someone who makes your heart do
triple sumersaults as blood to your head race.
Spring time is a time for the freshness of a morning
breeze and the taste of lips that are so sweet.
Kisses that Honey was glazed over and one after
another two hearts and two lips meet.
Many have hearts who yearn for the Spring time Love
or Love period many would be blessed to know.
A Love from a Beautiful person with a pure Heart who
through the Most High the essence of what they feel flow.
A Spring time Love is Beautiful to share with that special
someone who makes you smile when their name you call.
Someone who you Love 24/7 365 days of the year every
season Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall.
A Spring time Love is what we all need to feel I know I'd
Love to feel it when Yah allows that special one for me.
Someone who needs to have their heart released from
behind a wall that they've built up a sort of captivity.
Someone who is looking to be Loved and romanced who is
tired of the games and who wants to be treated wonderfully.
Then a Spring time Love can happen that will take us
through the rest of the year in passion that's endlessly.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, May 6, 2011

Multi Partners in One

"Multi Partners in One."

They say a picture is worth a thousand words well
I hope the attached picture really talks to you.
Because when you sleep with someone you're sleeping
with their history you're having everyone they had too.
Then there's the other side where you need to know that
it's more than the physical but the spiritual as well.
Unclean spirits are exchanged through sex they have
access to you and you are then placed under their spell.
Multi partners in one yes this is a reality of what many
don't know or never conceive could happen to them.
You may not know her sexual history and certainly you
may never know how many has slept with him.
We are foolish not to believe that there's not an unseen
world when you pray to a spirit that you cannot see.
Well you need to know that your body is just a conduit
for spirits that control and possess you inwardly.
Many throughout Scripture have been spiritually filled
by unclean spirits in fact we all have according to the word.
Ephesians tell us that we all walked according to the god
but this Scripture many of you have never heard.
When you look at the picture this should really make you
think because unclean spirits are so real.
Through disease such as Aids these unclean spirits can
destroy a life and eventually kill.
You not only sleep with everyone they've slept with but
you share their spirits and possibly diseases also.
You see when someone wants you sexually only the
truth about themselves and their past you will never know.
And because it's a heart to heart thing where you're
aroused emotionally you'll never ask the question anyway.
You trust until your feelings are hurt but that's long after
you've become this person's lay.
Multi partners in one Lovemaking is a Beautiful thing under
the right circumstances that are set by the Most High.
But when we have sex outside of Yah's will shatan has
access to us and unclean spirits we can't deny.
Multi partners in one I'm not trying to take all the fun out
of life but increase your happiness and pleasure.
There are whores who are predators with unclean spirits
who live for sex and no one they really treasure.

Title and picture by Tonida J. Cooper Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FAT is Fabulous And Thick

"Fat is Fabulous And Thick."

The word fat is looked upon as a negative and in
the mouths of many it's used as a weapon to hurt.
They will look at a person because of their size and
make derogatory remarks slinging dirt.
People didn't create themselves nor do many of
them want to be in the shape that they're in too.
You never know what health related problems caused
them to be this way or what they emotionally went through.
Some may have found comfort in food because of the
spiritual attack that caused them to eat.
We all are going and growing through something so
please to each other we need to learn to be sweet.
Fat is now going to stand for Fabulous And Thick this
is a negative being made a positive as it's meant to be.
We all need to pray that Yah takes away our fleshly
sight because we're blind to the true Beauty completely.
In fact in most cases Beauty is a feeling more than what
your lying eyes are capable of seeing in the first place.
We need to know that we are temporary creatures who
are literally dying daily this reality you need to face.
The sweetest people I know are ones many wouldn't call
fine yet they're awesome in the truest sense to me.
They are Fabulous because they're Beautiful and they're
Big Beautiful Intelligent Gorgeous girls that's what I see.
They don't have the attitudes/spirits of it's all about me
and they're grounded and pleasant to know.
Fabulous And Thick is what they are Big Boned if you will
but the reality is they are human beings created by Yah also.
I hope this becomes more than a poem and someone will
put this on a shirt and declare to the world they're FAT.
Yes I'm FAT Fabulous And Thick and proud of it the
shirt should say because being FAT is really where it's at.
There are some very attractive Sisters who are called
fat but they're Fabulous And Thick for real.
Love is about being Loving and kind so we should be
considerate of what we say and what they may feel.
Fabulous And Thick is what fat is I hope this one gets
forwarded around in the spirit of Love like a chain letter.
The more we spread Love I know that the more hearts
will be touched and many will see things much better.

inspired by Pooh Pae
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Loving The Calves as Well

" Loving the Calves as Well."

The reality of when you meet someone you need to
realize that many women have children too.
You need to know that they are a package deal and if
you Love the Cow then Loving her calves you should do.
You will hardly meet women who don't have children
and they have needs for themselves and their children also.
The true measure of a man is taking on the responsibility of
caring for them as his own a Love for hers he will show.
Charles once said the steps were in front of the house the
title step children he wouldn't use they were his as well.
A woman needs to know her children will be Loved and
accepted and this point many women will tell.
Loving the calves as well is what a man and not a male
will do a man will be responsible for hers as his own.
There are many relationships and marriages that have
dissolved because the true Love of both parents weren't known.
Many got into these relationships with sex as their foundation
but when it collapsed so did the family.
Where Love is a word only and not made action many single
parents and broken homes we're going to see.
Momma once told me after I met a female with a child
that if you Love the calf you'll Love her calves this stuck with me.
They don't need someone who is there for them alone but
many want a family they're not there just for intimacy.
It took two to make the baby well why does one have to be
there many have had to do it all alone.
Some are just baby makers who hit it and quit and when
the stomach rises they say it's not theirs and they're gone.
There are many different stories you will hear and it's
a problem that is so deep in our community.
What we have going on out here is not of the Most High
but of an unclean spirit and therefore it shouldn't be.
When I'm blessed to meet the Mrs. Wright that was chosen
she may have children that I must Love the same.
We will all be the Wright family and a blessing from
the Most High regardless of their last name.
You see they will be my Gifts from Yah and they will be
Loved as I will Love their Mother unconditionally.
When you Love the cow you will Love the calves
and for it you will all be blessed abundantly.

shelly david wright, poet