Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are You Happy

"Are You Happy."

I was in the Quarters working on the set when
Laquita told me this is the question she heard.
From guys who can clearly see the ring on her
finger after hearing that I could hardly say a word.
I guess it doesn't matter to these demons just don't be
evil enough to do it to them.
They don't mind sleeping with someone else's wife
but will have a nuclear melt down if you do it to him.
Are you happy is the question asked but it's not like
they're going to be any better if they had the chance.
The only thing they want is to fill a female’s head with
empty promises just to get into her pants.
It is sad what we've become in our own communities
we're murderers, whores, very wicked and evil too.
We have no morals or standards no values or virtues
anything shatan tells us we gladly do.
Are you happy is the question they ask the married
woman as if a difference they will make.
Those who lack understanding and sense will only
cause the foolish and silly lots of heartache.
When I see a ring on the finger that is a sign to back
off because that is someone else's property.
Do unto others as you want done to you so I don't play
around because I don't want this to happen to me.
You see I've learned that the seeds that you are out here
spreading a bountiful harvest you shall reap.
Many who are whoring now are paying the price
where more are lying 6 feet deep.
Are you happy, if she's not it's not your business it's
between her and her husband and you don't need to know.
If you whores only knew what was good for you
believe me on your knees for forgiveness you would go.
I want my own wife and no one else's no matter how
attractive they are and how sweet.
I know that Yah can give me the desires of my heart
someone who will make my life complete.
Laquita I know you are happy and you are blessed to
have a marriage as I hope to meet my spouse one day.
An old woman who is pretty like yourself would be a
good thing from Heaven I would say.

Title by: Mrs. Laquita Brooks, happily married
shelly david wright, poet

Are They Worthy of You

"Are They Worthy of You."

As someone who Loves to write poetry and send flowers
then being alone is truly not a nice thing.
But settling for someone just so you won't be alone is
really insanity and only more problems it can bring.
Why if you're a Queen settle for someone who only wants
the cover and not even concerned with who you are inside.
Why settle for sex when you can have the fullness of Love
when you settle you're committing emotional suicide.
How many relationship horror stories you hear I could
write a book just on the disappointments alone.
They come in like they're the greatest thing since sliced
bread and when mad day comes or your check they're gone.
You need to ask yourself are they worthy of you do they
share the same views and have standards in their life.
Do you want someone to only be a Baby Daddy or are
you holding out for someone to make you a wife.
Assholes and Attitudes I can live without I don't need the
headaches or the heartbreaks that a daughter of shatan will give.
In peace is where I want my mind to be and in harmony
with the Most High is how I desire to live.
I know what I was and what He is making me and I like the
work in progress that He's forming me into.
I desire the same for my life someone who He has under
construction whose looking to also say the words I Do.
Are they worthy of you is the question I ask and this you
need to ask yourself no matter how much bank they got.
Because their dollars are attached to their sexual
organs and they will want you to drop it like it's Hot.
Most people will have better luck picking their noses and
finding gold than to find a spouse on their own.
I will wait for the one who created me He has her all picked
out if I wait I'll have a Love I've never known.
Are they worthy of you, well I'm celibate and been that way
for a minute so a whore I'm not praying for Hell no, no way.
I want a Queen who is capable of Love and being Loved who
when we meet will be in my life and heart to stay.
Ask yourself my Brothers and Sisters are they worthy of
you don't be high minded but with yourself be humble and real.
Because sex and disease are too easy to get don't you want
someone who can appreciate the Love that you feel.

shelly david wright, poet

After She said I Do I Don't

"After She said I Do I Don't."

Before we got married we were like Rabbits we
were humping very passionately at the drop of a dime.
We used to be busy every night we were so much into
each other and now it seems like we have no time.
After the kids it's like the passion died and I don't get
the sex that I used to get anymore.
It seems like I have to beg and make an appointment
from night to night I don't know what I'll have in store.
It seems as if after she said I Do I didn't get it like I
used to and it's taking a toll on me.
I know I ain't about to go out there looking for something
else but I'm married I ain't trying to hear celibacy.
Having sex with me is her duty and she wants me to do
mine so she needs to come up and give me some.
I know we have been going through problems but I think
it's the lack of me getting sex is where this drama's from.
The reality is many males are saying they're not getting
sex on a regular basis anymore and problems vary.
I would hope that a physical relationship wasn't the one
motivating factor that made him want to marry.
Truth is outside of the Love of Yah marriages are failing
and sex and finances are just on the surface that you see.
But anyone who got married outside of the will of the Most
High are in a war that shatan's fighting against them spiritually.
When sex is the foundation of anything you have just given
shatan room to mess over you because it's just lust.
When you are all into the physical and not seeing how a
person is in the spirit your relationship will go bust.
The truth is there's a big difference in the marriages of the
world/shatan and the ones that Yah will bless you to be in.
The marriages of Yah will have His Love and He directs them
they will be on a level of truth and honesty when they begin.
They have a foundation of faith and Love where respect and
appreciation is placed in the hearts of those He choose.
When you are in Love with Yah's Love you will have so much
more than you can imagine and you cannot lose.
When she said I Do I didn't get the sex I used to anymore
this is sad but you're starting to hear more males say.
But when sex is the primary reason for you to get
married you've given shatan full access to play.

shelly david wright, poet

Afraid of Commitment

"Afraid of Commitment."

