Saturday, March 19, 2011



You can reserve many things from a dinner reservation
to a coveted parking space.
Many will get upset after making their reservations
if their table isn't ready or someone has parked in their place.
Yet their most valuable possession their body they
won't reserve for that special person to hold.
The messages that are sent leads them to believe
everyone is doing it when they're worth more than gold.
Your body is the temple of the spirit of Yah or shatan
it's with your body you serve them.
You can be a whore for shatan with your body or with
Yah you can be anointed to serve Him.
When it comes down to relationships we must be
selective and not settle for there are demons out here.
They will come to you like they are so right but
after you've layed with them their true selves will appear.
Reserve your body for the right one because in a
time of disease and death casual sex is not a wise choice.
Shatan through many are pulling at you so listen
carefully to discern which is the right voice.
Love will not provoke you into giving up your treasure
but it will be patient and wait.
Yah although it may seem to take awhile is truly working
for your good and is preparing you for your mate.
Too many have gotten themselves into relationships
based on sex and things but eventually lost out.
They wanted the things that this world has to offer
but things aren't what true Love is all about.
There are many who have been emotionally destroyed
playing into the hands of shatan when someone ran a game.
A heart was broken and they blamed Love when it was Lust
the two of them start with an L but they're not the same.
I'm reserving myself for my spouse not through my own
but the Most High is keeping me.
He's reserving me for the one whom He's chosen from the
beginning as it was always meant to be.
You're a too delicate creature to be broken hearted
finding yourself with someone far less than you deserve.
It's time to allow Yah to keep you and your heart
let Him for the right one place you in reserve.

Felicia G. Johnson, poetess
shelly david wright, poet

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