Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When I Look into Your Eyes

"When I Look into Your Eyes."

When I look into your eyes I see not only the most
Beautiful person on earth I see my future too.
I can see not only the sparkle but I'm seeing
that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I see more than I knew possible for one person
to ever in this or any other life.
When I look into your eyes I'm looking into the
Beautiful eyes of the one I Love my wife.
When I look into your eyes I see a journey that
we're going to take when in Love we become one.
When I look into your eyes I see the fulfillment of
a blessing that from the beginning of time was done.
I see the Love of Yah showing me just how special
I am to Him when He's given His best you.
When I look into your eyes I see how wonderful life
and the Love of life is all I want to pursue.
You're the greatest creation of Yah and the most
exquisite Jewel in His Crown.
When I Love into your eyes I see the woman who
if I searched for a zillion years could not be found.
You were created to be my heart's companion
the flesh of my flesh bone of my bone.
To share a Love and a life together that this world
since it's creation has never known.
When I look into your eyes I feel more than I knew
possible for my heart to ever feel.
The words I write in the millions of poems could
not express what is so Beautiful and real.
Even my eyes become filled with tears when I
think of you in the pureness of sensitivity.
When I look into your eyes I see the one who
I want to be with for an eternity.
When I look into your eyes I see the Beauty that
was Created in wisdom and in Love.
When Yah created you in complete perfection
I know it was me He was thinking of.
When I look into your eyes I see the beauty of Heaven
and one of the Master's greatest works of Art.
I see what feelings and emotions could only know
as your spirit flows through my heart.

shelly david wright, poet

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