Monday, September 27, 2010

I Want the Real Treasure

"I Want the Real Treasure."

I'm celibate so what's between your legs doesn't excite me
I want the real treasure that you have locked away.
The one you keep hidden because it's fragile and
precious and with it no one should play.
I want the real treasure that will unlock the real
you the person you don't want the world to know.
I'm not interested in your representative but the
real you I want you to show.
There are many who will bring out their
representative they're showing their acting ability.
Because the sweet and wonderful person on the inside
the real them they don't ever want you to see.
They're soft, sweet, and Lovable with a heart
that would give you anything and all.
But you see they were taken advantage of and
mistreated for them it was about Love not a Booty call.
What's sadder because of the spirit of shatan males
and females are blind to true understanding.
Most are filled with games that break hearts while
others are sick twisted and so demanding.
Basically they're at war with one another and the
broken hearts are the casualties that be.
Where many are lashing out in pain and anger
where many more are living in deep misery.
I'm celibate I'm not into sex but I want to make
Love to the one I'll share my life with a real treasure.
The real you who is hidden behind closed doors
with a Love too Beautiful to measure.
Let me be your Wedding Night Gift as you become
mine in a Love that your heart never felt before.
With someone who will treasure the very thought
of you in a Romantic Story never told before.
I want the real treasure of your heart and the
fullness of the Love that you have within.
I want to be in the sweetest softest place of earth
that very few have ever been.
And claim it as my own to Cherish for the rest of my
life way past thought and well into eternity.
I want the real treasure that is your heart that is
more precious to me as to you my celibacy.

shelly david wright, poet

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