Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cat Stabbers and the Stabbed

"Cat Stabbers and The Stabbed."

There are many who are possessed with this spirit
where they're being controlled but know it not.
They're being set up to be destroyed and they're dying
a little bit daily by the diseases they've got.
The diseases are more than they catch sexually
the disease is not ever feeling or knowing what they do.
Sure they think they're enjoying the pleasures they're
feeling but they're empty souls and sex is what they pursue.
They're Cat Stabbers and those who enjoy being stabbed
they're whores to their flesh trying to feed and please it.
What they do is give themselves over to a spirit
and transgressions against the Most High they commit.
Sex is not casual at all it comes with a cost that
many gave their lives trying to pay.
The spirit of the world that is shatan is destroying
many lives through sex everyday.
Physical intimacy was created to be enjoyed it's a
way of expressing what you feel emotionally.
Before you ever touch them they're aroused
in their minds and hearts spiritually.
The only catch is Yah gave it to the married
but shatan gives it to who ever will obey him.
His spirit is in all those who whore around when
they're whoring he's there in the midst with them.
And as you whore he is before the Most High showing
Him the Creation and the sins they commit.
You see the body is not for whoring it's a temple to serve
but many are serving their lusts/shatan I'll admit.
It is truly the easiest way to get you to sin ask yourself
do you feel guilty when you lay with that man's wife.
Do you ask for forgiveness and you make it a pattern
when David sinned it was an act not his life.
Shatan controls the masses through sex just as this
country controls through fear.
Believe me, but Scripture more, sex outside of
marriage isn't as innocent as it appears.
Cat Stabbers and those who get Stabbed share all
the fluids and the spirits of those that had them before.
What they think they're enjoying is nothing but a life
of disease, drama, and demons from shatan and nothing more.

shelly david wright, poet

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