Saturday, March 19, 2011

Must Have a Heart

"Must Have a Heart."

Situation wanted must have a heart not a block
of ice must be able to feel.
A Love that would bring warmth to the coldness
of space a Love with depth that is real.
Must have a heart willing to share and trusting
enough to take the chance.
The reward would be reciprocated for a lifetime
of deep passion and romance.
There are many who are involved with someone
who can't feel or emotions they don't show.
This is where the settling problem starts trying
to change someone for Love they don't know.
Many are damaged trying to do what Yah isn't
trying to at this time and that's to change a heart.
Some aren't capable of feeling nothing but rage and
hate get involved and they'll tear your world apart.
Ever heard of domestic violence Love doesn't live there
battered wives, spousal abuse Love is nowhere seen.
When you abuse someone verbally, physically, emotionally,
or mentally Love's not present if you know what I mean.
Love doesn't take advantage of someone who is weaker
or take them for granted Love doesn't fight.
Love doesn't sleep around for the fulfillment of the flesh
Love isn't whorish but Love is about doing what's right.
Love denies self and places the other first and will be
there always even until the end.
Many who have blocks of ice beating inside are quick
to use the word to their advantage but it's pretend.
Must have a heart and be able to express emotions
verbally, physically, and very affectionately.
Because the sense of touch is a great healer to the body
when it's done with a heart filled with sensitivity.
The warmth of a body the taste of a kiss and the
feeling that someone truly is in Love with you.
This is very desirable in many lives it's my heart's
desire that I pray to Yah will come through.
Must have a heart and willing to Love and receive
Love and just believe that this isn't too good to be true.
Because I'm willing to play for keeps if you are I'm ready
to devote and commit myself to the words I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

Unaffectionate Unemotional

"Unaffectionate Unemotional."

There are males and females who fit this title
who have unresolved problems from the past.
They're in marriages and relationships that are
turbulent that in many cases won't last.
Unaffectionate and unemotional are many
who feel that being sensitive is weak.
Just listen to them the way they address each
other just listen to them speak.
Unaffectionate and unemotional they're
uncaring and unloving too.
The ruin of most marriages is because of
those who would show no emotion to you.
They Lust for sex and they have it but it's
a brutal act trying to punish her sexually.
When you hear them talk about how they
punished her you know they have no sensitivity.
Unaffectionate and unemotional they have this
spirit in them because they are filled with hate.
People who have feelings and know how to care
those demons to them cannot relate.
There are some who are so worldly and filled
with these spirits who are totally blind.
They are wicked and so evil they don't have
nothing to say that could be taken as kind.
There are males and females alike who have
been so emotionally damaged it's sad.
Things for them because of those spirits that
attacked are really bad.
They can't have a real relationship they don't
know how to express feelings and are void of Love.
They've been destroyed emotionally they're
detached from all the true feelings you know of.
Unaffectionate and unemotional like robots
who are under shatan's command.
When it comes down to being Loving and caring
to being affectionate they don't understand.
Being affectionate is Beautiful a hug and a kiss
and saying something sweet are things you should do.
Show that special person how you feel with more than
words let them know they're your dream come true.

shelly david wright, poet

Feel Them with Your Heart

"Feel Them with Your Heart."

The words I write I hope you'll feel them with
your heart, poetry that's written from mine to yours.
Words of Beauty and Love that are inspired by
thoughts of you that from my heart pours.
I hope you'll feel the sweetness in these words
and the Love that I really feel for you.
Every letter formed from the stroke of my fingers
I hope the passion comes flowing through.
There has never been anyone like you in my life
all of the others preparing me for someone greater.
A true Love that I could treasure and cherish a
special gift that I would receive much later.
The words I write I know you'll see them with your
eyes and feel them with your heart totally.
Expressions that can't fully convey all that your
presence in my life means to me.
No one has ever touched me and made me feel
the way that you do.
It is my goal to achieve the gold that through prayers
Yah has made my dream come true.
These words are just what I'm able to write but I can't
fully put into words what my heart is saying.
But the kiss on your sweet lips as I reach out to
hold you will show you the emotions that I'm displaying.
The poetry that I write is my way of expressing
my emotions in print.
Words that came out as a flow of my Love words
from my heart to the computer that are sent.
Feel them with your heart as you read them and I
hope yours beats faster with each word read.
Words that are from someone who Loves you dearly
words that flow from my heart and head.
These words are written from my heart and I hope
you'll feel them as you read them more and more.
I hope these will be the start of a Beautiful Love
Story that I'll write about the one I adore.
To my Love these words I write and I hope they
are felt deeply and your heart each letter will touch.
The woman whom I yearned and prayed for whom
I Love with all of my heart so much.

