Friday, April 15, 2011

I've Touched You in the Deepest Way

"I've Touched You in the Deepest Way."

My words have touched your heart and mind
in the deepest way and you'll never be the same.
Your heart is overjoyed and you begin to smile
at the thought or at the mentioning of my name.
I've touched you in the deepest way with my words
and in doing so your fountain of Love began to seep.
Brought on by the words that touched your heart and
your body words that penetrated you so deep.
Words that awakened your body as well as your mind
to the reality that you've been touched in the deepest way.
My words have touched you in a special way with
feelings and thoughts of Love when you lay.
I've touched you in the deepest way and your heart is
in my hands and I will treasure it because of how you feel.
I will cherish the sweetness that makes you a creation
of beauty who has a heart that's sensitive and real.
I've touched you in the deepest way and I've won your
heart and respect your admiration also.
With words that make your heart skip and make butterflies
appear I feel you more than you know.
I've touched you in the deepest way and I'm in your heart
you feel me and there's happiness when you see my face.
I've given you more than passionate words that touched
your body but memories that cannot be erased.
I've touched you in the deepest way and now you're mine
and in your heart is where I will forever be.
I've touched you in the deepest way for when you close
your eyes your thoughts are about me.
My words have touched your heart and they soothe you
they caress your mind as if it were your body very much.
You feel a closeness in a deep and special way because
I penetrated your heart with a very sensitive touch.
I've touched you in the deepest way and now you're
a part of me as I've become a very special part of you.
For what my words have done in an intimate way is
create feelings that your heart feels so true.
I've touched you in the deepest way with mere words
yet words that were powerful enough to enter your heart.
Words that touched you in the deepest way that produced
more than a physical reaction that will never keep us apart.

shelly david wright, poet

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