Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let Me Kiss You All Over

"Let Me Kiss You All Over."

I'm going to kiss you from your ankles to your
knees working my way up to your thighs.
From your thighs I'll kiss you up to your belly button
your stomach, neck, and lips when you close your eyes.
I will then journey around your neck to your ear lobes
and between your shoulder blades down your back.
All over your soft sweet body I will kiss finding
the major points of interest I will smack.
Let me kiss you all over and over and over again
let me taste your lips and skin like a delicacy.
A delicious treat made of 100% chocolate
with a honey filling that's so good to me.
Let me hold you like I'm holding on for dear life
holding on to a rare and Beautiful treasure.
Priceless invaluable you are to me because there's
a Love inside of your heart beyond all measure.
When I hold you face to face you'll feel my heart
beat against your chest as I feel yours too.
When I move my hands to feel the softest places
on earth I'm pressing so tight against you.
What I feel is what a Master artist could never imagine
my very being is delighted with your touch.
When I look deep into your eyes I'm with the most
Beautiful woman in the world who I Love very much.
Let me kiss you all over playing with your toes
this Little Piggy as I kiss each one.
Listening to a symphony of sounds that your emotions
start to play from the arousing that's being done.
Intimacy is important in any marriage Romance
is the key not sex a real woman will Love.
Go all out and make every night a continuation of
your Love Story do whatever you think of.
The magic is the romance and being sensitive to
her needs is a very important thing to do.
She's your spouse and she should show you that
you make each others dream come true.
Let me kiss you all over with so much passion that
with every kiss I make you want me more and more.
Because the kisses that you're enjoying is only a
prelude to something very very intense in store.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When I Look into Your Eyes

"When I Look into Your Eyes."

When I look into your eyes I see not only the most
Beautiful person on earth I see my future too.
I can see not only the sparkle but I'm seeing
that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I see more than I knew possible for one person
to ever in this or any other life.
When I look into your eyes I'm looking into the
Beautiful eyes of the one I Love my wife.
When I look into your eyes I see a journey that
we're going to take when in Love we become one.
When I look into your eyes I see the fulfillment of
a blessing that from the beginning of time was done.
I see the Love of Yah showing me just how special
I am to Him when He's given His best you.
When I look into your eyes I see how wonderful life
and the Love of life is all I want to pursue.
You're the greatest creation of Yah and the most
exquisite Jewel in His Crown.
When I Love into your eyes I see the woman who
if I searched for a zillion years could not be found.
You were created to be my heart's companion
the flesh of my flesh bone of my bone.
To share a Love and a life together that this world
since it's creation has never known.
When I look into your eyes I feel more than I knew
possible for my heart to ever feel.
The words I write in the millions of poems could
not express what is so Beautiful and real.
Even my eyes become filled with tears when I
think of you in the pureness of sensitivity.
When I look into your eyes I see the one who
I want to be with for an eternity.
When I look into your eyes I see the Beauty that
was Created in wisdom and in Love.
When Yah created you in complete perfection
I know it was me He was thinking of.
When I look into your eyes I see the beauty of Heaven
and one of the Master's greatest works of Art.
I see what feelings and emotions could only know
as your spirit flows through my heart.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yearning For You

"Yearning For You."

I don't know who you are or where you are
but I'm yearning everyday for you.
I can only imagine that you're out there waiting
and yearning to be Loved by me too.
All I know is there's an emptiness a void that
only your presence can fill.
I feel I'm incomplete there's a part of me missing
I know you're out there and you're real.
I've met many but they weren't you they
didn't complete or compare to the perfect fit.
Whoever you are are wherever you are I now
know I was created for you only I must admit.
I'm yearning to be held and to hold you my heart
is crying out for in the spirit the Love knows you exist.
I've never laid eyes on you but I know in the fullness
of truth you'll be too irresistible to resist.
In the beginning I believe we were together in the
spirit of creation then we pulled apart to later become one.
I'll be yearning for you and the day that we're
reunited but this time in flesh it will be done.
Yearning for you and missing you everyday
although in this body we've never met but you're a part of me.
We're one in spirit and we share a true Love
that shaped us to be Lovers in the birth of eternity.
Just as I am so are you, you are as I'm you and
together we're we.
It's not about you or myself but us as a whole
because we're bound together for life spiritually.
You're a poetess and a Princess you're very sweet
Loving, and sensitive you're all I desire.
You're the one I yearn for with all of my heart
the one in all of the world that I truly admire.
Yearning for you every moment I can't rest knowing
that you're out there waiting to reunite.
Just as I was chosen for you in the beginning you
were the one Yah chose to become my heart's delight.
I'm yearning for you as I know our time will come
when we aren't looking one day we will meet.
Everything is by design even our yearning Yah is
the greatest Romantic so our meeting will be sweet.