shelly david wright, poet



I’m writing this poem from what a friend told me
about a woman who was supposedly interested in him.
She claimed that he moved too slow so she moved
on and she's not with them.
You see she never told him she was interested so my
question is how was he supposed to know.
Granted there are people who can't see the signs
and many of us are either shy or just plain slow.
Interested in someone please let them know
they may not be ignoring them but just can't see.
So many are afraid of being rejected so they won't
confess their heart inwardly.
Interested in someone then let them know you never
know what could become of it.
The two of you could be great together who knows
how Beautiful you may be to comprise the perfect fit.
I know I still have a shyness about me and the poetry
is a way for me to let others know what I feel.
Not everyone can express themselves outwardly
or emotionally and this is real.
If you're interested let someone know don't keep it
to yourself speak up don't hold back your peace.
If you're catching each other's eye repeatedly
I think it would be wise for words to be released.
Interested then let me know I'd Love to hear your
thoughts and spend hours on the phone.
We can become the best of friends and maybe more
it's a whole lot better than spending that time alone.
There should not be a rule who makes the first move
the one who is interested in something this they should do.
You never know how this may work out this could be the
one that will bring out the best in you.
If you're interested in someone let them know don't move
on then tell them I tried to wait.
If you're interested in someone why not pursue it you never
know if they could be your mate.
Interested in me I might be interested to know how you feel
so why not speak up and take the chance.
This could open the doors to very wonderful and Beautiful
times where winter leads to spring time romance.

inspired by Charles Trask
shelly david wright, poet



You can reserve many things from a dinner reservation
to a coveted parking space.
Many will get upset after making their reservations
if their table isn't ready or someone has parked in their place.
Yet their most valuable possession their body they
won't reserve for that special person to hold.
The messages that are sent leads them to believe
everyone is doing it when they're worth more than gold.
Your body is the temple of the spirit of Yah or shatan
it's with your body you serve them.
You can be a whore for shatan with your body or with
Yah you can be anointed to serve Him.
When it comes down to relationships we must be
selective and not settle for there are demons out here.
They will come to you like they are so right but
after you've layed with them their true selves will appear.
Reserve your body for the right one because in a
time of disease and death casual sex is not a wise choice.
Shatan through many are pulling at you so listen
carefully to discern which is the right voice.
Love will not provoke you into giving up your treasure
but it will be patient and wait.
Yah although it may seem to take awhile is truly working
for your good and is preparing you for your mate.
Too many have gotten themselves into relationships
based on sex and things but eventually lost out.
They wanted the things that this world has to offer
but things aren't what true Love is all about.
There are many who have been emotionally destroyed
playing into the hands of shatan when someone ran a game.
A heart was broken and they blamed Love when it was Lust
the two of them start with an L but they're not the same.
I'm reserving myself for my spouse not through my own
but the Most High is keeping me.
He's reserving me for the one whom He's chosen from the
beginning as it was always meant to be.
You're a too delicate creature to be broken hearted
finding yourself with someone far less than you deserve.
It's time to allow Yah to keep you and your heart
let Him for the right one place you in reserve.

Felicia G. Johnson, poetess
shelly david wright, poet

More Than I Thought Possible

"More Than I Thought Possible."

