Monday, September 20, 2010

Love Doesn't Require a Sex Organ

"Love Doesn't Require a Sex Organ."

Love doesn't require a sex organ you don't need
a vagina or a penis to feel it's intensity.
Love is a spiritual and emotional creation of the
Most High way back in eternity.
Most get an erection confused with feelings that
they swear that they have but never felt before.
Because Love has nothing to do with sex but it's
associated with Lovemaking and so much more.
Love is a relationship with the Heavenly Father
you must have His spirit because He is Love.
Far beyond the bedroom and the positions
is the greatest feeling that I know of.
Love created the Universe and everything
that was ever made Love spoke it to be.
Love is more than a word and it's beyond
the imagination of many to ever see.
Love doesn't require a sex organ that many
think they need but only for a Booty Call.
Sex although feels good to the flesh is a weapon
of shatan and has caused many to fall.
Scriptural figures such as Solomon, Samson,
and David, sex caused them to go astray.
Solomon and Samson had sinned with Foreign women
and David had a man killed a dirty game he played.
You can bet all this behind sex not Love for Love
holds no malice or ill will toward anyone but forgives.
Love is always pure and honest Love is devotion
Love is the power on which the Set Apart live.
You don't need sex organs to feel Love but a heart
that Yah can penetrate and open wide.
A heart is humble and obedient to hearing His voice
a heart in which Love will never hide.
There's nothing more expressive than Lovemaking
when Yah's Love abides within you.
It is not about a beastly instinct but a Beauty of
the spirit that many never knew.
But as wonderful as Lovemaking is you don't need
a sex organ to feel Love or Loved all you need is a heart.
A heart that is ready to receive the Love and spirit
of Yah this in my opinion makes the perfect start.

shelly david wright,poet

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