I know there are many who are afraid of commitment
many because of the hurt that they've felt in the past.
They thought they found the right person who seemed
to be the perfect fit but the relationship didn't last.
Many gave their all, their heart, their soul and their
body they gave it freely because they wanted Love.
They wanted to feel the Beauty that they imagined
could only come from someone sent from above.
They were betrayed by what they thought was a man
but was a male who only sexually wanted them.
Now all will have to pay for the male shatan sent into
her life she still has nightmares and gets angry at him.
This is not just rampant with spirit possessed males but
shatan has his daughters doing the same thing too.
They will come into your life and allow you to believe
that all they feel for you is true.
Yet as you are baited in you find out later as the two
of you grow further and further apart.
You spend time walking with your hands in your
pockets questioning how could an Angel break your heart.
Many now have their hearts behind a wall and when
someone comes along they put their defenses up quickly.
You see we all look alike men and males but when you've
been broken a male and not the real man you will see.
If he comes across too good to be true you think it's a
deception you can't believe this person is real.
Just because you've met males or females all of your life
you’ve got to be opened but I understand how you feel.
I'm a celibate who doesn't smoke and drink every blue
moon who doesn't cheat or play games and I'm faithful too.
Yet I'm single and with the poetry I send out you'd think
I'd have some takers who are ready to say I Do.
I want to be in a committed relationship that will turn
into a whole lot more.
With a Queen who used to be a female who has been
changed by Yah into someone I'll Love and adore.
The lies and empty promises of shatan the games that
girls and boys play have many commitment shy.
I know what I used to be and I'm ready for a true Love
with someone who is fully committed to me and the Most High.

shelly david wright, poet

A Wake Up Call to My Sisters

"A Wake Up Call to My Sisters."

Number 1 his Momma ain't no Hoe or a Bitch so why
should you be I'm sorry if he's too dumb to know your name.
2 is you females need to learn and respect yourselves
out of your name calling among yourselves is a shame.
You need to learn to say no, you need to learn self worth
and your value isn't found in the tender spot below.
As long as you think sex is the thing that makes you a
woman you will always be called a Hoe.
You need to learn that you're a Queen who is waiting
for a King nothing less than Love you should take.
You should never settle for anything or anyone who isn't
worthy of you because it will cause your heart to break.
This is a wake up call to my Sisters who need to know you
are more than the names that a blind male or females call you.
Realize my Sisters that a war is going on spiritually and
just like Eve was attacked the same thing the devil will do.
In our communities we have more disease and single parent
families teenage pregnancy is at an all time high.
You need to know that unless he is ready to commit to you
as his spouse sex to anyone you should deny.
I know this may sound old fashion but the truth is there's
a price for all of your actions that you must pay.
You have to answer to the Most High for everything that's
done the seeds you've sown you'll have to reap one day.
Why even fight over these whores when his penis gets hard
he will tell you anything and your girlfriends too.
He has no conscious because he's filled with demons just
like he's had you he'll have them, all he can get he'll go through.
Anyone who has come from a woman who treats women
like trash has problems and spirits associated with them.
They are under the control and the direction of the devil
you can trust he is getting his marching orders from him.
Many of you Sisters are just as whorish and you need to
stop learn the difference between a male and a man.
A male talks the trash that you listen to and a man will
tell you what you need to hear as only a real man can.
This is a wake up call to my Sisters who need to really
open your eyes and smell the coffee as it is burning hot.
You need to know about spreading knowledge among
yourselves and not your legs I hope this message you've got.

shelly david wright, poet

A Treasure to Behold

"A Treasure to Behold."

