Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Set Apart Spouse

"A Set Apart Spouse."

This poem is for my Brothers and Sisters who
are praying that Yah will end their loneliness.
They're looking for that special one to complete
them and I know this Yah shall address.
We are in a world where shatan is its ruler and its
inhabitants are his as Scriptures say we once were too.
We must wait on those who Yah has Set Apart we
must truly learn Love and Appreciation I'm telling you.
We're a Set Apart people and we need a Set Apart
spouse who has His spirit where He'll be head and tail.
Yah will be the foundation where you both will submit
to Him and each other in a Love that will never fail.
Obedience to Yah and each other denying self but
pleasing the other each must do.
Self is the enemy that must die daily but the full spirit
of Yah in Love the two must pursue.
A Set Apart spouse with Yah's Set Apart spirit is all
the two of you will need because He's there also.
When you two are intimate it becomes a threesome
because Yah is in the midst I want you to know.
In fact it's His spirit that separates sex from true
Lovemaking it's His power that will make it sweet.
You will feel His spirit during your intimacy as
you tingle from your head straight down to your feet.
The Beautiful part of being celibate is Yah can make
it feel brand new when you're filled with His Love.
A Set Apart Spouse with Yah's Set Apart spirit
what else in the world that you know you're in need of.
In the world it was all about self, sex is a selfish act
that is empty and unfulfilling as it's meant to be.
Many think that sex is the greatest creation but the
truth about those spirits that invade they can't see.
When you have the Set Apart spirit you'll know true
Lovemaking with your whole heart you'll feel it.
Sex may look the same but that's where the similarity
ends it's a real heart to heart art I must submit.
For my Brothers and Sisters who are awaiting their
Brides and Grooms believe me it will be worth the wait.
Yah is going to show up and show out and you'll have
the Hallelu Yah moment when you receive your mate.

Believe it,
shelly david wright, poet

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