I'm yearning and waiting on You
shelly david wright, poet

I Want the Real Treasure

"I Want the Real Treasure."

I'm celibate so what's between your legs doesn't excite me
I want the real treasure that you have locked away.
The one you keep hidden because it's fragile and
precious and with it no one should play.
I want the real treasure that will unlock the real
you the person you don't want the world to know.
I'm not interested in your representative but the
real you I want you to show.
There are many who will bring out their
representative they're showing their acting ability.
Because the sweet and wonderful person on the inside
the real them they don't ever want you to see.
They're soft, sweet, and Lovable with a heart
that would give you anything and all.
But you see they were taken advantage of and
mistreated for them it was about Love not a Booty call.
What's sadder because of the spirit of shatan males
and females are blind to true understanding.
Most are filled with games that break hearts while
others are sick twisted and so demanding.
Basically they're at war with one another and the
broken hearts are the casualties that be.
Where many are lashing out in pain and anger
where many more are living in deep misery.
I'm celibate I'm not into sex but I want to make
Love to the one I'll share my life with a real treasure.
The real you who is hidden behind closed doors
with a Love too Beautiful to measure.
Let me be your Wedding Night Gift as you become
mine in a Love that your heart never felt before.
With someone who will treasure the very thought
of you in a Romantic Story never told before.
I want the real treasure of your heart and the
fullness of the Love that you have within.
I want to be in the sweetest softest place of earth
that very few have ever been.
And claim it as my own to Cherish for the rest of my
life way past thought and well into eternity.
I want the real treasure that is your heart that is
more precious to me as to you my celibacy.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, September 24, 2010

They're Just Lashing Out

"They're Just Lashing Out."

Many who are still broken and bitter from being
hurt are lashing out in the most horrible way.
You hear the hurt and see in their gestures you can
tell they're emotionally damaged by what they say.
The trouble is they dated shatan through one of his
many representatives who fit your type.
Shatan can see from the way you behave that for a
severe heartbreak that you are ripe.
When you look on the outside you only allow your
flesh which he controls to choose your mate.
You know the one who you said you were in Love
with yes that's them, the one you now hate.
Heartbreak is the end of these relationships where
you take out your anger by lashing out.
Bitterness is heard and you probably spit vinegar
you are messed up and need healing without a doubt.
Many can't receive Love or can be Loved because
they're so mean and hateful from what's been done.
You see this isn't a mere attitude but the presence
of demons tortured their lives they run.
They're lashing out because they're tied to anger
and a spirit that they can't let go of.
They may have gone into the relationship with an
agenda but you can be sure it wasn't Love.
Many see what a person looks like or what they have
not knowing the person at all.
So to get those things that their flesh craves and desires
they will prostitute themselves and answer the booty call.
Not knowing when you say Yes to sex you're saying
it to shatan it's a trap that behind money you fell in to.
Now you may think you're getting over and living
the high life but wait until shatan gets through.
Many have it all and yet have nothing because Love
is more than this world can give to you.
Many who wanted to possess things are now possessed
because of those things and are neck deep in do, do.
You hear it in their voice and see it in their actions those
spirits that have them lashing out are in control of them.
You see when you thought you had it going on you were
sleeping with shatan your heart was broken by him.

shelly david wright, poet
5th poem written 8/27/10

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Plus Love

"Plus Love."

Just yesterday on the News they showed these
Plus size models walking on the runway.
It's like people are starting to wake up and
realize real women have curves and are thick I'd say.
The thin as a rail look that started with Twiggy
in the 60's is long overdue for a change that is real.
The Thick Sisters are extremely Beautiful in
every way and they have true sex appeal.
They're Plus Love in a real way more to see,
more to Love, and more woman to behold.
If bigger is better than these Ladies are well
worth their entire weight in gold.
Sweet, thick and Beautiful are the Plus Love
Ladies who are so Lovely to see.
From a 12 to 24 and beyond it's really about
their Beautiful big hearts they have inwardly.
Plus Love Ladies with the round hips and the
full lips the thick thighs and pretty eyes all sweet.
They're more than what they appear to be and
many of these Ladies are a delight to meet.
Far too long the fashion industry had models
dying to stay thin with their insanity.
They had females getting sick trying to fit a
lifestyle and size they weren't meant to be.
Thick sweet delicious Sisters look so healthy
all that rear and hips as they walk they sway.
Over a skeleton I'd take a sweet thick Sister
a Plus Love Lady any second of the day.
More to Love, more to hold, more to see, more
to enjoy is what they are truly to me.
They're Plus Love and a whole lot more than
the eyes see they're incredible entirely.
The Plus Love Ladies are totally sweet, thick
and Lovely besides Plus means more too.
Plus is a Positive instead of a negative
a Plus Love Lady is really a dream come true.
I Love the pretty eyes but the legs of a thick Sister
I will look in pure awe and delight.
Skin and bones is not where it's at but a Plus Love
Lady could be my Mrs. (Right).

