Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unaffectionate Unemotional

"Unaffectionate Unemotional."

There are males and females who fit this title
who have unresolved problems from the past.
They're in marriages and relationships that are
turbulent that in many cases won't last.
Unaffectionate and unemotional are many
who feel that being sensitive is weak.
Just listen to them the way they address each
other just listen to them speak.
Unaffectionate and unemotional they're
uncaring and unloving too.
The ruin of most marriages is because of
those who would show no emotion to you.
They Lust for sex and they have it but it's
a brutal act trying to punish her sexually.
When you hear them talk about how they
punished her you know they have no sensitivity.
Unaffectionate and unemotional they have this
spirit in them because they are filled with hate.
People who have feelings and know how to care
those demons to them cannot relate.
There are some who are so worldly and filled
with these spirits who are totally blind.
They are wicked and so evil they don't have
nothing to say that could be taken as kind.
There are males and females alike who have
been so emotionally damaged it's sad.
Things for them because of those spirits that
attacked are really bad.
They can't have a real relationship they don't
know how to express feelings and are void of Love.
They've been destroyed emotionally they're
detached from all the true feelings you know of.
Unaffectionate and unemotional like robots
who are under shatan's command.
When it comes down to being Loving and caring
to being affectionate they don't understand.
Being affectionate is Beautiful a hug and a kiss
and saying something sweet are things you should do.
Show that special person how you feel with more than
words let them know they're your dream come true.

shelly david wright, poet

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