This is the day I thought I would see one that I
prayed for as I got down on my knees at night.
For years I yearned to have my arms wrapped
around the one who I'd call my Mrs. Wright.
I have someone standing before me more than I
thought possible more than I ever knew.
A miracle occurred in my life and the greatest
gift I ever received was you.
The phone rings and I wake up from a dream
wishing it will be one I pray will come true.
To be blessed to meet someone Loving, and Passionate,
to be standing in the presence of my Father to say I Do.
Having more than I thought possible or to be honest
far more than I'm probably worthy of.
Someone who I will share every moment and the rest
of my life with a gem from Yah that I will Love.
It's a great thing to find the one whom He has sent
and directed to come your way.
Just imagine meeting someone more than you thought
possible and fumbling for the right words to say.
Someone you just know is too good to be true
is being placed in your life.
Someone whom has been created and chosen for the purpose
of being the one to bless you by becoming your wife.
More than I thought possible is what she'll be
because Yah does more than we could believe.
His thoughts are higher than your thoughts or imagination
and He'll give you more than you could conceive.
This is a poem that I hope will encourage you who are
praying and hoping to see your life long mate.
Don't give up hope and keep trusting in Yah
His Word is real so please be patient and wait.
The desires of your heart will be met and
what will come true will be your wildest dream.
It will be more than you would ever think possible
they'll be a whole lot more than they seem.
More than I thought possible will be my words after
we meet and have conversed for a while.
Even more when I see what amounts to Sunshine
when I see the brilliance of your smile.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, March 4, 2011

Handcuffs and Kisses

"Handcuffs and Kisses."

As I walked through the door there she was in uniform
and she said I had the right to remain silent.
She told me to turn around and begin to handcuff me
and said that I was going to receive some punishment.
She said that she was going to strip search me to see
if I had anything illegal on me.
She pulled off my pants and tore open my shirt and
said that she was going to receive torture intimately.
She threw me on the bed on my back but not before I
was blindfolded she said I was going to confess.
Yet the next thing I know I felt her body against mine
gone was the uniform for she had already undress.
Before I could begin to talk she was kissing me and all
I could do was remain silent except for the groans.
She didn't say a word as I felt her hands and her lips over
my body as she mounted me and she started to moan.
She began reading my rights to Love her passionately
and to pleasure her in every way that is was possible to.
She said I had a right to touch her wherever I pleased
and whatever came to mind that is what I should do.
She told me I was under arrest for not getting home quick
enough and for not caressing her enough.
I met some Officers in my life but this one was really laying
it on mean and she was tough.
She gave new meaning to Brutality when she whipped
me in a very special kind of way.
I then start talking, well not anything useful, in fact I hope
she doesn't put it in her report all that she heard me say.
Handcuffs and kisses and a feeling like a zillion Tazers of
Love going through my body as I was laying on my back.
Again on my lips I felt hers as all I could do is surrender
to the Officer's demands for Love again she gave me a smack.
Handcuffs and kisses from someone who Loves you is
the kind of protection that I need.
Someone who comes home and arrests me twice a week
so her passions and mine we can together feed.
Love and Passion is the Law and I will be doing time with
Her for the rest of my life.
She plans on enforcing the Law of Romance and I Love it
handcuffs and all when the Officer is my wife.

shelly david wright, poet

The Walking Dead

"The Walking Dead."

They're colder than the vastness of outer space
or of any Arctic winter could ever be.
They are the walking dead who are completely
detached emotionally.
They kill, and murder because there is no life
within them they're totally void of Love.
They have feelings of anger, animosity, and are
filled with hate and any other evil spirit you can think of.
Shatan has them possessed and they're filled with
his spirit this you had better believe.
They have the power to charm and to harm you
with lies and deceit they practice to deceive.
They're Zombies not like the ones you see in the movies
they're able to function but in a very wicked way.
You can't believe a word from those who are untrue
you can't put trust in a word they say.
They were once human like many of us until they
had their hearts broken and were brought to the dark side.
Now all they do is inflict the hurt they felt to others
the pain they still feel through memories they can't hide.
Shatan and the lack of understanding results in many
becoming the walking dead it happens everyday.
You see those who don't have true emotions will attack
those who do on those with Love in their hearts they prey.
Love and compassion is foreign to them they no longer
feel nothing associated with Love or trust.
Theirs is the works of the flesh where they are consumed
with wicked thoughts of perversion and lust.
The walking dead is who they are stealing, killing, and
destroying as their father shatan has taught them to do.
If you know the Love of Yah you're blessed and an enemy
to them shatan is going to send them straight at you.
They're cold with no affections and feelings but are quick
to attack you physically, verbally, and mentally too.
Those whom they attack are the ones they claim to care
about but why the drama they're sending them through.
Not everyone who says I Love you is capable of feeling, or
comprehending the emotion that was said.
They are cold and cruel and the children of shatan they'll
lie to your face because they're the walking dead.

