Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Wish We had Love for One Another

"I Wish We had Love for One Another."

I wished that we had Love for one another
instead of a smile I see a frown.
We know that the answer is a spiritual one
yet we point fingers and put each other down.
We know that people are spiritual creatures led
by forces they can't comprehend nor see.
I wish we had Love from the Most High of Heaven
and He was in all of us inwardly.
As a rebellious people to Yah we're constantly
fighting and cannot get along.
We're quick to condemn yet slow to understand
that in blindness we're not all strong.
We don't want to bear the infirmities of the weak
nor do we want to be bothered with them.
I wish we had Love for one another and Yah was
here so we can truly learn from Him.
We are an angry mean spirited people who are
impatient who want it right now and can't wait.
But a time is coming that for the least little thing
we are going to learn to appreciate.
Yah is going to bring humility to the people and
take all their things away very soon.
The All About Me spirit will no longer exist they'll
be marching to a different tune.
The time is coming and I have mentioned this before
that so much drama we're going to see unfold.
That as much complaining as we do about each other
to another Black face will look to many as Gold.
Right now we have the spirit of hatred and animosity
but that will soon disappear and there's going to be a change.
Yah is growing tired of this insanity because if you
smile or speak well they look at you strange.
I wish that we had Love in our hearts and then the
spirit of Loneliness would not exist.
There would be many poems and songs written about
that special one that they cannot resist.
I wish they knew what true Love was but instead they're
filled with shatan's spirit and they bring forth death.
To say I wished that we knew what Love was and gave
it is a prayer and not a waste of breath.

shelly david wright, poet

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