Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There's a Fire Burning

"There's A Fire Burning ."

There's a Fire burning inside of me threatening
to consume me in it's flame.
Burning hotter than a zillion Suns going Super
Nova when I call out your name.
The fire is unquenchable that is inside of me
but I know there's a place I can put it out.
This place is deep inside of your Love when you
show me what true passion is all about.
Just the the thought of you causes my pressure
to increase and a physical reaction takes place.
That's why the steam starts to rise and sweat pours
and I know I need to invade your space.
The fire that burns hotter with emotion is one
that I feel that could burn me alive.
You come to my rescue when inside my
bedroom you arrive.
You begin a rescue effort by putting out the
fire by covering me.
That when I notice that you're burning yourself
and that you're in the need of intimacy.
Now there's a smell of smoke all over the bedroom
and the fire alarms are going off too.
We need a sprinkler because we both are burning
but the pleasure of putting out the fire we pursue.
As I begin to quench the fire I release a blast of
pressure from my water hose.
It's a good thing you're undressed because
the blast would have wet up your clothes.
You release a sigh of relief as steam rises as
if the fire is no longer one I need to fight.
Suddenly your extinguisher sprays a foam
that surrounds me with sheer delight.
There was a fire that was burning well deep inside
of me and you had it burning you up also.
Just like a Fire fighter I pulled out my hose
and put it out by letting it all flow.
There was a fire burning now we're both safe
until the next time these flames of passion ignite.
My siren will go off when you scream Fire
and I'll fight it throughout the night.

inspired while on the bus
shelly david wright, poet

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