Monday, April 25, 2011

Read Them with Your Eyes

"Read Them with Your Eyes."

Read them with your eyes but feel them with
your heart these words that I write to you.
Words that are inspired by your Beauty that
in poetic form from my heart flow through.
Feel them as every letter forms a word that
touches your heart awakening feelings of Love.
Emotions arise that seemed to be locked away
and some of the sweetest thoughts you're thinking of.
Thoughts of our bodies becoming one as our lips meet
in a kiss that seems to take your breath away.
Finding thoughts of being with me you find yourself
thinking throughout the day.
When you feel them with your heart even the most
intimate words arouse you to want a whole lot more.
To go on a journey in your heart and mind imagining
something so sweet and special we've never done before.
Giving yourself to me not for a moment of pleasure but
a lifetime because in your heart is where I stay.
Under a tree in your mind our bodies are exposed
and in your Love I lay.
When you feel them with your heart you wish that
I could be there to feel the results of what you just read.
In a candle lit room with the softest music playing
uncovering your exquisite Beauty lying in bed.
Feel these words with your heart and in your mind
realize this is more than words should convey.
These need to be turned into action in the face of
romance your heart begins to say.
Your body begins to speak as these words are read
feelings that make you want me are felt.
Emotions are turned into the sweetest sounds as
moisture forms and you begin to melt.
Your body is heated and thoughts of passion are
racing but these words you find too juicy to put down.
It seems like a tease to you these words that talk to
your heart and your body and I am not around.
The doorbell rings and you leave the computer
only to find me on the other side of the door waiting.
You pull me in and passionately kiss me and pull me by
the hand to the bedroom for some serious mating.

shelly david wright, poet

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