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There's a Fire Burning

"There's A Fire Burning ."

There's a Fire burning inside of me threatening
to consume me in it's flame.
Burning hotter than a zillion Suns going Super
Nova when I call out your name.
The fire is unquenchable that is inside of me
but I know there's a place I can put it out.
This place is deep inside of your Love when you
show me what true passion is all about.
Just the the thought of you causes my pressure
to increase and a physical reaction takes place.
That's why the steam starts to rise and sweat pours
and I know I need to invade your space.
The fire that burns hotter with emotion is one
that I feel that could burn me alive.
You come to my rescue when inside my
bedroom you arrive.
You begin a rescue effort by putting out the
fire by covering me.
That when I notice that you're burning yourself
and that you're in the need of intimacy.
Now there's a smell of smoke all over the bedroom
and the fire alarms are going off too.
We need a sprinkler because we both are burning
but the pleasure of putting out the fire we pursue.
As I begin to quench the fire I release a blast of
pressure from my water hose.
It's a good thing you're undressed because
the blast would have wet up your clothes.
You release a sigh of relief as steam rises as
if the fire is no longer one I need to fight.
Suddenly your extinguisher sprays a foam
that surrounds me with sheer delight.
There was a fire that was burning well deep inside
of me and you had it burning you up also.
Just like a Fire fighter I pulled out my hose
and put it out by letting it all flow.
There was a fire burning now we're both safe
until the next time these flames of passion ignite.
My siren will go off when you scream Fire
and I'll fight it throughout the night.

inspired while on the bus
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, September 20, 2010

Love Doesn't Require a Sex Organ

"Love Doesn't Require a Sex Organ."

Love doesn't require a sex organ you don't need
a vagina or a penis to feel it's intensity.
Love is a spiritual and emotional creation of the
Most High way back in eternity.
Most get an erection confused with feelings that
they swear that they have but never felt before.
Because Love has nothing to do with sex but it's
associated with Lovemaking and so much more.
Love is a relationship with the Heavenly Father
you must have His spirit because He is Love.
Far beyond the bedroom and the positions
is the greatest feeling that I know of.
Love created the Universe and everything
that was ever made Love spoke it to be.
Love is more than a word and it's beyond
the imagination of many to ever see.
Love doesn't require a sex organ that many
think they need but only for a Booty Call.
Sex although feels good to the flesh is a weapon
of shatan and has caused many to fall.
Scriptural figures such as Solomon, Samson,
and David, sex caused them to go astray.
Solomon and Samson had sinned with Foreign women
and David had a man killed a dirty game he played.
You can bet all this behind sex not Love for Love
holds no malice or ill will toward anyone but forgives.
Love is always pure and honest Love is devotion
Love is the power on which the Set Apart live.
You don't need sex organs to feel Love but a heart
that Yah can penetrate and open wide.
A heart is humble and obedient to hearing His voice
a heart in which Love will never hide.
There's nothing more expressive than Lovemaking
when Yah's Love abides within you.
It is not about a beastly instinct but a Beauty of
the spirit that many never knew.
But as wonderful as Lovemaking is you don't need
a sex organ to feel Love or Loved all you need is a heart.
A heart that is ready to receive the Love and spirit
of Yah this in my opinion makes the perfect start.

shelly david wright,poet

Are You Feeling It

"Are You Feeling it."