When I stand before her I will think of the storm that
was brought into my life and the way that we both met.
I will think of the first time I saw her smile and heard her
voice say to me the sweetest words that I will never forget.
I will think of how the victory and my bride was given to
me when I stood back and saw what the Most High could do.
I will think about the wait was worth it when I see her as my
very own prayer and a million zillion lifetime dreams come true.
I have been given a treasure to behold someone who I can cherish
and beyond all doubt a sweet part of Heaven I can call my own.
Someone who was with me in the very beginning of Yah's
planning stages for us from His throne.
When He created the two of us to be one then separated us
to be joined once more so much later in life.
I understand nothing else was bound to work no matter who
she was because Yah had already given me my wife.
I have someone who is so precious to me that when I see her
she becomes more Beautiful and attractive to me.
Sure there are females who I look at but compared to her
there's no competition and neither should there be.
I'm in the favor of the Most High when I was the one to
have the heart of the one who Yah has made out of gold.
I have a treasure that the world wouldn't understand she's more
valuable than worlds filled with diamonds if truth be told.
The words I write have new meaning and the songs that I
once sung are sweet lyrics of Love that I hear.
But no other sound is as precious and sweet as when she
whispers I Love You Baby in my ear.
I have a treasure to behold and my heart is filled with Joy
and happiness and other feelings are pouring out too.
When I have my day before the throne I will give praise to
Yah for my heart's delight and with smile say Thank You.
For giving more than I feel I deserve but what You think
I'm so much worthy of.
You gave me a part of Yourself when You gave me this
treasure I now have someone of my very own to Love.
I have a treasure to behold that I will cherish I finally have
my prayers answered and the wait is over for me also.
This poem is the closest thing to the words I feel I'm so glad
that a true Love in my life with someone Beautiful I shall know.

Prayers if not dreams do come true
Be encouraged.
shelly david wright, poet

A Test of Faith

"A Test of Faith."

Scriptures say We walk by Faith and not by sight
so you cannot believe everything that you hear or see.
I was given this message this morning I need to put the
pieces of the puzzle together that was given to me.
Yah has allowed to me to get the pieces and the texts that
were placed in my hearing now I need to reflect on them.
The pictures and the conversations and think about all
that I've done out of Love through Him.
What I'm growing through is a test of my Faith do I really
believe this is one whom the Most High has placed in my life.
Is she the one whom I was given through the reaping or the
seeds I sowed in the lives of others is she to be my wife.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of
things not seen this is what the Scriptures clearly say.
Right now I need to rely on everything that I know is
true and hold onto the Blessings of Yah every day.
I'm in a test of Faith and I couldn't see it before, Yah gives
you a little bit at a time here a little there a little too.
Until you receive the whole story because He doesn't leave
you blind or in the dark He brings it out for you.
Right now I'm not hearing from her much and I miss her
but I know this relationship is spiritual and a testimony also.
When Yah turns it into a HalleluYah moment it will be
written about in the poetry so you the readers will know.
What Yah has given me is to give insight and inspire to
encourage and to uplift as well.
Because I know many of you who read these poems are
going and growing through an emotional Hell.
This is a test of my Faith and it's not about what I can
see but about what I believe from what Yah has shown.
You see what I'm now experiencing was already meant to
happen this to Yah was already known.
A test of Faith is what we're going to go through in these last
days as we'll need to have confidence in the Most High.
Just like the Hebrew boys in the Oven we are placed there
in our various tests this the believer cannot deny.
A test of Faith is what I'm experiencing and I pray when
this poem comes out I hope to write about the victory.
So I will encourage you who'll need to be encouraged
that Yah will prepare His own for a testimony.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A.C. Is More than Air Conditioning

"A.C. Is More than Air Conditioning."

As hot as it is A.C. should stand for Air Conditioning
but not at the 2nd lines.
It stands for Ass Cheeks for those who are starving
for attention who want to show their behinds.
First of all some of what you see is darker than the
stuff that I put on my tires.
Crusty comes to mind, trifling too so it makes you
wonder who would truly admire.
A female who is a walking advertisement for Low to
no self esteem maybe no morals or standards also.
It is sad that the truth about themselves being the
Queens of the earth they really do not know.
This is society’s fault as a whole the Village has abandoned
its responsibilities to the young to teach them to do right.
When we became integrated into this insanity and we
weren't allowed to discipline our children they began to fight.
You see I have a daughter and many who I claim as my
daughters and that's why I write to give them insight.
Because as we're burying our male children from self hatred
it's time for us to see the light.
Self destruction is all by the design of demons and our children
are playing into their hands as you can clearly see.
We need the help of the Most high because we're neck deep
in a hole that’s swallowing so many entirely.
Love has to become more than a sweet word for the bedroom
and become action where we must take a stand.
Because we have a crisis going on in our community
this has really gotten out of hand.
Ass Cheeks are just the visible signs of a much greater
problem that many have but all they need is real Love.
They need guidance that must come from home and
a belief in a high power that comes from above.
Nothing is sexy about showing the dark rings of your
behind and sexy they need to flee totally.
Lady like should be the mindset because anyone can be
a whore it takes no serious training and requires no degree.
Ass Cheeks and what's next well when you have an unclean
spirit everything you think will get you attention you'll show.
I'll be the first one to say I Love some nice legs but showing
your ass in them baby shorts really has to go.

shelly david wright, poet
I welcome your comments on this.