"If they can't Feel it's because they're not Real."
shelly david wright, poet

A Drought of Love

"A Drought of Love."

There's a drought in the world of Love and some
females are trying to find emotion wherever they can.
Even if it's in the arms of another female when they
can't find a true man.
Let's face it the world is cold but not as cold as the
hearts of some males and females out here.
When you're in their presence and hear them speak
you'd pray that the Winter in them would disappear.
Ice water runs through their veins and they have
hearts made of stone.
They are unaffectionate, uncaring, unloving, and
down right hateful to the bone.
Yet to get their way they will use the word Love
a word they couldn't comprehend or emotionally convey.
Why do you think there are so many who are hurt out
here hearts are broken by these demons everyday.
There's a drought of Love and Scripture said during
the end times the Love of many would wax cold.
Yet many seemed to never have any feelings other
than getting wet or an erection to behold.
There's more than just the physical but there's a whole
other world where emotions and feelings are the key.
It's not about what you see but what you feel it's about
a heart that's in need of Love beating inwardly.
Unfortunately many hearts go unloved because Love is
in short supply but Lust is in abundance today.
Flesh freaks is what I call them and the horror of being
emotionally unfulfilled would make you want to pray.
That you are blessed with someone who has understanding
who isn't looking to get the Milk for free and move on.
There's a whorish spirit and many think it's Love but they
find out how wrong they are when that person's gone.
Love requires being devoted, and committed it's about
being honest and loyal too.
You should be able to place their feelings and concerns
above your own and have trust that they will do the same for you.
Open the Scriptures and read about Love and know it's gentleness,
kindness, longsuffering, patience, and so much more.
Words of action more than emotions that many hearts have
never experienced in their beating lives before.

I Love You in Yah, Shalom
shelly david wright, poet

A Man would Never Hit a Woman

"A Man would Never Hit a Woman."

A man would never hit a woman but a male would
knock a female's head off he'd knock her out.
There are some females who never had a man and
true Love in their lives this I have no doubt.
There's a difference all day long in males and men
and by looking you simply cannot see.
You need to be a woman not a female to know what
a man is because he's a man inwardly.
First of all when I was growing up you had men who
were the heads of their families now males hit and run.
It's all about the physical to them just about sex with
as many as possible who they can screw is what's done.
You wonder why there's an explosion of diseases not
to mention the demons that they're carrying around too.
Why do you think there's a spike in male on male murders
they're possessed and the demons tell them what to do.
Men are responsible when males are not and this goes
for females who have not learned yet to say no.
If it takes child support to get him to take care of his
child then you know you'd better let him go.
There are females who are not Loved but Controlled by
males who threaten them and speak to them any kind of way.
They're abused in all the ways it's possible to be and
will get slapped if there's anything that they say.
It's sad that these are the people that Yah chose as His own
and sadder still that this is what some feel that Love is about.
Love ain't cursing and hitting making you a punching bag
Love is patient and is kind, is unspeakable Joy to make you shout.
Love is responsible and caring, Love will deny self and place
you above themselves and Love seeks to do right.
I heard this said take out Love and insert man and you have
what one of Yah's will do to his wife's delight.
Unlike a male a man will find you good enough to marry
because he's not trying to get the Milk for free.
He knows what Yah's Word says and He's not going to
touch you until you two marry.
A man would never hit a woman but a male would not
only hit her but brutally beat her also.
You see a man has the spirit of Yah and is growing daily
where a male is possessed by shatan and to do good he does not know.

shelly david wright, poet