You were under the influence when you asked
to marry me.
Are you feeling it or was the substance talking
please tell me in all honesty.
Are you feeling the depth of your proposal
like I am with those words you don't play.
I'm probably more than anyone you had in your
life I'm not your sperm depository I'm not just a lay.
I'm the one who trusts in you and who Loves you
I'm the one who took your seed and bore you a son.
But if you're not feeling your words in all
truthfulness then I'm not sticking around I'm not the one.
Are you feeling it like you felt my body and
I gave you what you wanted and lied to get.
I'm the one who over looked it and believed there was
some goodness but I hope that decision I won't regret.
Are you feeling it in your heart or was
it something sweet to say.
Something you thought would make me feel good
or say Yes to with no delay.
You see with you being under the influence your
mouth may have said words that were in your heart.
I know because I've heard lies before from
guys who played that part.
If you're not really feeling those words you
need to be honest and let me know.
Because I can't spend the rest of my life waiting
for you to come around when I can let you go.
It may hurt but I've been hurt before but it eventually
stopped hurting and I got over them too.
So if you're not feeling these words I'll be ready to
move on and be ready to get over you.
I heard the title from a Sister this morning and this
poem Yah led my spirit to write.
I hope this is going to give someone out there some
encouragement and deep insight.
The world doesn't end when you have to move on
it only means they're making room in your life.
You need to see yourself as a Queen and not the
Queen of whores when you're good enough to be a wife.

inspired by: Tiffany
shelly david wright, poet

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pushing Her Stroller Alone

"Pushing Her Stroller Alone."

This is a scene you see everywhere a female with
a baby and she's pushing her stroller alone.
And I'm sure a lot of them have the same outcome
where the guy deposited his seed and now he's gone.
How many of these sights will it take to make our
daughters realize this is not the life for them.
He's a bigger whore than he calls her because he
can't get pregnant and all she'll get is sex from him.
Sex is an irresponsible act when two who aren't
prepared go unprotected and do it anyway.
You see House, Mommy, and certainly not Daddy
is a game that many aren't prepared to play.
You see the young pregnant Sisters walking alone
in the store buying Pampers or getting WIC.
You see they need to wake up and smell the Coffee
because making babies will mess you up quick.
The young males aren't going to turn you down
but they are quick to ask you to prove your Love.
First of all you're proving how gullible you are
and he will send you through anything he thinks of.
We now have more Sisters who feel it's the thing to
do and that's to have sex and a baby too.
Well that's immature and totally insane when you're
not committed he's going to bale out on you.
Pushing a stroller alone looking sad and screaming
at the child you have from your first mistake.
Some truly believe that it may work the second time
around but you can experience another heartbreak.
Even married people aren't responsible they're out
here making babies on the side also.
The ones who you'd think would have sense are the
worst about standards and virtues they don't know.
Pushing a stroller alone when it took two to make it
happen in the first place.
What you find is once the deed is done and the one
who talked the trash you won't see their face.
There are more important things to do than have a
baby you're a Princess who doesn't need that in her life.
The only time when you would want to have a family
is when a real man steps up and makes you a wife.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Than an Orgasm

"More than an Orgasm."

Tonight I'm getting with this fine girl I met
and getting my freak on is what I plan to do.
Spiritually we'll be sharing all those we've ever
slept with and the spirits we have in us too.
When I finally get mine I will turn over on her
and never look at her quite the same she's a whore.
She wasn't all that as I see her now after I got
mine I'm not fulfilled I'm still empty I want more.
Outside of Yah all shatan can do is give you sex
but it's not the same that Yah gives you.
It's more than an orgasm it's more than many
in the world of having sex ever in their lives knew.
The spirit of Love is more powerful than lust and
you won't have those wicked spirits to share.
What those who Yah has chosen who His spirit
dwells within what they have you cannot compare.
More than an orgasm is Love and devotion you
have truth and honesty and commitment also.
It's not about Get it, Hit it, and Forget it and move
on to the Next victim that this wicked world knows.
Just a wet ass is all many are settling for because the
truth of Love they are blinded to.
Settling is the worst mindset that any person can have
because you always settle for less and it's true.
I need more than an orgasm but the Love and spirit
of Yah that through the two will flow.
In a union of one that's about bonding and attachment
where the two together in Love will grow.
In the world I chased an orgasm but that's all I got
never being fulfilled because lust can never be satisfied.
The spirit of lust is unquenchable that's why many
are always having sex but their emptiness they can't hide.
Many with the spirit of shatan are chasing after an
orgasm like a crack head is chasing after a crack high.
But this whole thing about chasing an orgasm is a
waste because you're living a lie.
More than an orgasm is the Love of Yah and you will
be sensitive to the needs of the other not your own.
When the two of you are making Love you will
experience an orgasm that will really make you moan.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Than it Appears to the Eyes

"More than it Appears to the Eyes."

