Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Lady in the Streets a Tigress in the Sheets

"A Lady in the Streets a Tigress in the Sheets."

I want a wife with the sweetness of honey a heart filled
with Love intense passion and drive.
I want to wake up every morning and praise Yah
that I'm a man and I'm glad to be alive.
I want a wife who is a lady in the streets who conducts
herself with the utmost self respect and dignity.
But when she gets home she become a tigress in the
sheets and pounces all over me.
Most of all someone sensitive and warm with true
understanding and a heart to listen to my concerns.
Someone who is trusting and very prayerful who
goes to the Most High for answers at every turn.
Someone who will be my lifetime companion who
has a sense of humor and the fruit of the spirit too.
Yet someone who will know that our bodies belong
to each other and feed me good Love she will do.
A Lady in the streets who dresses Lady like and carries
herself in a fashion to impress the Most High.
Someone who is dying to her flesh daily who will put
me first after Yah as I.
Someone who knows we are one and the words We, Ours
and Us and believes in the fullness of marriage in her heart.
Yet someone who will when the moment is right attack
me and rip my underwear all apart.
This is the ideal woman but the example before I must set
I can't ask for something that I am not.
The qualities that I'm asking for I should have too Love,
passion, consideration, and understanding I've got.
Patience and be able to listen to her concerns as well
because life isn't a one way street but it's two.
Before I can ask the Most High for a wife like that I
must be in my heart before Him true.
A Lady in the streets a virtuous wife with standards
and morals who isn't about confusion and mess.
But who will make me stutter when we're alone and
gives me a strip show when it's time for her to undress.
Yes a Lady in the streets and everywhere at every moment
and a Tigress who takes control for pleasure beyond measure.
A wife like that with the spirit and Love of the Most High
would be the greatest earthly treasure.

inspired by Pooh Pae
shelly david wright, poet

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