This morning I saw a friend of mine who told me
she didn't go to the concert because of a tragedy.
Her Boyfriend's Son took himself out all behind
a female but it's more than what it appears to be.
You see it was more than the flesh is capable of
understanding it's more than many could see.
What is going on is there are attacks where shatan
is destroying many spiritually.
Shatan sets up who he will those outside of the
protection of Yah and those shatan will kill.
You see it where he is as a Lion devouring shatan
is doing his thing where he kills, destroys and steal.
The set up may have gone like this the Brother met this
female who he really liked and cared about very much.
They eventually became one in the flesh when they
became intimate and her spirit with his he touched.
When you lay with someone you share everything
about them they become your spouse physically.
When you consummate with that person you're
joined together emotionally and spiritually.
What many don't know is who or how many that
person has been with and the spirits they have too.
Sex is more than what it appears to be because when
you lay with someone you give shatan full access to you.
She may not have been human at all when all those spirits
take over you just become a shell for them.
They will become that person and will use that pretty
body to lure, and then trap and finally destroy him.
She could have broken it off with him and those spirits
of depression caused him to lose hope and take himself out.
This happens to those who are out here everyday
shatan uses sex as a weapon and it works 100% no doubt.
More than it appears to the eyes are the things that are
happening in the flesh but originates spiritually from shatan.
He sets people up all the time to get killed he uses others
who are under his influence to carry out his plan.
All the world knows he killed himself behind a woman
but he was set to be murdered by shatan for sure.
It's always more than it appears to the eyes it's a planned
attack and the woman was just a lure.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

True Lovemaking is

"True Lovemaking is."

True Lovemaking is when you Love, treasure,
and cherish someone in your heart totally.
When you respect them and accept them as
the Gift they are in your life intimately.
True Lovemaking is the Beauty of two who are
in Love and when two hearts are joined as one.
Two who are expressing the Love they feel in
the physical is what's being done.
True Lovemaking is an art of affection and a
testimony of the emotions that they feel.
A passion so deep and intense a spiritual
and emotional union so real.
True Lovemaking is a threesome when your
two spirits are joined to that of Yah's above.
When He is in the two you no longer have sex
but you will experience the Beauty of Making Love.
The two may resemble but that's where it ends
because spiritually and emotionally it's not the same.
When you Love it's from the heart when you
penetrate or receive it's done in Yah's Name.
The thrusting and grinding is felt in the heart
what you feel is a high degree of sensitivity.
The bonding that joins the two is a unity of one
when Yah is joined to them spiritually.
In fact this is where the marriage of the two
begin when you enter someone you consummate.
You're joined to them on many levels that's why
on the marriage of Yah you should wait.
There's no free sample because you're tied to that
person so you had better make sure before they lay.
It's more than physical and emotional but it's a
spiritual act and never some game that you play.
True Lovemaking is honesty and devotion it's about
being committed to the one whom Yah chose for you.
Because no longer an empty act of lust called sex
but something so much sweeter and pure that you do.
True Lovemaking is entering her body and she feels
it in her heart and you always hit the right spot.
Because when you release your Love into her vagina
it's more than sperm but Yah's spirit that she's got.

shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Hunt for a Great Treasure

"The Hunt for a Great Treasure."

I'm on a hunt for great treasure that is more
precious than any Diamond, or Ruby could be.
A treasure that was formed by the hands of an
Artist a treasure that is Beautiful totally.
This treasure has been touched by many and chipped
by their mishandling of it.
Beauty in the hands of the Blind they couldn't
conceive its value for it's priceless I must admit.
It was hidden to avoid further abuse and to prevent
it from becoming too cold as well.
The harshness of others who were privileged to it
took a toll that sent it through Hell.
Broken many times and healed this treasure
but not it has been hidden away.
I'm in search for this treasure looking high and low
hoping I will emerge victorious one day.
I'm on the hunt for a great treasure a thing of
Beauty that only a few were ever allowed to touch.
A treasure unlike anything that I've ever seen before
that I need to have very much.
This treasure has a special power it can heal for
it affects you emotionally.
In the right hands this treasure will make you spring
into action for it provokes you to be all that you could be.
This treasure was in the beginning of creation in its
spiritual form and became so Beautifully real.
To be given this treasure a great trust must be
given because hurt again it doesn't want to feel.
This treasure is worth its weight in Gold but its
value is priceless to the one who has it to behold.
A treasure that will be cherished above all things
made or given for centuries untold.
I'm on a hunt for a great treasure and I'm going to
find it with patience and help from above.
For this treasure is filled with a Beauty and it has a
richness because it's dripping with Love.
Once I get this treasure I will make a vow for life that
with this treasure I will never part.
This treasure is most precious to me because out of everything
this world has to offer nothing is more special than your heart.

shelly david wright, poet